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A member registered Apr 29, 2021 · View creator page →

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sure man you had two days lol

Still liked it alot and had fun  :)

didnt work for me - could control the red plane but it didnt do anything

cute game - good job!

Cute game had some fun, Good job :)

cute game - a bit boring without a goal or a time limit

a nice idea, but a bit hard to understand and the dice stack and block each other

loved the game art and loop - had a lot of fun

a fun gameplay loop and its cool that its procedural!

Very good art and alot of fun playing this shooter - did ignore the dices to the side though cause i had to focus on the game

Good idea and great presentation - i would move the hand a bit further from the player to give him more visual space

I enjoyed the game in general - a really nice idea :)