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A member registered May 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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Getting to level 30 was fun but got a little repetitive in the last few waves. I would suggest shortening the wave count to 25 and increase the variety of mob stats, like making a really tanky but slow slime or a mob that shoots projectiles that you have to dodge while dealing with the horde behind you. The game was pretty fun and I had a blast upgrading to eight swords.

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Thank you for your feedback. I made an update to the game in response to your comment and the fact that others had issues too. I increased the radius of the flashlight and added a red hue to the lamp posts lights. I also updated the fog and added contrast between the top half and bottom half of the building to hopefully make it easier to navigate the structure. Its hard for me to notice how difficult it is to solve the puzzles because I know them like the back of my hand.

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The game idea is cool but there isn't much to the gameplay. I can just mine the gold ore and spam crossbow turrets. I would suggest adding more tower choices or upgrades for the existing towers and variations to the skeletons, like ones that have armor or weapons. Also, if you place a turret where the skeletons spawn, then they stop moving.

I'm definitely dreaming. I got through the first two stages in under 5s and didn't even have time to process what I was seeing, and then I got stuck doing the parkour in the third stage. Interesting game.

This is a fully fleshed out game from start to finish. The audio, game design, and visuals work really well together. I had a lot of fun playing it!

Thank you! This was my first ever game and I decided to go with 3D to force myself to learn it. I've known about the menu related bugs and I tried to fix them but they are issues with the engine and I just haven't found a work around. It terms of the gameplay design, I wanted to keep the narrow FOV and environment as I felt those elements would force the player to be more methodical when exploring the map. I do see your point though, and I will keep that in mind for future projects.

It was pretty good for your first project. Keep at it.

Dinosaur. Gurrrrrrrr. Fun game and I like the fact that you can eat people.

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The isometric style looks cool but it made the controls a little disorienting. Fun game. I finished with only 109 steps taken.

This has been my favorite game so far. Using the key as both the weapon and the target was very creative and the movement felt fun and reliable. It also helps that there are only three key binds to have to think about. I could definitely see this idea being expanded upon and being turned into a larger game.

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Thank you. I suggest roaming around the top of the building. Also there is a gameplay video linked on the game's page and at the top of the comments.

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If you are feeling stuck.

The game is pretty fun but on level seven, the keybindings make it practically impossible to finish. It would make more sense to bind throw/pickup to LMB so your left hand can focus on movement while the right hand focuses on throwing and catching.

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Thank you! If you are stuck, I released a full gameplay video that is linked on the page here:

Really good game!