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A member registered Mar 19, 2015 · View creator page →

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Ich suche ein 2d animator programm, deines sieht schon ok aus, aber die Präsentation deines Programms lässt nur hoffen, man sieht absolut nichts was genau dein Programm macht und was nicht. Ein richtiges >Live Video mit den Aktionen und einem Beispiel wäre angebracht ;)

can i use it in Game Maker Studio 2???

what is the licence?

Nice Work :) i am working on Wave collapse function at this time (i am developer) ... could you explain the function what are u using? perlin noise? how to make citys like yours? regards

Tanks and army sets would be cool <3 nice work

SpriteMancer community · Created a new topic 0xc000007b

couldnt start, got 0xc000007b ... :(

An android export for my tab....i would love u ;)

Could you make it for android?

I love that 😁

Great work ☺️ but no dragons? 🙈

I love u 😍

Hmmm if its looking well too, yes ☺️

could you make it 32x32? Pleaseß

there are speak animations?

can i add new styles like hair etc be my self?

thank you 😎 

like this in magic the gathering:

A little glow effect on the corners 😌 

Could you please make a shiny effect on the edge of the card?

could you make it as 32 bit version?

whats new? 

there will be a military base spritesheet too?

can we make iso pictures and other 2d snaps? 

there will be an easy "ingame" editor for making new models ground up new?

could you make army style and more places? Maybe weapons? I asked you via email.... 

you will make more of these style?

hey, i need some modern soldiers, you can make some?

how to scale for rpg maker mv?

ah ok... i understand the system... its not a "free update"...

sorry i mean could you make more growing plants? Pls ;)

there are any growing stadiums in the pack?

you could make different growing plants maybe ;) so it would be interesting for me too XD

But with the doors looks very linear. I have rooms where the doors are not always centered on the edges

i need one big room, and this room is generated of any room "parts" and stick together...

you understand me? thats pitty...

nope thats the Kenny Studio... 

Some functions have been installed and promised, which have not been executed. like logo and outline creator... And icons without chars ....

outliner coming soon

logo creator coming soon.

asset template ... the icon builder have not the abillity to use Chars and numbers.

and the object builder have only 6-7 parts....... so?

you bought a sogftware which is broken and only a part useful, then you got a vouchere code for a another programm. You spend 20 euro for nothing ;) 

Its puty there is no user friendly manuel for making own  sets with kenns studio... very pitty....

can i make a char maker with your pics and sell the tool?

hello, whats the licence of your charakter sprite packs?

Predefined rooms can be accidentally glued together. These predefined rooms are stored somewhere and used by the generator when generating.

hello, i am searching a very special dungeon generator... with "stick rooms" functions... could we talk about that?