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Kobato Games

A member registered Jan 31, 2022 · View creator page →

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Nice game where you had to take out the enemies but weren't feeling too rushed. (I'm going to ignore that rocks were somehow floating on water, maybe they got affected by some broken physics left over from Goedware Jam 9 XD). Like how you made a potentially intensive game into a relaxing game. Time between waves was good to catch your breath and having 10HP instead of just having three lives I loose almost immediately gave me more incentive to keep playing :)

You're correct. Avoiding big square rooms is advice I've heard from experienced RPG Maker game devs.

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I like the 2d 3d combo and ambient music, but, as others have noted, had a really hard time with the platformer part because it could be really hard to get a player to land on the next step and if you were too close to the edge or had too much momentum, you would slip right off :( Not to bash your submission. The concept is neat. It just needs polishing.

Nice graphics and I appreciated the tutorial. Had a bit of a hard time blocking the ball and avoiding the bullets, though I tend do not have the fastest reflexes.

Fun. Found a bug where the ship sometimes turns invisible until the game ends. I'm not sure if it has to do with bumping a ship, getting hit while bumping a ship or getting hit while touch the edge of the screen or what, but it triggered quite a few times for me.

I get that. Just updating the description with instructions on what to do would be a big help.

Neat. Even if it's still in development, it's a fun kinda mindless game you can chill to. I guess the player can't die? Not sure if you planned it that way or have not yet implemented death yet, but I like it like this XD

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Nice concept for a game and the mini games were fun, especially the pixel icon guessing one, though I had a hard time moving because it felt like the character was always either too fast or too slow and kept getting stuck on things -- not game breaking stuck just momentarily, but frustratingly stuck :(

Music's nice, but stops midgame. Did you mean for it to loop?

Thank you. Glad you enjoyed the game. I had a really hard time getting the visuals to be what I wanted until I stumbled on the wooden wall on the final evening of the jam. Then everything finally began to fall together at the 11th hour XD

Just saw your easter egg in the spoiler channel.  Thanks for the encouragement to play a little longer. The egg was clever and the method of finding it makes perfect sense.

Nice art and the music fits the game well. I like the rat's swishing tail :)

Thank you. Found the wizard on OGA and while it's static in my game, it technically is animated and quite expertly done. You can see it in the preview.

You're welcome.

Smart. I'm always overscoping XD

Nice start for the game and thank you for adding the walkthrough. Helped me find a lot more things. I like the additional skill of throwing the poorly made student potions at the enemies, though the shirt that gives this skill should definitely be easier to find (like in a visible dresser), and considering how few skills dad has, you really shouldn't be able to leave the house without it. Also, don't know if you already know this, but there's a check box in events called "Direction Fox" that makes events stay in place when interacted with. (i.e. signs won't change into a different item when interacted with). And no, it's not like I forget that all the time myself XD

P.S. It looks like you added some neat character graphics that aren't in the default package. Did you make them yourself? I've yet to figure out how to export an XP game and include added graphics beyond the default graphics.

Your welcome. Sorry for the confusion.

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I'm not the dev. Just a fellow jammer passing through who happened to be familiar with XP. Hope the actual dev (DexPalBuddu) sees your nice feedback :)

Simple, but well designed, visually and mechanically. Hope pac-man doesn't come along and ask for his fruits back :)

Great. I know I had to put instructions on my game page for that when I uploaded an XP game a while back. It's an unfortunate hassle of older versions of RPGM.

Does the ball come back? I hit it on the first turn, it bounces away and never comes back :(

Am I supposed to spin around and catch it?

Is it something called a "run time package"/RTP some older versions of RPG Maker need you to download it from the RPG Maker website. If you do need a run time package, this game would need XP. (Have no idea if this is your problem, because I got XP a while back and have the RTP.)

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That's cool. I'll have to play yours later.

Me too. There was supposed to be a lot more. It took me a while to design a room I was satisficed with and and requiring the player to switch between icons to interact with items required so many variables I barely kept straight. (There were supposed to be special infrared and ultraviolet eyes that would let you see hidden messages on the wall, which could have had so much easter egg potential.) I'd love to expand the game sometime.

Oh yes, I got the idea for taste because many years ago I played a game on Newgrounds about a little girl who had taste as one of their options due to their young age. Don't remember the name unfortunately, but the plot was her mom was accused of being a witch and the game starts after mom hides her in a trunk just before she's taken away and the kid has to get out and find her mom.

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Thank you. I had to rush it way more than I would have liked and am really looking forward to tweaking it postjam. Glad people are still enjoying it :)

Thanks. Found it. Might help if the NPC said the cave was "to the west" since normally games advance to the right as opposed to sending you back to the starting point.

Thank you. That's what I was aiming for :)

How do you get into the cave? I can't get up the wall. Or is the cave entrance somewhere else?

Well done. Good foreshadowing slipping in odd little facts about the narrator over the game. Still did not see it coming.

Thanks. Never even saw the objective change. Know what it's like to have to cut corners rushing though :)

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Okay game. The discussions and logic required to convince people to go to the shelter were executed well.  

Edit: I was muted somehow and did not realize your game did have music.

Kevin died for me too, even though he had an emergency kit, though Kathrine survived even without one. Guess she at least was taking the storm seriously.

Interesting story, but I do not understand why it randomly ended after trying to speak to the last person (who would have been the first person at the start of the game). I had been questioning the various people in the train car when I tried to speak to the last person and was told I failed to find the murderer :(

Thanks. I'm touched how many people are trying out my game. I need to get out and and play more of yours <3

It's okay. I can only imagine how many variables you must have to keep straight in that part.

Thank you.

I was playing the web version and loaded it about 6 hours ago. Looks like there's a downloadable version updated 20 min ago. Maybe I should check that one. 

Thank you for confirming it was not me. I really could not figure anything out and had wondered, considering the length of the jam and the amount of variables it must have required to set up such a puzzle, if maybe the game itself had an error.

How do you win this game?

Hey. No matter how I place these characters in the mini game, I can't get it to be correct. I can't even see what I am doing wrong at this point :(

Thanks. As I explained in another comment, I had to set up the dialog and choices in a clunky way. I could have accidently set a variable so that it skipped too far ahead in the dialog. I'll have to see if I can trigger any errors at some point so I can fix them post jam.