Creator of
Many questions, many drinks, infinite time.
Visual Novel
At first normal guy, but then boom, super buff guy.
As a factory worker, your duty is to build as many parts as you can... But how far will this job take you?
run, transformation, attack, jump, jump attack and death animations of a super strong normal guy i guess
Recent community posts
Yeah, I need to work on my english writing. I was worried I would phrase things awkwardly. I did change a lot of things but your comment just shows how it wasn't enough.
On this Appetizer version I found it hard to fix stuff after it was already written on the game format, because I wrote everything on the game format right away and it has a bunch of data mixed with the actual text. But now I'm adding some steps before putting it in game format and I'll use some online grammar tools and some friends to help me write everything nicely.
And the alcohol bottles typos. They aren't typos, they are on purpose. At first I was worried if I could use some of those ingredients names on my game, then I temporarily used remixes of the original names. Then I decided to leave it as that, cause I like some of them more than the originals.
It is up to debate though, if I should leave the fictional names for the ingredients or not. Cause I think there would be no problem on using the original names of most of them.
This Appetizer version is not the final game, but it might be very similar to what the full-game will be. Whether you’ve encountered a pesky bug, have ideas for improvements, or simply want to share your overall experience, this is the place to do it.
Also, there's a lot of text involved and different dialog branches and stuff. It takes a lot of organization to be able to keep track of all of it and make sure there are no missspelling and/or missplaced elements, expressions and things like that. I'm still getting the hang of it so please report this occurrences if you find one.
Yes! I did the animations! Thank you very much! The walk loop animation took A WHOLE DAY to make! I'm happy that the time invested wasn't for nothing.
But the punch animation? That was just thrown together in a rush XD When I was thinking of an attack animation we didn't know how long would the attack range be yet. So I made this big, cartoonish, elastic punch (by the time it was a place holder with no color) so that I could stretch the punch further in case we needed more range on the attack :P
itch.io Community » Creativity & Art » 2D Art · Replied to dustdfg in How offen attempt to draw something ends up in drawing absolutely another thing?
itch.io Community » Creativity & Art » 2D Art · Replied to dustdfg in How offen attempt to draw something ends up in drawing absolutely another thing?
itch.io Community » Creativity & Art » 2D Art · Replied to Hugues Ross in I made 70 variations of...
itch.io Community » Creativity & Art » 2D Art · Posted in How offen attempt to draw something ends up in drawing absolutely another thing?
Well your example is quite extreme!
But in my case, it is really rare to draw exactly what I wanted. Especially when drawing characters.
A very recent example is the character I made for my recent game. It was supposed to be a charming female bartender. But as you can see in the final result I'll put at the end of this post, it turned out kinda childish, smug and hellish(?) character. Some people even asked if it was a boy or a girl! Which I find interesting, so I decided to keep it a mystery.
AND IT IS RED! The red color was not on purpose, I chose red as a placeholder color and got used to it!
So yeah, but it looks good in my opinion so I'll stick with it.
Here's the final character:
Kickstarter Campaign Update 1 - 29% in 6 days! comments · Replied to Light in Kickstarter Campaign Update 1 - 29% in 6 days! comments
itch.io Community » Creativity & Art » 2D Art · Created a new topic The development animation of the main character of my new game project.
I like to create my pixel art stuff on Piskel firstly and create a new frame every time I take an important step. This way I can roll back to the previous frame if I regret the changes I made and I get a cool animation at the end.
Here's the resulting animation of the creation of the main character of my new game project Unforgettable: 4th Dimensional Bartending
I really like this game. Actually, I really like your work in general.
The narrative is short yet very creative and it is explored very nicely through the game's art. The narrative, the sprites, the music, the UI. Everything matches and complements each other.
It is also really impressive how all your work shares this dark magic aesthetic, starting by the very name of your profile.
Your work is very stylish and full of personality. This is getting too long. I'm your fan, that's all.
A Normal guy that transforms into a super strong normal guy comments · Replied to alex_ in A Normal guy that transforms into a super strong normal guy comments
The Angry sun is a bullet hell game with mechanics based on the planet rotation. I made it in 72 hours for MiniJam 113 but I was too late to submit it there. Still I think the game turned out really cool and I'm considering working more on it.
But since I can't post it on the Mini Jam I'm looking for some players to give it some love and maybe share some opinions about it.
LINK: https://kalann.itch.io/angry-sun
8ª Game Jam UNIVALI community · Replied to ThiagoMitt in As artes das paredes do hooklight tavam muito boas
8ª Game Jam UNIVALI community · Replied to ThiagoMitt in As artes das paredes do hooklight tavam muito boas
8ª Game Jam UNIVALI community · Created a new topic As artes das paredes do hooklight tavam muito boas
A Normal guy that transforms into a super strong normal guy comments · Replied to GStegger in A Normal guy that transforms into a super strong normal guy comments