Hello. This was a ride.
This game was made with a very old version of rpg maker and I that you can see very clearly. First of your game starts without any info about the story at all. You just kinda throun into this world without info. Sure you get a bit of info not that much further but its still a bit odd. Something I did see was that you really like to use the explotion effect. If got a nickel for every time I saw a explotion I had a lot of nickels. Anywho I did like the look of the cave. Not the fight mini game in the cave that was kinda strange. There was no use for the small push because your not gonna be on time if you do the small push. But yea I did like the cave further more. The ship part were fine nothing to say about that. I did like the objective. Finding pieces of the song was a good way to bring the theme in the game.
Final thoughts is that you can try making your stories more understandable and if your making something like a quick time event make the options do something more then just kill the player while we tried to get out of there. Anywho keep it up and hope to see you in a different jam.
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