Hello There. Very nice story. Well okay not nice but you get what I mean
This is the first one (I think) thats a full point and click from you. Nice change of paste. (I do find it funny that the option always dash is still in there. Because oww the amound dashing I have done is CrAzY). For the story itself its a interesting one. At the one side its pretty hard to make a story where the character does nothing but I do think you did it quiet nicely. What is she eating? She has been there for what we know more then 5 days. (Tasty flies Ig).
Final thoughts
A decent one person 4 days protect (Thought the choice to make this in the time you had wouldnt be something I would do but hey) Nice job and keep it up
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Hello there. This was a interesting one
First off the first look on the game was a bit wanky with the full gray background into standerd rpg maker characters but it did became better after that. The hole pc theme was good and I dont think anyone else in this game jam did it as farr as I know it so your on the right trake with that one. The little minigames that it has were a bit wierd however. By the torch one there wasnt really anyway to tell if the monster would be there. Ofcourse that made it a bit hard but in a good way. The other 2 I dont really have much to say for. Both decent. The final cut sene with the logs was nice and that was my favorite part. (I like stories and thats kinda the point the story is opening up). That also the place you learn that you play as a different person. I thought first that we were still playing as the guy but no not at all. anywho I do like those wiki pages. Make it feel more real in a way. however wen I failed in the last code and tried again the smile didnt show anymore. Sure after I did it he came back but the smile was there in the first try yet not in the re tries? a bit odd.
Final Words.
Personaly Im not the biggest fan of stories that play of in the real world. I like the new world to explore thing a bit more but I do think you did it pretty good with the pc so good job. Only things I would say is that it getting sent back to the title screen thing happend a bit to much at some point and the beginning could use some of your art. Besides that good job.
Keep it up.
Hello there. This game was a wierd ride.
So Bruno is a biy of a wierd character. Hes the only dectective for the cult case yet he has more then enough stuff to prove it with the one foto in his office. The game have you almost never run? why? this game has alot of long sections and we just have to walk all that way. I do like what you did to the main menu but why is there no options for sound. The sound was very loud at my side so that was kinda bad. The story itself had also a pretty big hole. Why are there monster at night? Sure there bunkers and yes there is a bloodmoon that night but looking at some of the dialogue those monsters arent new. So why are they there
Final thoughts.
Interesting idea and concept but its just not explaned well enough. Let us know why there monsters and my light is there one weakness. At the sound option back and the option to run.
Hope this helps. Keep it up
Hello there. This game was a very nice change of pase
There arent that many games made in RPG Maker that take me more than 1 day to complete. I think I just like looking at every nook and cranny. Liked to story. Nothing bad to say about it really and doesnt really happen alot for me. (Even my friend I was in a disc call with told me I sounded much more excited while playing it). Thats true. Nothing makes me happier then a good told story. The walking looked a bit wanky though and ofcourse the wall and snowman that i already told you about.
Final thoughts.
Mostly great job I would say. I would probably look over the game for some bugs you might missed but besides that I got nothing else to say.
Hope this helps. Keep it up
Hello There. This is a game.
This is what I like to call a first beta project. Sorry if this is gonna get long. First of the file of this game is very large. Thats because you kept all the pre made things still in the game. If you remove the files that arent needed or incryped them then the file is somewhat smaller. The story is very emtpy. 2 NPC's at most and the character at the end we havent seen anywhere. Almost nothing has colition. You can just kinda walk over the house. The dialogue could use some personal look at it. Give the characters some emotion. An easy way to make your game stand out is making the art of it yourself. I personaly use Pixel studio and thats free so try that out and learn it slowly but surely. You can customise the look of this itch page aswell to make it not just white and that might helps a bit with luring in people.
Final thoughts
I know its your first game but the sooner you have a path to follow the sooner youll get better at it.
Hope this helps. Keep it up and good luck bud
Hello there. This was one of the more interesting games in this game jam.
At first I didnt think it would be a side scroller but here we are. Liked the change of pase in that regard. Took me a bit to get the story but overall that was good aswell. Something different then what I have played so far atleast. The only thing really is that No where as far as I know is the name of the main character. While its a small thing that kinda says alot. I dont really have that much advise to give here. You did a good job with a solid 20 min game.
Final thoughts
Great game. Only thing I like to see/Know is the main characters name. Could be that I just missed it but if not. Thats the only thing
Hope this helps. Keep it up
Hello there. This game looked the most interesting from all the ones in the jam before playing.
I really liked to main theme of the main character being interrogated. Gives the game a bit of a undertone. The first part of the game with the lamp lighter was a bit wanky. You could move up making you kinda fly. Wen (Talking) to people there sprites kinda fly in the middle of the screen being cut by nothing most of the time. Dont get me wrong I liked the talk battle thing but the sprites just dont like it.
Final thoughts
Mostly the game wasnt bad but there were a view things to look at. The battle sprites are a bit wanky and the beginning with the lamp guy should probably not fly wen walking up there.
Hope this helps. Keep it up.
Hello there. This game was a interesting one.
The concept of this game isnt to bad. There were things like the designs of the characters that were wierd. I get that there transperent because of the fact that there ghosts (I think) but because this game is only black and white sometime you just kinda blend in with the ground. The story had some holes that I saw. The character Sara we only see at the end. So we the player dont really know her. Also the UI had your stats like HP and ATK and seeing that this game doesnt use them it could be handy to remove that.
Final thoughts
The concept can work you just need to tweek with a view of the little stuff. Maybe a picture of Sara in the office so that we atleast know her. Maybe try doing something with how the inv works can help aswell.
Hope this helps. Keep it up
This game could be something. After playing this game there are a view things I have to say about it.
The story while a bit wierd it can be good. Something I always love in thise games is the main character. This is the character that we all look at for the most amount of time usually. This one as far as we know doesnt really have anything. I dont know if she has a name because the only place that she could have a name is ending 1 because I have no clue how to get it. But the story has a base. You can make a great story game with this. A game about a girl bringing a "demon" back home is a fun concept. Im just not to sure about this as the game itself.
Ending thoughts are that this story can make something good. But the game itself just doesnt do this story justice.
Hello. This was a ride.
This game was made with a very old version of rpg maker and I that you can see very clearly. First of your game starts without any info about the story at all. You just kinda throun into this world without info. Sure you get a bit of info not that much further but its still a bit odd. Something I did see was that you really like to use the explotion effect. If got a nickel for every time I saw a explotion I had a lot of nickels. Anywho I did like the look of the cave. Not the fight mini game in the cave that was kinda strange. There was no use for the small push because your not gonna be on time if you do the small push. But yea I did like the cave further more. The ship part were fine nothing to say about that. I did like the objective. Finding pieces of the song was a good way to bring the theme in the game.
Final thoughts is that you can try making your stories more understandable and if your making something like a quick time event make the options do something more then just kill the player while we tried to get out of there. Anywho keep it up and hope to see you in a different jam.
Hello. This was alot different then I thought I was going to play. Thats a good thing here
Im going to be real here and say that this game had high highs and low lows. The game play was the most fun I have had in this game jam for sure because you have a game play loop in it. But as much as I can say that I liked what you did for the gameplay it doesnt say much about the rest of the game. The story was almost not there. I mean i get that there was a story but me and my friend were puzzling to see it. The dialogue for the end was the only reason I know what the game was about because it was hard if not inpossible to see the story before it. Is the story good even after knowing it? Not really. The whole theme of that bird was pretty wierd. The theme I didnt really see. Saying that the background music that plays on the ocean is the song of the sea is not really what I was aspecting. I did like the art style from the view art pieces that were in there.
Final thoughts are that you need to look at your story writting. As I have said your game was the most fun in gameplay for sure. You just have to work on world building. Hope to see you around my friend.
Hello. This was a interesting game for sure.
Going to be real here I didnt think anything of this game the first time I looked at it and lets just say that I was a lillte correct there. I get that the style is because of the crayons from the story but even then it doesnt make it look good. Anywho I always say that a good story can make up for a bad art style. The story was one of the better things here. though even that could use some work. Dont get me wrong the story was decent but the way you tried telling it was a bit jaring. Having drawings underwater was just a bit odd. The character dialogue was a bit strange. Every time a character meets a new character it alkways started with hi and hi. Thats fine in real life but for a story that can be a bit wierd. Do have to say that i can see that you have put in some everts. But even so the decent story cant really save it.
Final thoughts is that this could be so much more. Just work on your dialogue and drawing skills and then I think you can make a good game because I can see that you do know how to make a story. So keep it up and hope to see you around.
Hello. Small but decent is a good way to talk about this one.
Okay not really a spoiler but your characters design is interesting. I like it is is just a little all over the place with her hair. there isnt really that much to say about a 3 min game. you cant really do much with that time but I would still like to know her name for starters. I do like the ending though. No not the part were she died but the newspapers. It made it look like there might be more to this. The one saying that the last siren was killed was the one that I still remember because that was a strong line.
Final thoughts are that this was a game that wasnt made to be a whole big story. Its only 3 mins and telling a story in that time is just hard if not impossible. But it was one of the better ones in this game jam funny enough so keep at it.
Hello. Oh boy this was a ride. For the ones in this game jam I played this one twice but it wasnt because of a good reason.
First things first. The second that your in the game you could see the combo between the art from rpg makers tiles, Custom pixel art and normal art. That were alot of styles in one but thats just a little nit pick from me. The story was kinda blend and random. the characters were kinda one sided. That is something that can happen in a smaller game but it was very hard to not see that. Do have to say that there was one character named Samart and I kinda liked his dialogue. Talking about dialogue some of it was very misplaced and wrong in some different ways. Now I did see a translation option and thats good and I also think the reason way the dialogue is a little odd. My games have spelling errors and Im not englisch. So if the creator is not englisch that I can over look that for sure. The ending was a bit wierd. It could be because it was both of the bad endings but even if there bad ending there still endings. Lets just say they were a little out of no where.
Final thought about this is I can see that you want tho make a good game. I really do but that doesnt make the game better. All you have to do is keep at it and those mistakes will fade away pretty much. Hope it helps and good luck with your future projects.
Hello. I must say I saw the art and I thought (Huh this is probably pretty good) and at the start it was. But the longer the game was going the more the crackes that were starting to show.
The sencond you came in the city the feeling of abandoment was present. But then wen i tried to go up I was stopped because you had to go through this little 3 by 1 fance that was all the way in the back. So that was pretty wierd but okay. The grandpa's house looked pretty good probably one of the best places in the game for sure. I like the way the grandpa was set up. He doesnt know much about the letter and that could be a good story point. But yea futher you had to get fish in the story. After 2 puzzles that were pretty good you find a wierd monster that I still have no clue what that was suppose to be. We had to hide but the hiding spot was glitched I think because it just trowes you out for no reason. But after that back to grandpa we go and even after that scare he still sleeps there. That was probably one of the stranges things he did.
I found it a bit wierd why the inv had stats. That could be because of battling in later parts of the story but for now it did look a bit out of place.
Final thoughts about this game is that it wasnt that bad. this is a demo at the end of the day so not alot of things are final probably. Anywho keep it up. I hope that this game will be bigger wen it is fully released.