There is a game breaking bug at the very end when talking to the Guide that crashes the game but it only happens on the Web build of game and I have no Idea why. I will add a downloadable version of the game as well that wont have that weird bug.

You have arrived on an island. You must make your way across the island while talking to the people you see. As you interact with people on this island you will start spreading your energy to people. Treat people well and spread good energy or treat them bad and spread bad energy. You have the power to leave a good or bad impact on people's lives. Choose which you will do.

This game is being made for the Pirate Software Game Jam

If their are game breaking bugs please leave a comment about it and I will get around to fixing it.


Impacted.exe 170 MB
Impacted GDD.odt 30 kB


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I spread the negativity to everyone, then at the end, with the wizard, the game crashed

If you were using the web build of the game that will happen. It is a weird bug with the web build only that no one can figure out. if it was on the windows downloadable build then that is a different story.

Hey there! After I told Anna that the guy liked her, I went back and talked to him, then back to talk to her her, then back to him (Don't know if I interacted or not), and the game froze. Really neat game though I like it!

Thanks for letting me know. It will be fixed in the next update. Glad you liked the game