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Paul Nicholas (Liquidream)

A member registered Jun 28, 2016 Β· View creator page β†’

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Holy cow, this is awesome! 🀩
Like you, me and my Dad played this tons on our Atari 400 when I was a kid. Wasn't exactly a relaxing play back then and glad to see your homage has the same feel.
In fact, yours sounds AMAZING!
The BASS in ur take on the classic "Get Ready" is πŸ˜šπŸ‘Œ
Great work πŸ‘

Hey, thanks for playing my game

Was cool seeing you realise how to use the different tools 😊
Tho, I was so gutted for you at the 19:56 mark! πŸ™ˆ
Well done for persevering.

Thank you playing and recording your gameplay.
Was very satisfying (as a developer) seeing you figure out how to use the various tools.
You were *SO* close to using the Snow Spray correctly
(TIP: it only works on the cameras when you spray TOWARDS the lense, direction matters πŸ˜‰)
Thx again for sharing your playthrough πŸŽ…


Thank you very much for the kind words, Lucas.
Glad I could bring back some memories of "simpler" times 😊

Sorry for the delay (work has been manic lately).
What handheld are you playing it on and are you using full PICO-8 (or an emulator like FAKE-8)?
Also, have you put all the carts in the same folder - as they will all be needed.

Thank you very much for the kind words, glad you enjoyed it! 😊

(1 edit)

Awww.. thank you for that lovely comment. 😊
Love hearing other people's memories of this classic game.
Glad it helped you take a trip down memory lane! πŸ€“

Thanks a lot.
Yeah, it is and thankfully Picotron does it all for you - just copy the sprite to clipboard and paste in code - voila!
Yes, I believe there were only two Picotron entries - mine and this one.
(I believe 369px was also working on one, but ran out of time)

What a cool 1K demake of a classic.
You've got all the bases covered here (inc. catchy music!)
Agreed with JadeLombax - was most impressed with your 1.5 mins to spare! πŸ˜…
Congrats for crossing the finish line just in the nick of time πŸ‘

Yay, a fellow Picotron entrant! πŸ€“πŸ€œπŸ€›πŸ€“
Enjoyed this one - especially as it kinda reminded me of one the earliest games I can remember playing ...Joust (on an Atari 400)
I thought for a while that I'd found a bit of a "cheat" - by moving as fast as I could across the wrapping screen, so that I could try to beat the collision detection. I managed 49 secs doing that - but your detection code is very good, even at such speeds!
Nice one! πŸ‘

Ooh.. I love anything "Pool"-related, and this def scratches that itch for me.
Really nice style and polish you got here - the dither and colours make it stand out.
Good potting fun - nice one! πŸ‘

As usual, I have NO IDEA how this was achieved! 🀯
The claw mechanic + visuals alone would take me prob half the code budget!
Superb art by castpixel (as always)
So much to love here, not least a really playable game also.
Great 1K* entry πŸ‘πŸ€“
*(Will see it when I can paste it into P8 and it run without errors - I trust ya tho! 😜)

Very cool fusion of a few classics there
(with parallel resource management thrown in!)
You managed to squeezed a lot of cool stuff into 1K here.
Had a couple of play-through and had fun (albeit, only lasted few mins)
Nice one! πŸ‘

Truly bonkers how much you managed to cram in here.
The levels, the progression, all seemingly meticulously crafted.
Plus I still absolutely love the minimal sprite + walk anim - adorable!
The only thing letting it down is my inability to find that last blasted power cell 😭
(hence the awful time, as I explored everywhere, looking for more secrets!)
AMAZING entry - as always πŸ‘

Interesting concept - clearly a lot of planning and research behind it.
(Thankfully, getting a "times table" audio tape as a kid is paying off here πŸ˜…)
Glad you were able to participate in the end.
Nice one πŸ‘

(1 edit)

This is great - very playable (+addictive!)
Impressed with how much polish there is here
(esp. the smoothly-tween'd camera movements πŸ˜™πŸ‘Œ)
Got to Level 7 before getting stuck and time ran out...  great entry! πŸ‘

You're very welcome πŸ‘
It's responses like this that make the effort all worth it! ❀️
Thank you for all the kind words 😊

Yay, such an infamous part of video game history
...lovingly replicated on PICO-8 in under 1K πŸ€“
(don't worry 𝘩𝘰π˜₯𝘨𝘦𝘺𝘷π˜ͺ𝘴π˜ͺ𝘰𝘯 - I think statute of limitations is well over by now πŸ˜…)
A great tribute πŸ‘

P.S. - Very glad you could make it along, mate πŸ˜‰
P.P.S - "Fulfilment" is still one of my fav P8 adventures of all time πŸ‘

Ha, it's probably wrong to be having this much fun throwing a pixel body around! 😈
Reminds me of when Half Life 2 first came out and doing the same with CP guards and exploding barrels πŸ’₯
I've always been impressed by such physics demos, but blissfully unaware of how they work - black magic for sure! πŸ˜‰
Great to see it replicated here in such a clean sandbox.
Thanks for the cool entry πŸ‘

OMG. This... is... AMAZING πŸ™ŒπŸ˜„
What a wonderful idea for an entry.
Almost the exact spec of my first PC ...Cyrix 133MHz πŸ€“
(tho, I'd been playing on a friend's PC's
since the 286 days)
Love everything about this - it's all spot-on.
Once the screensaver appeared, I was transported back in time AGAIN.
The kicker was when I tried to use the OS.. I proper LOL'd on that one! πŸ˜‚
Thank you for creating such a (unintentionally-personal) nostalgic entry πŸ‘

What a lovely little trading sim 😊
I scored a good deal between two adjacent ports and made a fortune! πŸ€‘
Takes me right back to my bedroom days playing Frontier: Elite II on my Amiga - going from system to system, trying to find good trade routes.
Good fun with a clean UX, makes it easy to use.
Nice one! πŸ‘

Wow, you've crammed SO much into this 1K entry - the voxel terrain is great alone.
The fact you got all the other elements and AND made it a compelling play is impressive.
Congrats on the awesome entry! πŸ‘
(Alas, my best was only 37)

What a lovely diorama... 🏯
I have absolutely NO IDEA how you fit this 3D rotating Torii in, but it looks great!
Likewise with the reflections, tri-filled landscape and bg sounds - it all comes together beautifully.
Thank you for creating + submitting it πŸ™‡

(3 edits)

Dang it, was doing so well (kinda!) πŸ˜…

(For some reason, my screenshot isn't showing? Hey ho...)

I've never been great at this, but boy I had no idea how much I relied on the "auto/flood-clearing" feature of the original - this makes it all feel much more tense! πŸ˜…

This is so good (+addictive) - looks and sounds spot-on.
You've done a cracking job of squeezing this all in
(even squandering precious bytes to give the jam a shout-out no less! 😊)
Glad you managed to get this over the line - I know it wasn't a smooth ride πŸ˜‰

Really nice entry - congrats πŸ‘

Well, what can I say mate a PICO-8 tribute, looks spot-on! πŸ‘Œ
You've managed to push P8 to the edge and all the while keeping it to <1K ?!
Awesome work. Those commutes deffo paid off! πŸ˜‰

This is really nice.
The ripple visual effect is just.... πŸ˜™πŸ‘Œ
Paired with the harmonic sounds, this is a very relaxing entry. πŸ‘

Thanks for playing (+for the nice words!).

Yeah, not sure what happened there (on-screen controls).
Think it might be something to do with me setting the game's viewport size in Itch, not sure.
Either way, it's now playable on mobile with the BBS version! πŸ€“
Thx again

Oh cool, glad I could introduce to the another side" of the PC artillery gaming!
I too played a fair amount of S.E. back in the day
(but TBH, ended up playing WAY more Scorched Tanks when I got an Amiga 600 - good times!)
Thanks for playing (+the kind comments) πŸ˜€

Aww.. thank YOU for those kind words - you just made my day! 😊
I do try to ensure everyone enjoys participating in my jam, especially as I know ppl spend a lot of time creating their entries.
But it's still lovely to hear when ppl also appreciate that, so... thanks again πŸ‘

Holy heck. I have no idea how you crammed so much into 1K 🀯
The graphics and gameplay are great. The SFX of the skidding is spot-on.
Not to mention, you have smart AI opponents here too.
AND track selection... I mean.. WHAT?! πŸ˜…
Really great entry πŸ€“πŸ‘Œ
(Best I got on Track 1 was 81.9, 1st)

That was intense - but feels like you got the balance just right! πŸ˜…
Was a nice bonus to see you added in a secret menu for the winner 😯
Nice entry! πŸ‘

Woah, this is very clever (+meta!).
Took me a few secs to realise what I was meant to do, but when I did, was even more impressed with what's been achieved.
Nice one! πŸ‘

Cute game! (alas, only managed about 47 balloons)
Nice one πŸ‘

Interesting spin on a classic.
Clean movement and gameplay.
Got to about 259 tiles, but still couldn't quite get rid of them all (then had to call time)
Nice one πŸ‘

This is SO cool!
The colours and theme took me right back to being a teenager, playing Frontier: Elite II on my Amiga πŸ˜ŠπŸš€
Great graphics and gameplay - really felt like I transitioned from earth to space.
By pure fluke I fell like I kinda smashed it on my first go, so thought best to quit while I was ahead πŸ˜…
Great entry πŸ‘

Wow, this is a very cool (+addictive) concept.
Having the terrain affect the bounce so much that you have to learn "feel" for the game is interesting.
The bounce animation is very effective, as is the nice sound FX.
I especially love the idea of using the current day as the rng seed - I definitely wanna try using that in future! πŸ€“
Today, I only managed 22 - though I feel I'll be pulled back again some day πŸ˜…
Cool entry πŸ‘

I sincerely hope this Pico-1K entry doesn't signal the crash of the Fantasy Console industry! 😜
Had a fun time wondering while collecting and planting my glitchy seeds.
Can't say I knew exactly what I was doing, but pretty sure I'd understand less playing "the other" game πŸ˜‰
Funny coincidence... you had about the same deadline as Howard Scott Warshaw did!
(I'm sure that parallel was not lost on you at all πŸ€“)
Neat entry! πŸ‘

Very cool concept and challenging gameplay.
The spritestack-like effect for the 'copter looks super! πŸ‘Œ
Alas, I only managed about 4 crates before I kept taking an unplanned swim.
Really cool entry πŸ‘

Well, this was just lovely!
Very impressive that you managed to fit a reasonable narrative experience in only 1K.
The music really compliments the story, and the koi movement+controls are just... πŸ˜šπŸ‘Œ
Had a couple of misses, but was very satisfying to have reached the end πŸ’‘
Congrats on really nice entry πŸ‘