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A member registered Oct 20, 2021 · View creator page →

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I was made redundant recently and need to build up my portfolio with non-VR related stuff, as I was getting a bit sick of that stuff anyway

Great premise and application of the jam's theme. I think there's lots of potential, the idea of building complex Rube Goldberg machines in a VR context is very appealing (my child self's mind would've been blown!). 

Well polished and good satire! Planned obsolescence fit the theme of one time use very well

Little spoiler below;
I found receiving a so called 'negative bonus' hilarious, although at this stage it's not even outside the realm of possibilities that companies would start using that term :|

Cool idea! Reminds me very much of Outer Wilds, and having a dedicated VR game in that vain would work very well (and possibly very nauseating given some of the things that can happen in that game!!)

What a unique and neat concept, and very well presented! I regret drawing a penis tho

What a unique and neat concept, and very well presented! I regret drawing a penis tho

Smooth and stylish shooter! Play style is reminiscent of the modern Doom games. The dashing is well implemented (based on looking direction) and being able to combo jumps and dashes is satisfying. Impressive this was put together is such a short time frame!

You should be able to get out the window when you've solved the puzzle. Hint - there's moving and climbing furniture involved!

Unfortunately nothing happens when you win, you just fall out the window haha! I submitted the last minute really and didn't spare time for something interesting to happen

You can restart by holding the right thumbstick for a short duration

Cheers and will check your game out when I get the chance

My bad on the build setting not being correct. I thought I had set it, but I was in such a rush when I submitted the final build that I must've overlooked it! 

Thanks for the feedback