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Lucas Félix

A member registered May 21, 2019 · View creator page →

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Aqui também :/

I'm not sure it is possible to beat the fourth level, but otherwise great game!

Thank you! We had fun adding yhe details

We greatly appreciate the feedback!

Thank you for your feedback!

We're glad you liked it. We hope to expand on difficulty one day!

Really liked how the bullets also represent your health!

Thanks! We made it ourselves :)

What I loved about this game is it's simple yet engaging. At first I switched the cars around so I could control the left one with my left hand and vice versa, but I had a lot more fun when I played with them on the opposite direciton. It would be interesting if you set that as a restriction in a future revision. Great work!

Thank you a lot! We're hoping it gets more attention in the next days :)

I really liked the game! I did it first try as I realized that keeping a long distance and attacking from afar didn't give him a lot of opportunities to hit you. I wish the dash was in reference to the player movement and not the mouse position, as sometimes I dashed right into him forgetting that.

Thank you!

I liked it, sometimes I shoot the cannon and nothing happens to the other ship but other than that really liked the idea.

Really liked it! Sometimes the shields block the vision from incoming swords but I really think this concept works!

I liked the looks and mechanics, but could't get past the fourth level. Nice game!

Thank you!

(1 edit)

Thank you for your feedback!