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Kavan Bahrami

A member registered Feb 19, 2017 · View creator page →

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Looks great! Just saw some of your post on twitter and came to check it out. I was  hoping the controller movement wouldn't make me feel sick, but I was wrong. Other than that, really cool art / style.

You're making gems, thank you / inspired.

(1 edit)

would love to see a ranking, per level / per game, to see how your final score compares with other players - even if you just made one that was populated by you but looked like other players, so there was some bar to try to beat.

I was able to find the dog twice, then kept being led by the sound into the wall and being caught.

(2 edits)

game breaking / firefox crashing error - repeated twice to  make sure.
Steps to reproduce:
- activate child, see water, activate duster, go to kitchen, activate baker.
- give water to baker
- give bread to child
- take duster and 'lick' dishes while holding it (clean dishes) - firefox freezes (game locks up) - did it again (6 licks to trigger crash)

how do i play? Im moving the mouse around the the scene sorta shifts and then slows down..

Okay. Other than just searching through YouTube for tutorials, do you recommend any resources.. right now I'm trying to learn about rigging and creating interesting animation states / blending through them via script.. so I'm trying to find or build a really easy and clean model to practice with. Your stick figures were spot on so I was trying to save the model craft step.. that said, I should learn blender at least on some basic level and this would be a good way to.

This is a really solid game, thanks for sharing it! Is there any way to get access to the model you used for the stick figures men?