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I’m working on a game for this year’s LowResJam and wanted to give you a heads-up. I’m planning to create a game focused on resource management and human evolution, inspired by the concept of your previous game. I just want to acknowledge that I’m using some of your ideas as a foundation for my project.

Your game is absolutely stunning and incredibly replayable—seriously, I love it! Thanks for the inspiration and for setting such a high standard

wow i played the whole game . End boss fight is dope.

Wow, the game looks fantastic! The use of particles is impressive, and the night mode enhances the experience beautifully. The color palette is well-managed; the dark colors really help to highlight the lighter ones. If you haven’t already, don’t forget to check out my game and leave a comment below! 😊

Thank you for playing Futto! I hope you enjoyed the game. I understand that many players found the hovering and air dash mechanics challenging. My intention was to encourage players to learn these mechanics through experimentation. I had originally designed a level featuring a tunnel with black dash cubes to help teach the mechanics, but unfortunately, I wasn’t able to include it.

Once the jam concludes, I’ll be releasing an updated version with additional content and improved polish. I appreciate your patience and support, and I hope you’ll stick with it until then. Thank you!

Thank you for playing Futto! I hope you enjoyed the game. I understand that the hovering and air dash mechanics might be a bit challenging, and I apologize if this was difficult. I also noticed that you experienced some sound issues, which seems to be an isolated case. I’m looking into this and will ensure it’s addressed. I’ll keep you updated on the release of a new version with additional content and improvements. Your feedback and support are greatly appreciated

The parallax effects are looking fantastic, and the adrenaline-pumping gameplay is truly exciting. Everything is coming together awesomely!


Thanks for the feedback! I’m glad you enjoyed the aesthetics and music. I’ll work on improving the mechanics and adding features like a leaderboard. I also have ideas for more levels coming soon (a special area after collecting all bottles). I appreciate your support and suggestions! Sure I will rate your too !

love your game. If you add atari filter that would be great

GGs! nice game pal!!

I really like the how you let people customize how to play!!! GGs!

Thanks for playing my game JaviSotelo . I got thoughts to add some new levels in future. 

I will sure play your game too. Thanks by the way!

so basically black tiles , increase player's x axis movement speed and decrease the gravity pull. So You can jump in to it and hold left or right arrow keys to quickly move.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the support.

Sprites looks awesome and nice cover art!

Hey thanks for playing my game. Some new levels  will be added to the game  as quick as possible in order to teach how " dash mechanism " works .

So basicaly when u upload a game u can see the "Upload banner" in right side under it you can upload up to 5 screenshots :3

Hence ur already at almost finish stage I suggest you to upload to other live gamejams . Forget the theme just see how people react to ur creation :3

man so polished and so carm . You just nailed it buddy.

Sorry about that. My apologies , I thought to update the game's new version with a inbuilt tutorial but unfortunately i can't reupload due to policy .. (I will inform you after they let me upload it :3)

:3 it reminds me undertale .. 

There's a infection called shigella  , hence I learn biology i came up with name shigola ...  Do you know at first this main character was just a support drone to a mother like character . I got kinda busy and changed the story a bit. :3. BTW i really like ur game .. cards remind me BALATRO

I really like this game specially the colour pallet you used ! Only complain is that controls are kinda slow but really cool game

20 stars !!!!!!

colours are well matched and the gameplay is smooth  by the way it was a challange to catch those flying demons :3

i accidently deleted my file to ulpoad a new one with the turtorial . Unfortunately I cant reupload can someone help me.