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A member registered Jul 29, 2017

Recent community posts

Nice, just another question: how much does the price affects the gameplay? I mean, if i set the price too low it's good for customers so in theory they should buy it.

Thanks! I'll try it again with those informations.. i get some investment ($250.000) and try it but my scenario was: Spending a lot in marketing (20k) and only have a few users (100, giving me a 3k profit).

Well, we'll see. Thanks, keep the good work and i would love to contribute with some ideas.

First community topic! Well, the game is well done and i couldn't find any bugs.. but i can't make a profit: my churn rate is huge and i can't ever make profit. Do guys have some guide or similar?

Thanks! Congratz for the game.

Thanks leafo, it was solved.

Appreciate the help. ;-)

Still waiting. I think you guys understand my hurry since i did want to play the game on saturday but until now i didn't receive nothing: feedback, game or credit card refund.


Thanks leafo, it was sent 3 days ago using the email from  this account. Still didn't receive nothing.

Hi, i'm having some problems with payment: they charged and didn't give my game I've sent email to but they didn't seem to care.

They have another e-mail? Or anybody can help me? Thanks.