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A member registered Jan 11, 2021 · View creator page →

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It was fun to play. My only goal was to get a bunny in the hat, because It's so hard I started to doubt about the possibility of it. My highest  score is 1310 :D
I think you could make the hat bigger, so it's easier to get further in the game.
And the art is cute tho :)

Okay. It was hard for me at the beginning, but after that I enjoyed it so much (highest score: 461).. This game is awesome! It fits really well to the theme, the design is simple and it looks good, and the difficulty is just as I would expect from this type of game. Great job! :)

Thank you! We are glad you liked it :D And I will check out your game right now :)

Thank you for playing our game! We plan to increase the difficulty by speeding up the spawning of asteroids or by adding a new game mechanic. Thank you for the feedback! :)

Thank you! :)

In the name of my team thank you for your kind words! It's so good to see that you enjoyed it so much and you even made yourself to top 10. Congrats :D

Thank you for your feedback. I'm sorry for the asteroids, it's a bug that happens when you don't have enough (60) FPS. And yeah, there are a lot of small tweaks that should be done, but unfortunately we have to wait till the end of the jam.

Thank you! We are glad you liked it. :)
(P.S.: How much for it? XD)

Yeah, my brother did an awesome job with the art. Thank you for playing our game. :)

I'm sorry you couldn't play it. What browser do you use? Because we tested it in chrome and mozilla and it worked.

Thank you for playing our game and for the feedback :)

Awesome! :D

Programming: Jam (,
               Krisztian (instagram)
Art and sound: Mate (instagram)

Nice game. Fun too play, good sounds, nice art and challenging. Especially for me, because I'm not good at typing, and that's why I liked the option to upgrade the teleport distance so I can balance my weakness. But it led to a bug where I teleported trough the black hole at the end of the map and thus the level hasn't ended xd

Thank you! :)
The arts were made by my brother, I've told him you liked it. ;)