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A member registered Aug 13, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hope its OK if I make a series of custom RPG Maker MZ tileset sheets from the tilesets I’ve bought as a part of your “Game Assets Mega Bundle” pack. The custom tileset sheets will only be for use in my game so I’m deffo planning to follow your ToS. I just wanted to follow the rule in your ToS that says to state that I’m going to do so… tho this probly isn’t where you meant for that to be mentioned… oh well… this reply also serves a double purpose anyhow… I wanted to also tell you that I’m planning on sending you a free copy of my game when I finish and release it. I think you’ll be pleased with how i’m using your tilesets in the map designs! Also, I was wondering if you have a Discord server or some place where your customers/fans can post WIP screenshots of their map designs that use your tilesets? I didn’t see that option in your list of social media icon links so I figured I’d ask…

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where are the wooden floor RM A2 floor tiles from the screenshots? I only see carpeted floor tiles and grass floor tiles in the A2 tilesets… Grass doesn’t tend to belong in interior tilesets tho….

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well technically… yes and no…

Yes: Because the game is made in RPG Maker MV and there is a (most likely discontinued at this point) emulator app for Android that allows you to play RPG Maker MV & MZ games made for Windows PC on your Android device. Its called “JoiPlay” and it was recently taken off the Google Play store by its devs and I’m pretty sure they’re now distributing the app on their official website (if at all anymore) as an Android APK file.

No: Pinky already said on their Discord server and on the previous builds’ comments that it won’t have Android support but more than that, EXE files aren’t designed to run on Android devices… best option at the moment, try and find the JoiPlay RPG Maker game emulator app I mentioned in the “Yes” section above this “No” section. That’s assuming the JoiPlay app’s devs are still making it available for download via their official website…

I was looking for your discord invite link on all your product pages but couldnt find it. can you post a discord invite link somewhere I can find it? I’d be glad to tell ya more about my game project.

Btw, I just downloaded the v0.5 build and I’m about to play it now. from the screenshots it looks like you made some nice UI improvements in the Hentaimon + Player XXX clips UI as well as others. I did notice some other players in the comments asking about the XXX clip visuals player UI being improved. glad to know you’re taking your players’ requests into consideration! not many indie devs these days do that which is sad. as indie devs, our players are great sources of inspiration for creativity!

Some minor clarification about the part of that ^^ where I said I was doing something similar in my own game project…

The skills in my game are added to the player’s skills a bit differently in that they get upgraded in a different manner. It’s kinda hard to explain in a TL;DR length summary tho… but I didn’t want to give the wrong idea like I was copying your game since it’s only similar and not implemented in the same way.

Anywho, I’m gonna get back to playing Hentaimon now! 😁 I’m enjoying the game so far and I look forward to seeing it get finished and fully released! I’m deffo going to keep playing it!

I was looking thru the listings of Adult rated Pokemon-like games here on itch and I stumbled into this epic little beauty of a gem!

Loving the way you used the captured monsters in this game! It’s pretty hilarious to know another fellow game dev out there in the indie game dev community had a similar idea to what I was working on in RPG Maker MZ! Great minds think alike! 😉 The biggest difference between Hentaimon and the game I’m making is the world progression in my game is more along the lines of “beat the floor boss, unlock access to the next floor’s unique catchable monsters and resources”. I deffo like the way you incorporate the Hentaimon skills into your area progression! Very nice world design touch there!

This is an awesome tileset pack! I’m deffo using this in the commercial game project I’m working on right now! The art style perfectly matches the art style of current tilesets I’m using so it’ll mesh into the area maps in my game no problem! Keep up the great work! I look forward to seeing (and likely using) more of your tilesets!

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Heyo @shubibubi Your tilesets are exactly what I needed for the commercial game project I’m working on! I bought the Full Version of your asset pack so I can use it in a commercial project. I’ll be sure to post a couple screenshots of your tilesets in-game here from WIP area maps that are “ready enough” for social media posts! Keep up the great work! I’ll likely be using your tilesets for this current project’s future content updates as well!

~ Kurochan

Official Website

Wait… Windows 7 is still working??? Microsoft terminated support for Win7 ages ago tho…. and it is starting to look like they’re trying to push Windows 10 users over to Windows 11 now…

Just a thought, but you might want to upgrade to at least Win10 since there are hardly any modern software(s) out there that still support Windows 7/8 any more…

a follow-up on this @pixerelia, I managed to get some new (and pretty steady) sources of funding setup so I’ll deffo be buying more of your icons for my game/app/website projects since I’m a huge fan of your art style! I’m keeping an eye out for icon packs you publish that will fit my current design tasks and I’ll be sure to buy said icons whenever I see a pack that is related to the project I’m on. at the moment I’m good on icons but I’ll probly need something related to weapons/armor or special currencies in the near future.

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actually I did. I paid for this asset. that was a long ways back… 247 days ago to be specific… paid $2.00 USD according to my payment records. please don’t make rude comments like that… not very cool to do that to a complete stranger…

wow! these game icon assets you’ve made are amazing! they’re all the correct art style for the Mobile RPG I’m making right now too. I’ll def be sending you a link to the game once I release the Pre-release Early-Access version to the Google Play Store for sure since I’ll most definitely be using your pixel art icons in my game project. the name of my game project is “Mystic Artificer” and to start out, it’ll only be available for Android phones (not tablets…) but I do have plans to port it to Windows PC shortly after it hits the Google Play Store as its Fully Released version.

as for these Fantasy Eggs icons, I have plans for using them in the “Familiars” system I’m currently in the middle of programming (at this very moment I have the code open in Godot Engine on 1 of my other monitors lolz) and the player has a chance of finding a “Monster Egg” as a monster drop and they’ll hatch into a baby form of a Familiar. (Think Monster Rancher type games combined with Pokemon battle and Level up/Evolution systems)

I just gotta say… these Item Borders look totally EPIC yo! I’m def going to use these in my current game project (I’m using Godot for this project btw) and since I just made some streaming revenue from my Spotify Artist Royalties earlier this month, I’ll be sure to drop ya at least a few bucks tip to help you feel motivated to keep up the great work! (grins) I’m def following your itch profile and I’ll most likely keep coming back to your game art packs from now on!

Unfortunately I do not use any Linux distros at the moment… so the Linux build is more of an experimental build and I can’t actually test it out myself… this offline app is currently only getting 100% support for windows 10 and newer.

Oh wow you totally pulled inspiration for that hook from the “Avatar the Last Airbender” intro lolz! I love it yo!

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Yeah the OC’s website will be completely shutdown pretty soon according to their notice on their website, so this will be the only way to use this after its shutdown completely. The OC said something about it was costing them too much money to keep it live on the web so they’re shutting it down. As far as what’s different, not much is different except for the fact that this is an Offline version and the soon to be dead web-based version requires internet access to use. I made this with the latest version of the website’s code so its up-to-date with the latest web-based version’s features.

Edit: I just noticed you were referring to v0.14.0, and I honestly have no idea if how much was changed from v0.14.0 to v0.15.0, but I do know the code on the GitHub repo had some majorly outdated NPM dependencies that was making the build fail but I was able to solve that and I got it to build just fine after some version conflict investigating.

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lol I had to do a double-take to make sure I actually put 5 heart emoticons instead of 4 on accident hahaha LOL! I don’t have enough coffee in my system right now to count properly lolz!

edit: BT Dubs, the 5/5 Hearts rating I gave above is meant for the entire Asset Bundle I bought this evening. I LOVE your art! I’ll def be buying your Sprites more often now that I found your art!

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Oh heck yeah! I LOVE these character sprites yo! Def using them in my game! I’m looking forward to the rest of the monster sprites + battlers sprite sheets for sure! I bought the RPG Retro Assets Bundle this evening just before heading to eat dinner. Now I’m adding them into the game! they look super cute!

My Rating: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 (5/5 Hearts)

Keep up the great work, Bro! <3

If the resolution is still a bit “off” for Desktop Browsers, please let me know here.

~ Kurochan

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Love your Voice Acting skills! I’m definitely adding them into my games from now on. I would most likely be willing to do a game collaboration with you as the voice actress for the characters in the game sometime. (if you want to do that, I mean) I would be willing to pitch in some extra funding when I have the extra funds from my Game BGM sales and game sales too. You have quite a talent for capturing the “feelings” behind a female character’s voices. I’m looking forward to your future releases!

~ Kurochan

[Professional Indie Game Dev & Game BGM Composer]

No what? Not sure what you mean by “No”. If you could elaborate I can try to do better on my future releases on the parts you didn’t like.

Also, I sent you a friend request in Discord a moment ago. I'd love to chat with you about game design and game art if you're cool with that.

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hello, @Szadi! I'm one of your itch io followers. I had a bit of a request for your tilesets on itch io. could you release 48x48 versions of them for devs who use the RPG Maker MV/MZ game engines? I noticed the largest sizes you have is 32x32. if you could do add a 48x48 tileset size option too, that would really help me out a lot. I really love your art by the way. very pretty and vivid for pixel art.


~ "Kurochan" from KuroyukiDev Games

thanks for replying, Pipoya sensei. I'll talk to my team in our Video Chat Meeting today and I'll make a list of idea for you to experiment with. We just gained a 3D Modeling and Rigging specialist so we will be doing our games in 3D from now on, but I still would really like to help you with project ideas Sensei. If you need any ideas for projects, I would be glad to send you a list of ideas anytime! 


I'm using Unity to make my games and I don't really like the Tiled Map Editor software but I love Fang Auto Tile tool for map design. Your Type1 tiles are compatible with Fang Auto Tile. I was wondering if you'd be willing to make Cyberpunk/Sci-Fi themed Type1 tilesets for us. My team's current game project has that theme and we need more tilesets that are compatible with Fang Auto Tile.

Thank you for your hard work!

~ Kurochan 

sorry, I meant for "Fang Auto Tile".

Also, I followed you here on itch. I look forward to seeing what else you create! ゲームアートを作ってお陰様で、ぴぽや先生!

Pipoya, I love your auto tile sets for Fang! Do you think you could make a Cyberpunk/Sci-Fi themed Type1 auto tile set for Fang too? My team and I will send you a free copy of any game we make using your tilesets for sure!

Hey all! Kurochan here with a progress report on our map remodeling!

I was chatting with Driftwood Sensei about the Pros/Cons of using Parallax Maps for all of the maps in a game, and after chatting with the team about what he told me, we decided to drop the Parallax Mapping idea and just redesign the maps in MV instead. We want to eventually release our games for Android, so we can't use Parallax Maps too much if we want to keep the package size small enough for mobile devices. Anywho, our Maps aren't going to look like a simple RPG Maker mapping style though since we're using elevation changes and atmospheric sound and lighting to make them feel realistic and immersive. We are editing the MV Tilesets (like the water tilesets) to allow for the clouds and sky to reflect off the water via the water's Alpha Channel being a transparent blue over a sky parallax image set to scroll. We think you're really going to like what we've done to the maps! I attached an example screen clipping of the Faymere's new look, but its still a work in progress so it might look a bit different next time. (Though not much different.)

We hope you'll patiently await the release of the 2nd stage release build of this demo!

Keep an eye out for our future progress reports! 

Until next time, 

~ Kurochan @ KuroyukiDev Games

Kurochan here with a progress report!

> Demo Quest Story Plot has been finalized and I'm in the middle of programming it right now.

> The Battle Mechanics are in the Design Phase still though.... can't really decide on a system that agrees with me yet.... BUT, I think I'm getting close!

We want this game to be fun to play for everyone, so we're putting plenty of effort into the story and visuals to make it enjoyable. We would really like to hear your feedback on this demo to make our games more fun for all! Leave a comment on the download page's comments section and we'll try to put everyone's feedback to good use! 

Thanks for checking out our Games and Demos! More info to come!1

2019-10-20 >> Bug Fix Made:

  • Fixed the Mining Mechanic's Static/Broken Ore Yield RNG problem. 
    • Will be released with the 2nd Stage Build Release

>> Posted By:: Kurochan <<