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A member registered Aug 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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I think it was due to the Mouse not being stuck to the centre of the screen. When the user attempted to move the mouse, the Physical Curser was moved as-well. When the Curser then reached the edge of the screen, it was unable to continue any further. ♥

Quite Interesting Game.
The Top down functionality made the game a bit more understandable, but it did not work at times and because of this the game required a few resets to be completed.

Good choice of Topic, Which was well executed!

Maybe using a slightly more detailed art style could have made it easier to tell characters apart. 

Rating Wise, The game scores above average in most things, but does not excel in any one place. :Thumbs_up_Emoji:

The Most Ambitious game you have made so far, I look forward to the next one.

Fun game but Circle is OP AF ):<<<<<<<<<<<< Good game, 13/25

The game is fun but sometimes a room has 0 keys in the room, this can cause you to be trapped. a solid 14/25

Great game, with good art and a good gameplay. A Great 19/25

The game is very short but the little of the game that does exist is alright 11/25

Very short, Fun but once the Food dies it doesn't respawn... A alright 9/25

Its a little hard to eat in some but the game is alright. 12/25

A all-round good game, A solid 17/25

A great artstyle and a good story, a Timer would help the game being more understandable. A Almost Perfect 20/25

The art is great and the game is very Polished, a great 17/25

The Audio was made in a Free soundeffect thing I found and yea the "Music" was made in Bosca Ceoil

The Theme is "you are what you Consume", I related that to "You are what you eat". I kinda used that to make a game about the Healthy/Apple mode and the Unhealthy/Cake mode. because "You are what you eat" is often used in lots of Healthy eating Posters.

The theme is one of the Five scores a Game is judged on.

Hands down the best paint/Colour based game in the jam, The Theme is a little off but would work as a A+ standalone game. A great 16/25

Great game with Gameplay that fits the theme quite well. A Good 17/25

Great Gameplay but the Window is a little small, The plot twist was a little easy to guess tho.

Fun game, Good puzzles, Doesn't really match the theme tho. a good 14/25

I like the style and the animations. 12/25

I like the game but you can instantly die if there is 2 humans next to each other. 13/25

Fun game. Solid 13/25

A great game, not a big fan of the Platforming tho. a Great 18/25

Fun game but the levels feel empty and the movement feels too heavy. a Alright 13/25

Sadly the game doesn't work for me as Thin danni could just fit between the gaps in the Platforms and fall infinitely. Nice artwork tho. a 12/25

A alright game, wish more time was put into the artwork.

Fun game with a alright theme. a alright 14/25

A great game but I wish there was a little more direction on what to do. A high 19/25.

Enjoy the Idea but the single level and limited playtime, I feel, Is holding it back. a good 13/25

A fun game with a cool idea, Not sure about the Theme but the enjoyable quick levels made up for it. Solid 16/25

The Theme is a bit questionable but other than that the game is fun. a Solid 13/25

A nice speedy game, interesting art but the game does feel more like you are moving the Pizza and not the Character. A solid 13/25

A lovely game, the game is fun to play and with a interesting ideas. Not sure about the theme tho, Solid 16/25

The Game was fun but Ran quite poorly in Browser. issue is the Checkpoints are broken, if you get a checkpoint and run out of ammo after, when you spawn you have 0 ammo. a 15/25 for me.

You do not need be able to count to make a video game or to code. Counting is a old skill that is no-longer needed. Also I just missed the time that was written just under the title...

Like I have no-idea, if anyone knows please reply

The game was fun, Good game.