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A member registered Mar 25, 2023 · View creator page →

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No, it's the same content as the web version

(1 edit)

You should just need to download the windows version and run the .exe. is this not working?

The browser deleting your progress is not supposed to happen either, but this is dependent on a lot of things: browser, OS, extensions, ... 

Hope that helps!

Sorry for this! You can also unlock the rogue by going into the options menu and unlock all heroes there (unlock content button) :)

Super cool! :)

Hey! Sorry I must have missed your comment :(

I don't have an exact estimate yet because I'm still adding lots of steam specific things like achievements and also balancing the game more and adding more cards.

Also I need to work more on the marketing side for the game so it gets some kind of visibility on release. That's the main reason I can't really give an estimate when it's gonne release.

I'm glad you're excited for the game though! I just have to ask you to be a little more patient :)

Thank you so much! :) :) :)

Endless mode is a bit hidden, so spoilers ahead!

To enter endless mode, you play a run on gathering tower on a difficulty you've beaten before. Then while playing you'll get offered a peculiar trinket you should take. Then beat the boss and you'll be going endless :)

What other things are you looking for?

Thank you so much! :)

Sadly the Playdate is just such a weird little device to make games for, I would have to completely rebuild the whole game from scratch... probably won't happen :(

That's an awesome story! :) Thanks so much for sharing!!!

Thanks so much!!! <3

Hi!  Glad you're enjoying the game :)

Yeah, it's coming soon, gotta do some more tests first though!

Yes, in the next few days! :)

(2 edits)

Well no wonder, that's simply a really strong and efficient deck! :) 

But I agree that this archetype is a bit too easy to build for the power output it has. I'm not 100% sure to nerf Force Multiplier just yet. The card is pretty hard to balance because it has a hard cut-off between doing nothing and doing something very powerful. And you managed to upgrade your weapons to a point where you meet the threshold very consistently.

 I was already planning to nerf the Lance, because it currently scales just too well with upgrades and the diagonal attack option is a crazy powerful effect already. And it seems it was your main damage source in this case.

This is amazing feedback, thank you so much!

Thanks a lot for the feedback and sorry for the confusion, the game's still in development! I will eventually make it clear that this version still has limited content.

About the overkill mechanic: I'm not fully sure but I think you're talking about the Force Multiplier Aura together with a high attack value weapon... right?  To re-use your weapon. Want to share what weapon(s) you were using? :)

Ahh, I didn't see this earlier. Sorry! 

I've reworked bosses since your comment, so yeah I agree that the old structure of boss battles wasn't ideal. Hope the new system is more interesting (albeit on the harder side in terms of difficulty) :)

Thaaanks! ^^

Hey! Just a heads up: Linux version is now available! :)

Yes to both Mac and Linux versions!

I just haven't gotten around to it yet. The biggest hurdle is that I don't have a regular Mac or Linux machine to properly work/test/build the game on. Need to set this up first, but after that, I fully plan on making Mac and Linux versions! :)

Glad you solved it! :)

Ah, that's a tricky one! :) every monster you defeat should free up another card, either armor or a sword. And with each freed card you can defeat another monster. So it's a case of finding the right order. Hope that helps! 

As for the +1/-1 buttons, those just show how the card would change if you'd upgrade it. You can't upgrade the card there, just preview it.

Oh, I missed your comment! Thank you so much! :)

Ahhh, now I understand! When first trying the game, you switched to the rogue, which has a tutorial section, but it's hard to understand if you haven't first played the knight.

That's why I changed it so that the rogue unlocks later on in the game. You must have redownloaded the later version of the game, but your savegame still contained the rogue run, but then it got locked.

Hope the game is now a bit more understandable for you, sorry for the confusion! :)

I'm not sure if you are talking about the tutorial levels, where there is a specific sequence to reach the exit. Or about the tower levels/rooms which are always procedurally generated. You can get stuck if you spend all of your weapon attacks, that's part of the game  :)

Hmm... I can't deny that the game has puzzle influences and the first tutorial rooms are definitely puzzles. But the majority of the game is only a puzzle in the way any turn based roguelike or card game is a puzzle, imho.

I'm curious what makes you say its more a puzzle game?

Thanks for spoting that, will be fixed in the next version! :)

That helps a lot, thanks for the report! I should be able to fix this! :)

Oh yeah! B-)

hey! Sorry for this! :( does it happen in specific situations?

Great to hear, thanks! ^^

Sorry for the trouble! :( Yes, the download version should be 10x smoother! 

I had the suspicion that the Glass Sphere does not feel good, and your comment tipped the scale and I decided to give it another re-design... good decision I think :)

Stats on the ending screen is definitely coming, also on unsuccessful runs! It's always fun to read those. I might even show damage done or other stats - depending on card type - per individual card, as that can even help players evaluate cards better.

Thanks, I think? :D


OMG, that's really great feedback!

I have very similar feelings about the glass sphere mechanic! I thought maybe it's just me or it's because I'm still used to the old system. It's eye-opening to hear I'm not the only one and that it doesn't work as well as the previous system.

I'm gonna give the Dungeon Deck another shot! Maybe I can somehow keep it in the game while tackling the issues I have/had with it in another way.

Thank you so much! <3

+1 struggling with this as well.

It's not working for me either. I 100% checked that I copy/pasted the correct GA4 code into the form, but 48 hours later still no analytics show up.

whaaat?!? Literal bluescreen? That's not supposed to happen ofc :(

Thanks for letting me know! It will be fixed in the next update, which will come out really soon.

As a workaround, you should be able to make it visible by resizing your (browser) window. Try keeping it as tall/high as possible, and reduce its width. Then the button should become visible at some point. This is only for the embark screen, after that the game should work with any resolution.

Sorry for the issue, I hope you'll give it another try!

Sure! :) 

The game is currently pretty darn hard. I'm working on a new version that turns down the difficulty a bit and gives players more options.

Here's me playing through the first 3 floors:

Hope that gives you some pointers on how to play! I'm also happy to help if things are not clear :)

(1 edit)

Hello! :)

First of all, thank you so much for taking the time to write these comments, I really enjoy reading them <3 And congrats on the win! Beating the game is definitely very hard at the moment, well done!

What follows is me dumping my brain, so it's a long one. I totally understand if you don't care about the stuff, especially in this detail!

A bit of a sneak peak of what's going on with the game right now:

I did a lot of playtesting and thinking in the last two weeks myself and I also encountered some of the issues you mentioned, like the overwhelming and tedious "late" game where fatigue is stacking up more and more.  I'm working on improvements for that. 

Also, Rogue's raw damage output is currently way worse compared to the Knight... Rogue will get a buff in the next update for sure!

Additionally,  there's some rather big issues I found in my playtests that I'm currently adressing:

  • the monster movement is cool and dynamic... but I found it's TOO good. With the current mechanic, monsters can easily encircle and trap you. Noticing this early enough and evading such situations is tough and requires an almost perfect knowledge of the inner workings of how the monster "AI" moves. An impossible task for new players. And even I find myself trapped more often than I want to :D
    That's why I have been experimenting with different movement designs, that make monster moves more... predictable. So that players have an easier time planing ahead. I have a solution I'm 90% happy with, that will be in the next update. I'm very curious what you think! :)
  • I always liked the idea of having a Dungeon Deck that is in direct competition to your Hero's Deck. I liked that it has a nice symmetry to it (your deck vs. theirs). And it also made the victory condition clear and straight forward: clear the Dungeon Deck of cards.
    But the way it is currently set up has a huge flaw: the pacing is really uneven! The first room is always the hardest, because the Dungeon Deck is full of Monsters and they all are at full health. If players make it through the first room, they likely defeated and/or weakened some Monsters already, making the next room comparably easier, and so on. The last room on a floor often only has only 1 or 2 monsters in it, making it really easy, but also quite tedious. Your comment about the late game fatigue makes this very apparent too. So this is all very weird and unusual from a game design standpoint... and simply makes the game worse. If anything, I would want players to get stronger during a floor, and not reducing the challenge they have to face.
    That's why the Dungeon Deck had to go. The latest build (not released yet) plays much more even and avoids a lot of the tediousness. It also allows me to design floors in a way so they get (slightly) harder towards the end... and design more cards that become better the longer a floor goes on to counter that, giving players some small-scale power trips.
    I'm still ironing out a lot of details, like what the actual victory condition of a floor is. But you'll see that in the next update, if you like :)

Pfew... thanks for reading my long rant! I hope it was somewhat coherent. :)