I believe that you have to either take the folder off of private or give people access to the folder after they request access. It says I need permission to access the file.
Recent community posts
I wouldn't recommend having one bot do plantign and shoveling. As you noticed it bugs out (a lot) and its super ineffiecent. You lose a lot of through put doing it that way. I recommend having one bot chopping trees, one bot shoveling holes, one bot picking up acorns and putting them in seedling tray, one bot taking seedlings out of tray ind putting into hole, one bot to pick up logs and store them, and one bot to auto recharge the others. Thats a fairly effeicent farm to get going then you can add bots where needed to increase production.

Idk if other people are experiencing this issue but sometimes when the bots are doing things (picking things up, chopping trees, digging holes, planting trees, etc), they walk a really long distance to get to their next job even though there are closer jobs for them to do. This doesn't happen all the time and they tend to ignore things right next to them I noticed. Makes things really ineffiecent imo.
One feature I would love to see and I think many others would love to see would be if the game could load up your last saved game automatically on startup. Its not something too important but its a little convienence thing that I think a lot of people would love if its not too difficult to get working.
Bug: The general storage does not have a cap on the amount of items that can be put in them. it says out of 1000 but it still accepts items beyond the cap.
Bug: When certain items are put into the general storage (Like a wooden shovel), it does not show the amount stored. It just stops after the equal sign.
Bug? or Feature?: If you have multiple general storages they share an increased cap and share items. Is the cloud storage a feature? An example of this is if you make one general storage on one side of the map then another on the other side of the map and put on log into both of them. They both show 2/2000 logs.
Bug: Max move distance. Idk if its intentional or not, but the character has a maximum range of movement and will not path any farther outside of that limit. I didn't test to see what the limit is but its really annoying when trying to move back and forth across different portions of my base.
I been playing this game quite a lot and I love the idea of it. Hopefully it gets better and bigger!