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(2 edits) (+1)

This is great, thank you for the opportunity to play this game on android

Depending on the state of the heroine, does her text/monologue change, will her behavior change in relation to mobs(dominant poses?)?

Will the appearance of the heroine change depending on the number of hits received?

Will the time of day(morning/afternoon/evening/night)?

Will new weapons be added?

Now can the heroine only be impregnated by big flies? Will other mobs impregnate her?

How to download previous versions?

(Sorry, i used deepl)

Dialogue changes, but pose doesn't. (;′⌒`)

Appearance and time will not change, maybe in the next game.

Afterwards there will be other enemies that can conceive.

I didn't keep the old version here, but you can find it in my Ci-en. ヾ(•ω•`)o

Got it, thanks.