Aww, muitooo obrigada! espero q esse novo ano seja mais gentil com todos nós, hehe ♥♥♥ Muito obrigada por jogar e por esse comentário! *-* Dia 30 tem capítulo novo, mal posso esperar pra ver a reação de vocês! ;DDD haha
Ligia Nunes
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This is such a sweet, heartwarming comment. Thank you so, so much for sharing this with me! I'm really glad to hear you're better now. I had a very hard time trying to manage my mental health, so I know how difficult that can be! hehe
I'm glad, and I'm *honored* you found some peace in the world of LtGBtK. All I hope is that I can continue to create stories like that for you! Thank you for playing, and I wish 2025 will be better than all these last years combined! ♥♥♥ Big hug.
Aaa, you're so right about Gláucia! ♥ haha Thank you so much for playing and leaving this beautiful comment. I'm glad you enjoyed TDW, and I hope you'll enjoy the next chapters (and games) as well ;))) ♥ I was especially nervous about the art (I always am cause I only work on B&W games XD), so your comment really made my day. ;** big hugs!
Yaay, I'm so, so glad you liked it ♥♥♥ I hope your cat and your dog will approve of it too hehe :))
The second image is the default pose for the Destroyer archetype, while the first is for the Seeker archetype and also the default pose when you open the customization screen for the first time. Are you playing a Destroyer MC? If not, I'll take a look to make sure that the saving + loading aren't messing with the code somehow. Either way, thank you for pointing that out! :))
Hiii emmaquinn! Thank you so much for participating. I'm happy to say you're one of the giveaway winners! ♥
Send me a DM on any social, and I'll send you the keys. ♥♥♥
Here's my: Tumblr - @/ligiawrites Instagram - @authorligianunes Twitter -@ligiatheauthor & Tiktok - @ligiawrites
Hiii careluleus! Thank you so much for participating. I'm happy to say you're one of the giveaway winners! ♥
Send me a DM on any social, and I'll send you the keys. ♥♥♥
Here's my: Tumblr - @/ligiawrites Instagram - @authorligianunes Twitter -@ligiatheauthor & Tiktok - @ligiawrites
Hiii Bunn_B! Thank you so much for participating. I'm happy to say you're the first winner! ♥
Send me a DM on any social, and I'll send you the keys. ♥♥♥
Here's my: Tumblr - @/ligiawrites Instagram - @authorligianunes Twitter -@ligiatheauthor Tiktok - @ligiawrites
Aaaaa muitooo obrigada! ♥♥♥ Fico sempre mega feliz de ver BR por aqui, muito obrigada por jogar e por deixar esse comentário lindo *-* ♥ Eu trabalho em LtGBtK sozinha (a Ursa em Percurso é uma dev de 1 mulher só auhsiuaehuh) então seu comentário fica ainda mais especial. ♥ Espero q vc goste dos próximos capítulos!
Hiii Erized! Oh, don't worry. You know I love all your comments! hehe And a special thank you for the bug reports; I'm already investigating them. ;)) Speaking of, if you happen to see the quick save bug again, could you take a screenshot and send it to me so I can take a look? I've been trying to replicate it here but with no luck. :(
As for Kas, I'm so happy you liked his dynamic with DC so much! ^^ To be honest I hadn't thought about about a mono relationship with him just because of how attached he is to Mel, but it's definitely something I'll consider. :) Their romance routes are still a bit far on the horizon, so there's still time to make and change plans. ^^ I'll do my best to add it if I can! ♥
Hi! Thank you so much for playing the game! I'm glad you're enjoying it. ^^ That scene at the end of CH02 changes a little bit depending on your MC's archetype/personality. That option only appears to the Ruler archetype. It's supposed to be always locked to show that your MC just can't bring themself to be obedient to Mathias (yet) hehe ^^ <3 There are similar options in the other routes too, but for different aspects of the MC's personality. If you want to play other archetypes, you can get the Seeker archetype (sweeter MC) from the first choices in the menus, while the Destroyer (outspoken MC) options are often in the middle. Each archetype has a different ending in CH02. :3
Aaa, muito obrigadaaa! ^^♥ Eu trabalho bastante a mitologia Brasilieira nos meus livros, que se passam todos no Brasil (passado ou futuro)! Se você quiser dar uma olhada, estão todos aqui: E você não pode jogar como o Mathias, mas tenho algumas histórias curtas escritas no ponto de vista dele no meu Kofi, se estiver curioser! haha