I really like the the concept! Would love to see what comes next.
Lost Squirrel
Recent community posts
Not a problem, happy to help. I usually make a save before I make a decision like that.
I think I found another issue. I seem to be stuck waiting for Alicia to "get situated" after the scene with her at the safe house.
At the same time when I visit her at her house there is a prompt to visit Lady Mantis that I don't remember having set up with her.

Not sure if it is just my game or what but when I clicked to run game it immediately shows:
"Dr. Sexbomb gently removes your catheter, expeditiously applies plentiful lubrication to her exposed manhood,then mounts you. There's no elegance in the action this time; it's clear she won't hold back. Her hands find their way to your chest, her full weight bearing down on your bosom."
I have to click through to to the end and only by going to the bonus screen am I able to get to the main menu.
Also I forgot to bring this up earlier but I had a question about some text just before the examination.
"Leaving you thus exposed, the doctor wheels a cart to one side of the table. Laid upon it are the same instruments of sexual fantasy observed upon first entering—each one growing in scale as they march from left to right."
I don't remember the cart, much less the items on it, being mentioned before.
There is also no mention of the doctor pulling out of whichever orifice after her inspection. Just thought that could add a nice bit of depth and detail to the story.
"Dr. Xx raises her hips, almost permitting your member to quit her warmth, then forcefully strikes downward again. Her testes slap loudly; she gasps coquettishly. Suddenly, by some miracle of acrobatic balance, one of the doctor's hands finds its way to your scrotum. Despite this auxiliary action, at no point do her hips cease their indefatigable ricocheting."
Is it really a marvel of acrobatics if she is riding you reverse cowgirl?
"Dr. Xx gently removes your catheter, turns away from you—exposing her buttocks—then seats herself between your legs—one hand hastily guiding you into her womanhood."
If she removed the catheter, wouldn't whatever it was holding back come rushing out? Maybe have it where the bulb that seals the urethra stay when the catheter is removed.
Sorry for the laundry list of issues.
It was no problem at all to run through it again, even if bladder inflation isn't my thing, I was happy to help. And it was at my leisure that I did it 馃榿.
Take your time, there is no rush. As long as you are passionate about the project that is all that matters, just keep up the quality content and more praise will follow.
It didn't detract from the gameplay, it just left me wondering if something was missing or not implemented yet.
Did a quick run through, everything looks good.
Found another issue. If you choose the futa option there is a discrepancy "She plunges her silicone instrument into you with reckless abandon". The whole paragraph and the doctors dialogue seems to be from her as a full female and not a futanari.
Also I found a small typo. When the doctor is straddling you it says "Dr. Monalott's balls pushagainst your".
Again keep up the great work Lars.
I'm not sure if it's because I'm playing on a phone, Galaxy S9 and using Chrome browser, but when I try to get throat fucked the text stops and I can't scroll down further than the Dr saying "Mm, so warm."
I have also tried running the page in desktop mode, but the problem still persists.
In addition I noticed an issue with the text color returning to default upon reaching an ending and choosing the play again option.
Great job on your first adult game, I'm looking forward to seeing more from you.
Minor bug report. I seem to have somehow glitched the xenosexologist, it has been 25 in game days and the institute hasn't taken her back. Not a game breaking bug, she has made me a lot of money though. 馃榿
I'm also getting the same occasional spam message that RadTad is getting regarding the stamina cost, but I am getting them at the beginning of the day when I open the brothel. In addition when the messages pop up it seems to skip the morning and go right to early afternoon.
Also there is a minor working mistake on the page where you open the brothel. It says "You HARE spending xxx on...".
Also are you planning on implementing an option, after x amount of clients served or money earned, to make the slave a regular whore? I kinda like the idea of being able to free them after all there hard work.
For added information, I am playing this on my S9 phone using Google chrome.
Love the game so far! Keep up the amazing work!