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A member registered Jul 19, 2017

Recent community posts

(1 edit)

Which code languages do you use for the development?

Is there a way to look at your bug list (maybe like Jira) or maybe in the future?

For this version, It will be more about bug fixing rather than new contents ;)

I discovered the game from here

(3 edits)

How many people are on your team?

(1 edit)

Sometimes, a cereal crop cannot be farmed. Bots (and player) try to farm it but it will never disappear (and then they are trying forever)

Here is the save file. The player stand between buggy fields : save folder

maybe reduce the quality settings at the launch?

use ctrl-c ctrl-v (copy and paste) on a space character

You're welcome :p

(1 edit)

I get this bug with  storage buildings too

(1 edit)

Ok. Sometimes, save/load unlock the situation

Texture is reset when hover the mouse cursor on the pink

Mr_Mobius_Your script didn't work. The bot has nothing in its hands (and inventory) and it is stuck in the first loop.

(8 edits)

TheRuinGuardian21, I wrote what I done ;) (Judy is the blue bot and it's stuck at the first loop with a shovel in its hands)

EDIT: I think I understand the issue. The "hands is full" just test if there are empty slots in hands, not if the bot could take more in hands (that is a mistake in my guess). If the bot cannot take another thing, then the hands must be consider as full.

EDIT2: For logs, there are still empty slot and the bot is not stuck with the "hands full" test. So maybe it's specific with tools.

(3 edits)

Repeat loops don't work (Version 3)


  • Forever

    • Repeat until hands full
      • Move to General Storage
      • Take from General Storage
    • Repeat until hands empty
      • Find nearest Tree Soil
      • Mode to Tree Soil
      • Use held item

Start : a bot with empty hands next to a Storage with wooden shovels in the middle of tree soils

=> the bot move to the storage, take the shovel and loops forever at the first repeat

If you remove the first repeat, the bot will loop forever at the second repeat even if its shovel break (and it'll walk around with a white and red circle on its head). The behaviour of the bug is like the condition is only tested at first.