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A member registered Apr 02, 2024 · View creator page →

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Well I can not unsee it now and i like to move it move it XD XD 

Thank you so much for playing! Glad you enjoyed it.  i really appreciate the feedback.   I plan to improve the game after the jam :).  

Thank you so much! Modeling is my way to procrastinate in game jams :)

Thank you so much for playing! Glad you liked it!

The gameplay is quite engaging that I couldn't stop playing until I beat the game. I like the enemy variety. The difficulty curve and the enemy wave patterns are crafted well.  The health indicators next to enemies is a nice touch. I always have a thing for minimal color palette pixel art games. Great job!

Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed it! I plan to expand the game after the jam. Maybe a story about being stuck in the stand until the next festival to serve memorable, unique monsters alongside the procedural ones. Maybe seasonal events and monster types. Sky's the limit :D

Sorry for the inconvenience.  Due to an issue with Godot, once the game is started, if you click outside the game, the mouse is not captured again. So please use fullscreen mode or don't click outside the game window during the game

It's a really stylish game! Intro is great and the gameplay is quite original. Excellent job!

Variety of enemy behavior is admirable and the gameplay is quite smooth and engaging. Great job!

Thank you so much! I definitely prefer horror too  and I am not sure why I made a cooking game. :D Maybe I should tweak it a little bit and expand the story after the jam. 

Thank you so much! Glad you liked it. The current state of the game is far from being complete since it is the original submission to the Ludum Dare. I am working on fixing the issues including the one you mention about text. I totally agree that fading in and out is a far better solution.  I plan to upload a new version in a few days with additional music and visuals. Also, I will expand the story in upcoming months

Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed.

Thank you so much for playing! It's a first for me! 

Thank you! :)

Thank you so much! Your kind words made my day! Glad you you enjoyed my game!

Here's mine, I hope you enjoy it!

(I highly encourage you to play the desktop version but if you prefer WebGL port please play it in fullscreen mode for the best experience! )

Here's my game Last Stand on the Left, I hope you enjoy it!

Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed it! I plan to expand the game after the jam by adding different customer types and serving mechanics .

I really liked the blending of storytelling and gameplay. Good job!

I really like the backstory and the level design. I hope you can expand this idea. Good job!

Thank you so much for the kind words! Glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks! Sure, here are my two cents :) After several tries to understand the mechanics, I reached the conclusion that repairing the most damaged door while waiting for reloading and then using the bullets on the enemies which are forcing the current most damaged door was an effective strategy. Also, I placed the towers close to the doors which I plan to repair last.  By the way, relatively weak “towers” is a good design choice to avoid the age-old pitfall of decreasing difficulty curve (which can eventually take away the challenge) through the gameplay. For the mini card game, it is a cool touch in the wild west concept but I've never understood any game involving cards, so i am not the most reliable player to evaluate that :D

Thank you so much!

Congratulations on your first game jam! Here's my game, I hope you enjoy it! I'll check your game too.

(I highly encourage you to play the desktop version but if you prefer WebGL port please play it in fullscreen mode for the best experience! )

I hope you enjoy it!

(I highly encourage you to play the desktop version but if you prefer WebGL port please play it in fullscreen mode for the best experience! )

I really liked the addictive and challenging gameplay which kept me playing for a better run. (currently I'm in top 3 :) ) Art style is quite pleasant. Last but not least, implementation of a leaderboard in a jam game is admirable. Great job!

Here's mine, I hope you enjoy it!

(I highly encourage you to play the desktop version but if you prefer WebGL port please play it in fullscreen mode for the best experience! )

It is my favorite so far. Everything blends perfectly to create the ambience. Excellent job1!

Thank you so much! I'm glad that you enjoyed it.

Thank you so much! Glad you liked it!

I really liked the art style and the enemy variety. The cutscene at the beginning is a nice touch for the immersion. Good job!

Thank you so much! I’m glad that you enjoyed the game. I agree about the potential tedium after a while. Hopefully, after the jam, I plan to add monster variety and mechanics for a more complete experience. 

Thank you so much! I'm glad that you enjoyed it. (I've just played and rated yours!)

I really like the visual style and the lore, which is reminiscent of retro sci fi movies. Gameplay is so enjoyable that I couldn't stop until I beat it on my third run. Good job!

It really shows your hard work!

Here's my game, I hope you enjoy it!

(I highly encourage you to play the desktop version but if you prefer WebGL port please play it in fullscreen mode for the best experience! )

Thank you so much! It is great to hear such kind words!

Thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoyed it!

Yes! It’s a brilliant and elegant way to show the ammo count!

To be honest, I am struggling too..  :D