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Ligia Nunes

A member registered Mar 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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hahaha yep ♥ I'm posting it here, if you want to take a look! ^^ 

Hiii Erized! Oh, don't worry. You know I love all your comments! hehe And a special thank you for the bug reports; I'm already investigating them. ;)) Speaking of, if you happen to see the quick save bug again, could you take a screenshot and send it to me so I can take a look? I've been trying to replicate it here but with no luck. :(

As for Kas, I'm so happy you liked his dynamic with DC so much! ^^ To be honest I hadn't thought about about a mono relationship with him just because of how attached he is to Mel, but it's definitely something I'll consider. :) Their romance routes are still a bit far on the horizon, so there's still time to make and change plans. ^^ I'll do my best to add it if I can! ♥

Hihi! It should be fixed now. Thank you for reporting the bug, and I hope you'll enjoy the update ♥

All right! It should be fixed now ;D Please update to the newest build, it should be up any second now. I hope you'll enjoy the update! ♥♥♥

Hi! Thank you for letting me know ;) Fixing it right now. I'll let you know once I upload the new build!

(1 edit)

Hi! Thank you so much for playing the game! I'm glad you're enjoying it. ^^ That scene at the end of CH02 changes a little bit depending on your MC's archetype/personality. That option only appears to the Ruler archetype. It's supposed to be always locked to show that your MC just can't bring themself to be obedient to Mathias (yet) hehe ^^ <3 There are similar options in the other routes too, but for different aspects of the MC's personality. If you want to play other archetypes, you can get the Seeker archetype (sweeter MC) from the first choices in the menus, while the Destroyer (outspoken MC) options are often in the middle. Each archetype has a different ending in CH02. :3

Thank you so much for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it ♥ And I do have plans for Mand after this game, so I'm extra glad you liked them so much. >8))) It's just me, one dev, though haha

Aaa, I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for playing. ♥♥♥ Oooh, and I didn't know that one! Now I'll have to listen to that song too, hehe. ♥ I'm using Erik Satie's Gnossienne; it's one of my faves!

Thank you so much! I'm so happy you enjoyed it <3

You're so sweet, thank you so much! I'm super glad you enjoyed the game. <3

Aaa, muito obrigadaaa! ^^♥ Eu trabalho bastante a mitologia Brasilieira nos meus livros, que se passam todos no Brasil (passado ou futuro)! Se você quiser dar uma olhada, estão todos aqui: E você não pode jogar como o Mathias, mas tenho algumas histórias curtas escritas no ponto de vista dele no meu Kofi, se estiver curioser! haha


Hahaha ♥ assim que eu terminar o jogo e editar o texto eu vou fazer toda a tradução! ^^ 

Ai que lindo! Meu Deeeus, como eu não tinha visto seu comentário antes??

Muuito obrigada por todos esse elogios lindos. Seu comentário acabou de fazer meu dia. Fiquei até meio emocionada aqui, ainda mais por ser em português! haha <3 Muito, muito obrigada por jogar e pelo seu apoio. Vou fazer meu máximo pra você curtir os próximos episódios e jogos tanto quanto esses. <3

Um super beijo!

aww i'm so happy you're still here ç-ç <3 thank you for your support!

I have a small something planned for tomorrow. It's not an update, buuut it's something to thank you and everyone who's waiting for it! <3

♥♥♥ ahhh você fez meu dia aqui! Muito obrigada por ler meu livro e por jogar LtGBtK! *--* ♥

Thank you so, so much for playing and for your comment! I'm really glad you liked it so much and that you enjoyed all the differences between the relationships! ♥

I hope you'll enjoy the next chapters as well! ♥♥♥

Thank you!!! I'm glad you enjoyed it. ♥

MENINE, mas é claro :3 (sou BR tbm, heh ♥) Eu pretendo terminar o jogo todo primeiro, editar o texto e depois fazer a tradução! *3* 



Oh wow! hahaha Thank you soo much for playing. I'm glad you enjoyed the game so much! ♥♥♥ 

Oops. CG#5 will be locked until the next chapter because I accidentally removed the line that unlocked it x.x I've already fixed the code, but the CG won't be available until the next update... still, you can see it in this post on my Tumblr, so you won't have to wait. :D


Thank you so much! <3

SAhiueha! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! And if you like Mand that much, you might enjoy the next chapter... *evil grin*

hahaha thank you for playing! ♥

vfxdkghrbfliuh You're the sweetest, aaa ç-ç Thank you so much for playing and for this beautiful comment! 

It means the world to me ♥ and I hope you'll enjoy the next chapters too!

Thank you sooooo muuuuch! ç-ç This is such a beautiful comment, I ç-ç 

I'm super glad you enjoyed my game, I'll work hard to make the next chapters (and games) even better. Thank you for playing! ♥♥♥

Aaaaa! Thank you so muuch! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. ç-ç Thank you for playing!

Awwn, thank you so, so much for leaving this beautiful comment! I really hope you'll enjoy the next chapters too... and the next games, because I'll absolutely continue making them, haha!

Thank you for playing!

Hello there! ♥

I'm so glad you like it! Thank you for playing. ♥♥♥

If it's the song right after MC wakes up, it's "Twelve Spanish Dances, Op.37 - Arabesca" (guitar version)
But if it's the song playing while MC and Mathias talk, it's "Between Worlds" (Instrumental) by Aussens@iter Ft: (Smiling Cynic).

Both are amazing, you have great taste haha :))

Aaaa, I loved your comment, haha! Thank you so much for playing! I'm super glad you're enjoying LtGBtK so much. If you do write about them, let me know! *-* I'd love to read it! ♥♥

Thank you soo much for playing and for your comment! I'm so glad you're enjoying the game ♥♥♥

Aww, thank you so much! I'm super glad you and your cat enjoyed it haha! :3 Thank you for playing. ♥

Hii, Erized! ♥ Aww, thank you soo much! I love reading your comments & feedback; you're a blessing. ♥ It's more about necessity than productivity, to be honest xD I don't think I could process life without my stories -_-' hahaha

AAA, I'm so glad! I'm as psyched as you are, then. I'm still not sure about how many portraits we'll have. It will depend on how many members will decide to ask for a portrait. For the facial appearance, here is the list of things I'm asking members to consider when asking for the portrait, so you'll see the kinds of details you can expect:

  • ♥ You can ask me to change the nose shape, jaw, and lips. 
  • ♥ For longer hair, I suggest braids or any hairdos that don't interfere in battle. *evil grin* >:3
  • ♥ Feel free to add piercings, marks, scars, or makeup;
  • ♥ As for things I can't change: clothing, character's pose, or expression.
  • ♥ Also, to keep the general theme of the Dragon Commanders, the character's eyes should be hidden, either by their hair or by accessories.

As for body type, I'm still thinking about "if" and "how" I can implement it. For now, that's on my backlog, so, on CH03, it'll be up to you to decide and imagine it in any way you want. :3

Btw, you have no idea HOW GLAD I am that you noticed the fern and its connection with Matt! 8D ♥

Aaaa! Amazing news! Can't wait to play it! ♥♥♥

I'm so glad you're enjoying it! Thank you for your kind comment and for playing. ♥

Hi, darling! Ahhh! Thank you sooo much for this amazing feedback and for your kind words. ♥ 

I love thorough feedback, and I really appreciate yours, so please don't be sorry hahaha xD As you mentioned, this is definitely a labor of love, and I always feel really amazed/emotional/thankful when people not only notice that, but also share their thoughts about my game with me in such a detailed way. Thank you so much for the time you took to play the game and to write this! :) ♥♥♥

Answering your comments: I'll definitely keep the B&W color scheme in the next versions of the game, although I might try a few different painting styles (but that will only come in the distant future, once Book #1 is finished, after CH04). But what you described is exactly what I've been trying to express through the style. I'm _so_ glad you picked up on that! You're a star. Also, YEAH! Knight Val's reaction is definitely there—and Matt's reaction to her reaction too xD hahaha

Btw, I still want the player to have a taste of Mand, that's for sure! 8) Mandra's intimacy scene SHOULD still be there. Hmm. I'll check the code to see if I accidentally messed it up, but I'm pretty sure it's still working. Althooough, if you're playing a more dominant DC, that might be the reason. The Ruler archetype won't leave Mathias's side at the gazebo, so only The Destroyer and The Seeker end up going to Mandra's hideout, and in there, depending on the DC's relationship with Matt, they might be pushed away or not. :3 Also, yeah... While Book #1 is more focused on Matt, Book #2 will have a lot more Mand. ;)))

As for details about how Matt fell in love with MC: I might bring it to the game as well, but during LtGBtK's 1st anniversary (you can check the Masterpost in ko-fi here or tumblr here), in September, I wrote a lot of short stories and little scenes based on questions and writing prompts people sent. There's one about the first time Matt ACTUALLY recognized his feelings. If you want to read it, here's the link! Also, hmmmm... the sex scene between The Ruler x Matt should definitely still be there. Maybe I *did* something with the code, after all. XDD I'll check it later today to make sure.

Well, I can't say much about the Queen, the blooming ceremony, and the post-coronation (if, of course, Mathias ends up being crowned *wiggles eyebrows*) cause spoilers, but I'm already hoping you'll enjoy it all! haha 

Still, if you want to learn more about foot-soldier Quaresma, the soldier trying to become the DC's squire, here's a short story about how the DC met them!

And again, thank you sooo much for playing, for leaving this amazing comment, and for all your support! I really hope you'll enjoy the next chapters too. ♥♥♥

Aww, thank you so much for your great feedback and your kind words!

I'm SO glad you mentioned the option to keep playing with Matt or not! There are variations of it for every archetype (depending on past choices), and I really hoped that would give people more agency over their feelings for Matt. I'm happy you liked it. ♥

In the next update, you'll definitely see a lot more of Mand, Mel, and Curio 8D I hope you'll enjoy it too! ♥♥♥

Hello, dear! Thank you so much for your feedback. ♥♥♥ Aw, yisss!! I was hoping some of the archetypes' actions would be more justified after this update. I'm so, so glad they are, haha :) In the next update, you'll know a lot more about Curio and Melike, for sure! I hope you'll enjoy it too. ♥

Happy New Year!

Aww, thank you so much for playing! ♥ I'm so, so glad you enjoyed it. 8D I hope you'll like the new chapter as well! ♥