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A member registered Jan 29, 2023 · View creator page →

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This in pico8 is awesome great job!

Thanks a lot! I think this game needs some kind of tutorial or easier levels to get more accommodated with the different mechanics. I'll probably update the game after the jam ends if you want to see more levels

Thank you! At first I had a totally different art style in mind but didn't have enough time to make my own assets. I found these awesome textures for free on itch and I think it ended up looking better than what I originally wanted to do!

Thanks! Do you think that the first level is too hard and that I should make easier levels first to introduce the mechanic better?

I love this asset pack, thank you so much for making it available for free! I used it for my latest project and it looks awesome

This game is really cool I like it a lot, congrats!

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Thank you! I like this asset pack a lot too

More is coming really soon!

oh these are pretty cool bananas

Thanks for the kind words!

The aiming is unpredictable because the code I use for the kick is a bit weird. The power of the shot is also determined by how far from the ball you are, ther farther your are the more powerful the kick. I'm not sure if that's a bug or a feature yet

This is really good and polished, it feels like a full release game and not like a game that was made in 3 days.

Funny how we got kind of the same thought that cats play with balls, and we even used the same cat sprite, but we exploited them in a totally different fashion.

And this game has a leaderboard, that's practically infinite replayability for me

This game is really cool! I like these fast paced minigames warioware style. I like the fact that most of the minigames can be played on mobile too. And how did you even get the time to make all these artworks

You can still kick up and down if you position the cat correctly.

Actually the reason why the cat can only rotate on the x axis is that all I learnt to do were 2d platformers. I wanted to make this game without looking at tutorials but I had never made anything like that before. I think I did pretty well, but I couldn't really figure out how to make diagonals and stuff other than with a ton of 'if' statements to check what inputs are pressed (which is kinda bad)

Glad you found it cool :)

Thank you, I didn't have time to make levels for the jam but I'm currently working on some improvements and on levels.

The aiming is bad but I guess it's part of the identity of the game. I made it all by myself and I think I used the wrong technique... If you know GDScript you can download the source code and have a laugh at it if you want

And if you want to not hit the ball, you can simply turn around when charging. I tried adding a way to cancel but it didn't work out with the kick mechanic.

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Great concept. I messed a bit with something similar once when I duplicated my player by accident but I never thought about making it a full game. I like puzzle games, but the gap between the difficulty of level 1 and the difficulty of level 2 is a bit too much. Once you find the solution it's great though, but it should have easier levels

Thanks a lot! Never thought I'd make a cat golf game either

This game I great. I like how the limitation isn't just a limitation, it's the core mechanic of the game. Most original use of it I've seen yet

The game looks really good, the use of the limitation is perfect, but the platforming doesn't feel really great. The gravity is too strong and the cat sometimes needs to go out of the screen, making it really hard to control the landing

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Nice one! At first I wanted to make a Tetris game too but then I hit a wall, coding a Tetris game is surprisingly hard! The art looks good and t-spins kinda work most of the time, that's satisfying, kudos

I couldn't get more than 2600 points though, I don't know how you spawn your blocks but it seems kinda random, and sometimes there's just nothing good that shows up. Tetris games usually fix this by the random bag method: all the pieces are put in a bag and then shuffled, then we start emptying the bag. Once it's empty we put back the pieces and start over again. I don't know how you made your spawning system but it could be an easy fix

The game looks good and it's original. It's a bit hard though, maybe I'm just a bit dumb, but seing what the animation should look like, or at least having the first and last frame set correctly at the start would help a lot

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Thank you! I'm currently working on adding a visual indicator and yes, it does help a bit. The tip for angling the shots is to look relative to the cat's head. I wanted to include this tip in a tutorial level but my time was cut short because of a small incident this weekend. I'll update the game soon because now it isn't that great

Well played!

I stacked some cats

I love this, it looks and plays great. The use of the color palette for this is really good. Well done!

Tetris if it had physics.. And cats! Fun little game, I managed to get a score of 13,5 after a few attempts. At first I didn't know that we could rotate the cats by clicking on them, you should make it clearer via some text or a mini tutorial. A neat little addition would be the ability to zoom out, letting the player admire their cat stack. And I really like the fact that you have 9 lives, nice little detail.

Cool game, I especially like the cat's sprite and the game over screen, and that bowl looks giganormous.  I reached the end of the game but had to refresh the page each time I had a game over. Is there any way to restart a game after a game over? If there is it should be clear to the player

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Yes, for now there's only one level. I'll see if I can update the game during the voting period. At first I was planning on adding moving obstacles as well as other levels all on the last day, but I couldn't really work on my game that day due to circumstances

I was planning on making one but the math behind drawing a line in the right direction is a bit complicated for me, I'll need to check out a tutorial

this is gameplay

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when someone asks for the nastiest drink you have simply make something disgusting like put an egg in a cup, and the other one asking for shots is the 2 glasses that the cat that smokes asks

These look so cute thank you for making these

Thank you! I would have liked to add even more details to kind of "break" the symetry of the set. I tried to make some objects like benches and crowd control barriers to place around the ring but it was a bit too hard to make and it looked terrible so I removed them. I'm still happy with the end result though

Thanks a lot! I started pixel art about a month ago when I bought Aseprite, so I'm not that familiar with it yet. But I used many references and managed to end up with something that I'm pretty proud of

Thank you, glad you like it! At first I wanted to do a Little Mac model, but modeling a character is way harder than I thought

This game is polished and the concept is neat, but you should encourage the player to separate more often. As it is now, the safest option is to run away from thr green enemies while you get rid of all the yellow ones, and only then separate to take care of the green enemies. It isn't as fun as switching more often.

Gmtk made a very informative video about protecting the player from themselves. I recommend you watch it if you want to try and fix that in your future games

I like the unique mechanic. I don't know if anyone has pointed that out yet but if the player throws their magnet upwards and jumps at the same time, they get an extra height boost, allowing them to skip the puzzle in level 7 for example

Cool game, I like how the theme has been implemented with a creative gimmick. I wish there was an easy way to know how close I am to pop though, maybe via some UI element for example.

But overall good work I enjoyed it

Sure, the jam will be awkward if there are few submissions. Have you tried advertising the jam outside of

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Cool game, I like the idea. I played it on mobile and it works well with the side panel on

However, as it is now, the levels are quite long and dying forces the player to start all over again. Maybe it's the point of your game, but as a new player it's pretty frustrating to do the same 1 min of gameplay over and over again just to die at the same spot. Adding some checkpoints every now and then or making the levels shorter would be a great change