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A member registered Apr 01, 2023

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Если в момент выхода из паучьей норы начнётся H-сцена с маленьким пауком, то персонаж останется в норе, а камера снаружи и вроде бы поможет только выход в меню

Got it, thanks.

What do you think about adding a visual representation of the character's "fullness"?(right now 2000ml and 250+ eggs inside the character don't change the look or slow it down in any way)

What do you think about adding dark locations(can't see anything) and a torch for them?

What do you think about adding the ability to become a certain pose and interact with monsters in that pose?

What do you think about adding mouth stats (like uterus and rectum)?

What do you think about adding the ability to fill up a pink scale (underneath the health scale)?

What do you think about adding a map?

What do you think about adding health recovery items that can be carried around?

What do you think about adding the ability to undress a character?(for example after sex with mobs starts to please him(when text/monologue/dialogue changes))

Will the character have a state of horny berserk in the future?(dominating the mobs)

Got it, thanks.


When a character falls down (receiving 3 hits?) and the animation starts, if during the start of the animation move to another location, the character stays in the past and you can do nothing but exit to the main menu

If you hold down the move stick at the start of the animation in a certain direction, it will freeze and when the animation finishes the character will either sit or continue moving in the chosen direction (stick down, left/right).

Under certain conditions, the boss stands still and attacks only when approaching him(I tried to figure out under what conditions, but I failed)


Will there be added poses that depend on the environment/interact with the environment(table/chair/wall/trumpet?/open window?/posture/ mattress/bed)?

Will a mode with no loss of hp be added (everything works as before, only hp is not taken away)?

Got it, thanks.

(2 edits)

This is great, thank you for the opportunity to play this game on android

Depending on the state of the heroine, does her text/monologue change, will her behavior change in relation to mobs(dominant poses?)?

Will the appearance of the heroine change depending on the number of hits received?

Will the time of day(morning/afternoon/evening/night)?

Will new weapons be added?

Now can the heroine only be impregnated by big flies? Will other mobs impregnate her?

How to download previous versions?

(Sorry, i used deepl)