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What do you think about adding a visual representation of the character's "fullness"?(right now 2000ml and 250+ eggs inside the character don't change the look or slow it down in any way)

What do you think about adding dark locations(can't see anything) and a torch for them?

What do you think about adding the ability to become a certain pose and interact with monsters in that pose?

What do you think about adding mouth stats (like uterus and rectum)?

What do you think about adding the ability to fill up a pink scale (underneath the health scale)?

What do you think about adding a map?

What do you think about adding health recovery items that can be carried around?

What do you think about adding the ability to undress a character?(for example after sex with mobs starts to please him(when text/monologue/dialogue changes))

Will the character have a state of horny berserk in the future?(dominating the mobs)


1. The appearance change of the characters is too much work, and it may not be realized until the next game.

2. I have also thought about a similar plan, anyway I will remember it.

3. Maybe in the future, but I'm not sure.

4. It is expected to be added in the next game.

5. There may be a masturbation function later.

6. Same as point 4.

7. Same as point 4.

8. Same as point 1.

9. It is decided to add based on the development progress.

In short, this project will not be too complicated. After all, it is my first game, and there are still some problems. Some features will be put into the next game.


Got it, thanks.