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A member registered Nov 01, 2017 · View creator page →

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The art was pretty sick, I like the weird kind of liminal atmosphere. The music also slapped, overall great entry!

I like this idea, it's clever! I did run into issues where the acorns wouldn't plant when I would drop them on the ground but maybe that was user error

Thank you! I had more planned for the little spirits but ran out of time

Thank you so much! I was trying to make the mini-games like relaxing zen games but I don't think I quite accomplished that haha

Thank you so much!

Thanks for playing!
You're right I probably should've tested it with a joypad, I did only clicking for the one-handed extra card thing.

The W button giving resources is actually a dev cheat haha it's funny that you found that, I  totally forgot to take it out.

There are definitely a lot of issues with the build I just didn't have time to fix, thank you for playing and  your feedback anyway!

Hey thanks for playing it! That does sound like a bug. I wish I could've done a better tutorial but I just didn't have enough time this week :/

Thanks for the feedback though!

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you! The idea is that you can move around in spirit form and possess an alien by touching them. I've heard that feedback from others too though, I wasn't able to figure out how to convey that idea efficiently. If I had more time, a tutorial probably would've help a lot. Thanks for the feedback!

Thank you so much!

Thank you! Yeah, I could probably make the bosses a little harder

Thank you so much!

Thank you!!

(1 edit)

Man, this was a pretty stressful game jam. I enjoyed every minute of it but my full time job was pretty busy this week so there were a lot of 12+ hour days trying to complete this game. I'm really happy with the result though and I'm really happy I took the time to add the crop-dusting mechanic because it makes me laugh every time.

Here's the game:

I made the game in Godot and the music in FL Studio by myself. I downloaded some free assets from itch and I used BitBrain's Game Jam Godot template. It has certain things already set up like a settings menu and a transition system but otherwise it's pretty bare bones.

Let me know what you think! My friends have been ranking the different creatures but there's no consensus. The purple butterfly with the beard (I call them Purple Buttlies in the game) are either S-tier or F-tier depending on who you ask 😁If you're so inclined, I'd love it if you'd post your ranking in the comments, maybe we can get some definitive answers.

Edit: If you're unfamiliar with the term "crop dusting" it's when you fart in front of someone so they have to walk through your fart. Some of the creature's have the ability to crop dust their enemies 🤣

Thanks for playing! A minigame is an interesting idea I hadn't considered, I'll have to think about that some more. I definitely want to add more funny text to explain what the hero is doing.

The hunger mechanic is definitely getting a bit of a rework, I've gotten a lot of feedback on that.

The door bug you noticed is for sure an issue. I'm working on a fix for that because it happens with the other heroes as well. The chamber placing is a little wonky overhaul.

Thanks again for playing the game and the feedback!

Thanks for the feedback! You're dead on about the hp thing, I keep forgetting to fix that lol and yeah the room connection can sometimes be weird, definitely something I need to work on. I agree about the end room, it definitely needs a differentiator. Thank you for playing!

Thank you so much!


the idea was that the gameplay is scarce for one and two that memories and relationships become scarce as you get older