Спасибо за отзыв!
На самом деле, яйцо чайки пока не реализовано в игре должным образом, пока что оно просто существует в игре.
These curly braces are the basis of any .json file, it stores the translation with the following structure:
in "en" folder, we have same thing:
if you want to have translate, you should put keys in the message in rpg maker. IMPORTANT! Key may be ANYTHING, word, letter, number, it doesn't matter. If you need to translate released game, just use phrase as a key, all you need it puts on begin and end curly braces
I understand now, please, follow this gide:
the specifics of the maker's work is such that it is difficult to work with saves on android, BUT we will solve this soon!
I have a suggestion for you to replay the game, we changed the beginning, the meaning did not change much, but the lines were reworked, full-size portraits were added, and the quest with herbs was made easier
Or... just wait a little bit, while we solving the problem
The free version update brought something... special that you've been asking us about for a long time, for this you need to go to the bed in Eirik's house). Also added full-size characters to the beginning of the game). Alsooo..... we made quest with flowers more easyer).
and... yes, you need to complete the quest in the caves for go out of village, and you can only full complete it in the paid version
better to be a sub of Patreon