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A member registered Feb 06, 2018 · View creator page →

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oOo! thank you so much. I appreciate you looking :D. Ill try to add some more to when I get more time.

Any time man. I used to Art Direct games so that was sort of my job. In regards to the display picture above. Id suggest showing a face in the image. People connect with eyes so at the very least show your eyes in the picture. Think of the subtext an image conveys and how you want to brand yourself. 

pretty cool smears!

I like this! Do the next one with a little perspective in there! 

this shows good planning skills but the drawing ability and animation is very poor. Also your display picture is ridiculously bad. I make games professionally and this would never fly. One thing I do like is the idea of this drawing style being a deliberate choice do make a very unique look for a game. Maybe consider re-drawing these assets in digital format. 

Thanks so much guys!! 

(1 edit)

Hi Im new to Itch and am planning to begin to share assets Ive made over the years.

check out my first post here:

any encouragement, or feedback is appreciated :D

Great work man!