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A member registered Feb 09, 2017

Recent community posts

Thanks, i dont know how to download but i will try

I am Sad :(

Im using the Web browser, is that bad? How do you get the app?

Hey Dasius, Just wanted to let you know something cool( if you didn't know already) but recently a youtuber named CrankGameplays, just letting you know cause i thought it was cool, also i thought you could use this as a sample vid. :)

I think the price of the weapon depends on the amount of time the coustemer has been waiter + the actual value of if the weapon is say, silver or bronze.

Hey Dasius, I just saw Jacksepticeye play your game, it looks so cool! Unfortunately i cant seem to play the game do to having a Mac, by any chance will the game ever be on multiple platforms, do you plan on expanding it? If not thats finr, ill just stick to watching youtube. let me know, Thanks ;) P.S your game has a really cool idea or plot to the games, i hope i can find a way to play it.


Hey ToxicXender, just wondering but, have you tried or been able to play yet. It hasnt worked for me but ill keep trying.

Thank you I really appreciate it!

Yes I agree, I just watched Jacksepticeye play and now i cant stop wanting to play!

Hey Dasius, I just saw Jacksepticeye play your game, it looks so cool! Unfortunately i cant seem to play the game do to having a Mac, by any chance will the game ever be on multiple platforms, do you plan on expanding it? If not thats finr, ill just stick to watching youtube. let me know, Thanks ;) P.S your game has a really cool idea or plot to the games, i hope i can find a way to play it.