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A member registered Aug 10, 2019 · View creator page →

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(8 edits)

Yeah, I feel like Ruo should be purely straight, makes sense for her/him to me, I don’t know why. It just feels right.

Although I kind of wish I could F/F with Ruo, it doesn’t feel like Ruo.

Mei feels like she could be both but I don’t think she would be. She would only accept your confession as a female if she needed you for something. Purely for the sake of manipulation.

Tigress I feel like she would be mainly straight but you could have a battle besties/friends with benefits relationship with her as a female, though nothing more.

Ai feels like you could be with her as a female.

Xiwen feels like you could be with him as a male.

I feel like for the same sex relationships it would be cool if when you’re confessing to eachother, depending on who, there’s a whole ‘I need to think about this’ situation.

(2 edits)

I have no idea if the Romance options are mainly limited by gender, but I kind of hope we have a few characters where either gender works. For example Xiwen or Tigress or Ai.

I also kind of hope I can eventually romance the Demon Queen’s son. It’ll probably have to happen very late in the game, the option for that.

Like, I’m thinking, once we’re really powerful and let’s say Mo Long eventually gets really strong, helps us destroy He Clan or take over He Clan or something and we can eventually help him either destroy his mother or something else of the sort, perhaps eventually learn his skill. I dunno.

(1 edit)

There could also be things that rely on your rep rather than your actual alignment. Like, demonic or otherwise skills that rely on you being known as bad/good rather than actually being bad/good. I dunno.

(1 edit)

I’ve also noticed a few spelling mistakes and missing words in some of the texts, I’ll go through them again and see if I can tell you exactly which.

I remember there was one where instead of we’ll it was written we’’ll.

I kind of wish there was a Reputation system along with the Alignment system, like in reputation we have good/evil & unknown/well-known or something of the sort, depending on your rep for being good or bad you are either a bandit or something or a virtuous person I dunno, you just have some kind of rep. So my alignment can be different from how people see me, and if there are items that view your alignment you can have an evil item that you have to hide or bluff about but have your reputation be that you’re some kind of angelic human being.

Ooh, okay, thanks

How do I export saves?

Could you add a save system? I wanna be able to continue from where I left off.

(3 edits)

Ooh, ookay, thanks, I’m already on the right track then! Awesome. Thanks for the help. I shall finish paying off what I owe then cuz I almost done then I’ll just see what virginia is like cuz I haven’t started her yet then I’ll figure stuff out, thank you for hellpp.

One more question, How do I get the characters I’ve transformed to be together?

Samantha is a futa or whateva ya call it

I made Cas punk

Damien is a Bull

Jolie is the masked actress switchy person

Mason is Platonic relations

Xavier is now Xun, plant lady

Petra is a Dark elf

Nadia is Genie

Michael is Mindflayer

Are any relationships between those transformations that are possible or nah?

Because I am contemplating who would be good for Damien & whether to look for Sarah for Cas.

(1 edit)

How do I ‘have an affair with the Demon of Greed’? Am I supposed to finish paying everything & he’ll show up eventually, or is it an end scene & I choose to side with him situation? Currently finished Michael’s Transformation btw.

(5 edits)

I hope this might evolve into a full game eventually.

I’d love to make many women (and men, maybe?) my minions/slaves/other depending on whether I completely destroy their minds or not. Also, I’d love to have em fuck each other & maybe have the ability to manage them & give them ranks, etc…

Being able to use the ones whose brains are still useful to do tasks & lure more people towards me to break & make mine.

Maybe over time we could take over the continent while having multiple challengers who we can transform into either slaves, servants, allies, etc… based upon how much dignity we want to leave them with.

Also, I wish there was an option to play with her clit once it became phallic.

These things will probably never happen or take a very long time to ever happen, but basically I liked this a lot lol

Very nice quality, animation is awesome & I love being able to mess with her body proportions & senses.

(3 edits)

Are we going to have any sexual scenes with Akira? Because personally I’m kind of into it. It probably won’t happen, but I’m into it.

Other than that I hope there will be a harem ending, polyamorous ending, & monogamous ones. Basically I kind of hope that if we get powerful enough, work hard enough, get skilled enough, etc… we’ll actually be able to make a harem work. I also hope that we’ll have routes where we can match up our guy friends with some of the girls. Before that I’d hope we could influence some change in them though, but maybe we wouldn’t need to lol.

I just wanna be able to go through multiple interesting stuff.

I wanna be able to go through a route where I feel powerful as shit & can possibly harem if I choose the right choices & have the right amount of charm, smarts, strength, etc…

At the same time I also wanna be able to match my guy friends up with some nice girls & wanna be able to match the girls with some actually decent guys.

Also, I kinda hope that we will see actual physical changes on the character as we progress in strength, stamina, & agility, cuz a lot of games don’t do that. With this one though it should be fine either way, the story is captivating & the characters are awesome so I don’t mind if it doesn’t happen, I just enjoy feeling like our character is actually progressing.

(12 edits)

Here are the things I hope we will have/be able to do:

  • More & different sex positions
  • The ability to install a dick on our bot
  • More clothes, more pants specifically, like some jeans, some leggings, some shorts, longer skirts, etc…
  • Gloves or some way to make our hands look real, with the feet we have socks so its mostly fine, but again better more realistic legs would be epic or skins for our legs & hands
  • More shoes too, other than just sneakers
  • More hair styles, longer hair, shorter hair, insanely long hair, ponytails, braids, etc…
  • A couple more realistic skin colors, not just super white to the point of looking like a corpse
  • The ability to get some moderators for our comments or something of the sort
  • Eventually, once we have enough money, being able to refurbish & renovate our home
  • Eventually being able to get out own house & slowly being able to get even better homes over time
  • Being able to get cybernetic implants & other things to make us more attractive or otherwise
  • Maybe even clothes for our character would be cool
  • Being able to actually go to that class reunion eventually, after we make ourselves epic or being able to go with the bot
  • Being able to find some way to hide how we are getting so much money by making a fake company or otherwise, so we at least have an excuse just in case, it would be cool if the law enforcement actually noticed once you made TOO much to the point where it makes no sense. Considering the law enforcement in the game tho, they would prolly delay going & checking you so you could hide the cash, as tokens, or figure some other work arounds to have an excuse for it, or if we could bribe them or we had a charm stat to bluff or there was a special subscription, because, ya know, corruption lol

If our character could kind of evolve with the amount of cash, followers, & subs they get it would be cool.

But yeah, I dunno thas what I got so far.

(2 edits)

Understandable though lol, It is fun.

I made my current character a woman, called her Wu Xiu, & mainly been making her a very neutral very honorable type who is polite, seems sweet, but is cunning.

Once this game is complete & there is a lot more content I’ll probably start exploring a lot.

I’d love to make multiple different characters with very different personalities.

Btw, I’d also recommend trying out Uroboros, there is only one chapter out & its on itch. Its not really related to this game in any way nor similar but I found it fun.

Awesome, I tried a couple things but got tired tbh, I might end up using your method some time. I already got as far as the game goes rn but next update I’ll probably start over, in which case, I also really like underdog characters so I’ll probably make one of those. I adore MCs who have trash talent but then become better than everyone & OP & all that.

(7 edits)

I think probably you need to at least 8 agility & constitution + 3 perception, so you need at least 20exp in the beginning, which, thankfully you can get even with trash talent. With those you should be able to survive the previous competitions & advance to Tang Ruo, after which I think you’ll be able to endure. When he tries to hit your leg, it won’t break, after that when you wants to hit you again you lean away from it, then you say you won’t surrender, yada yada yada. You get the gist of it.

I haven’t tried it so I don’t know. Battle sense would probably also be good to have, if possible.

(14 edits)

I absolutely adore this, you do not even understand the extent of how much I love this.

The customization is awesome, being able to choose multiple pronouns & even change forms as we please is just so amazing I adore that.

The complexity of the choices & characters & how its not just superficial stats, which, I enjoy stat based games, but this is refreshing to say the least & it makes everything feel so much more real.

I love being able to choose if my character likes being touched as well, the amount of customization is just awesome.

The setting & little clues we get on the lore & the way it was executed, it all just makes this an amazing experience, even with only one chapter out.

I feel like I will become addicted to this game.

Edit: Before I forget, In profile, after ‘as befits’ rather than showing the pronoun it shows $mc_their

(1 edit)

This was really fun to play, couldn’t get the full version, though I wanted to, but I still really enjoyed it. Just Wish I could romance Lawrence.

(1 edit)

Get defeated by an Infected person, get Infected, and then try Pursue again- something happenz.

(3 edits)

Its just the Sentence Structure needs some work. Its still good though, and I could understand everything, just it could probably be Smoother. If you want I could try to read through the Demo again and see what may need some change-

The english could use some work, but other then that, pretty good.

Intewesting Vewy Vewy Intewesting



Is their going to be any males at any point in time?

Really enjoyed playing this, Their are some improvements that can be made with sentence structure but, otherwise everything is great so far.

Love this, Kind of hoping for some polyamory stuff, and maybe more blush-y Damon scenes I enjoy those.

I need polymorphous thingz, and threesomes, Dis game hawt. 😂😂

(4 edits)

Okay so I NEED TO KNOW i played the demo, and okay spoilerz i guess?? Anybody who no like spoiler, GET AWAEEEE.

I got to a point where a bunch of people pretending to be guards try to capture u and I followed along with it acted like I didn’t know and then fought them off and whatever and then I got to a point you captured the Spellcaster Guard dood and he says something about a Rosenkreuz putting magical chains on somebody and stuff and then u faint from pain and whateva so, is their some kind of curse or something on the Rosenkreuz family, like is the petal mark a bad thing, becuz u faint and PAINNNN and stuff so… Now i’m curious.

Also, LOVE THIS GAME gotta put it out there, its just so beautifully made and kind of complex while also not being THAT complex if that makes sence? Its better then most visual novel-y games I’ve played becuz like usually I get bored really quickly in these kinds of games but i just.. I Love this one ya know? so uh… yeh.😂😂

I’m really hyper and crazy right now cuz i just finished the demo like barely 3 minutes ago, so this whole comment is all over the place but yeh.

I’m Thinking that maybe their could be something in the sanctum which takes you back to the same place you make your character in in the beginning, because if you are taken to the exact same place you could also cheat if you end up feeling like it and just completely remake your character when you want. Plus, when you add new body parts people could go and play around and try em out, that was my thought process because I was thinking if an update adds the ability get wings, new colors, or different creatures body parts at the beginning then a person could just go and check it out… or if we just wanna change something we could easily do so by going to the sanctum and teleporting to that spot and changing the character however we want.

(1 edit)

Can you add maybe more body options like deciding if you want a narrow waist or a curved waist and if you want arm muscles/abs, slight muscles, some fat, just a slim belly etc…

Maybe for the muscular/thin parts it can change depending on strength and that can be enabled/disabled.

Also, If possible can you add something in the sanctum which allows you to re-edit/re-make your character without starting over from the beginning?

It could be implemented later or never, it’s only an idea. I just really like playing around with looks and making badass looking characters and cute ones and such.

Any cheats?

This is such a fun game!

So… I played the game and honestly whenever I heard any voice acting I started to think “Damn I wonder how the voice actor felt while voicing this”😅😂

I kinda hope that at some point we’ll be able to disguise ourselves as a human or other beings by using the witch or learning spells and using illusions or actually being able to transform using that. And I’m kinda hoping for more character customization. Otherwise, I am loving this.

(1 edit)

Yep use purple potion on the golem first, then do the rest.

Fair, I mean, All this IS related to the wings so until the wings are there you can’t really do much with the idea.