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Light Brand

A member registered Jun 05, 2022 · View creator page →

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My thoughts:

-Putting a gacha system in an SRPG is a very neat idea, and the summoning is implemented well.

-Switching between characters in the overworld is awkward. Also, trading being unavailable seems kinda pointless, it just leads to more character switching.

-The summonable characters are interesting. I liked the mythical characters like Arthur and Merlin. I honestly wanted to learn more about the generic summons. 

-Having your summoning pool be the enemies you fight makes your units feel less special.

-The leveling system is odd, or maybe I just don't get it. I understand that grinding is kind of a necessity in a gacha game, but units seemed to mostly level skill and not much else.

-I was not anticipating the final boss being so hard. It seems nigh-unwinnable unless you grind specifically to beat it, while keeping all your strong units alive.

-The humor's great. I loved the goblinfan dialogue. I also liked that you could summon goblins. I've been saying for years that I wish there was a game that would let me go goblin mode.

My thoughts:

-I ended up only doing one playthrough. Being able to customize your team is awesome, but I feel like the second playthrough wouldn't have been much different from the first.

-Having the convoy tied only to the avatar doesn't feel good. I'm sure it's made that way to incentivize spreading your units to get loot and prevent freely trading across the map, but in my opinion it might just be more fun to allow free trading.

-Beginning preparations are very overwhelming. It's hard to get a handle on just what you're up against, which makes choosing classes and items difficult.

-The gameplay is pretty fun once you get into it. I found myself flowing and playing quickly.

-Units respawning is a good mechanic. Respawning them at the start position does have tactical consequences. For example, if you wanted to send someone to another part of the map, you could intentionally kill them to get them there quicker. Also on that note, there's a small bug with poison: If someone dies while poisoned, they'll respawn and still be poisoned.

My thoughts:

-The visuals, music, and characters (cards) are great. The cards are varied and very charming.

-It would be nice to have a preview of what cards do before summoning. However, experimenting with card interactions is fun and rewarding when you find a new combination.

-Due to the nature of the engine, the levels are more like puzzles than a dynamic card game. Both puzzle and dynamic styles can have their merits, but sometimes a puzzle format can be frustrating when it feels like you're just grinding to find the one way to win.

I don't have experience with bullet hells, including undertale, so I'm not sure how it stacks up to similar games. But, this game was intriguing enough that I wanted to finish it. My thoughts are below:

-The final boss is hard, but also rewarding.

-The characters and flavor are appealing.

-Enemy positioning is clever, and there's a lot of potential to make some crazy maps with this system.

-The final boss being Hollace is predictable.

-It's amazing that you were able to make bullet hell mechanics work in this engine.

Keep on innovatin'.

All my thoughts have pretty much been covered by Muta and Anarch, but I'll just reiterate some things that stood out to me:

-The overworld map is pretty.

-The secret shop is in a good location. It's conspicuous enough that it makes you want to talk to the guy, but not obvious that it's a secret.

-The game is very easy to break difficulty-wise. Racking up skills is easy, but I do like the mechanic of spending time with your team. Unbound Blade was very strong for me.

-The expeditions are harder than the main combats, and grindy.

-The ending twist kinda comes out of nowhere, but the final scene and the characters are very cute.

-Narce is an alpha chad and should've canonically won the tournament.

Solid game.