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A member registered Oct 04, 2017 · View creator page →

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It was an enjoyable game that I played for a while. I wish I could somehow re-order the mirror cards but overall I had fun strategizing.
Kudos for the UX and the visuals. It felt very polished.  
Thanks for making this and good luck with your submission!

Thank you for taking the time to  play our game! 
We are hoping to eventually get this game in some form of it within the app-store so am pretty happy to be getting this kind of feedback. 

First thing we made in this game was the sandbox mode, where after getting addicted to drawing random lines in there ourselves, we started getting ideas on how to make some levels. 

Hoping to get some time later today to rate other submissions, can't wait to try your game too.

Thank you for playing our gaming to the end! 
I wanted to make that last level like some playable credits, with bubbles that type out our names popping up and letting the player reflect them to see more and more. But since it was last day of the jam and we still hadn't added sounds, the options menu and hooked up all the levels in the level select, that last level ended up as sort of a limited sandbox mode. 

Hope to try out your game soon!

Thank you for playing our game!
Good to know it looks like a Mobile game. That's what we were trying to target with this one. Hoping to evolve it into a full mobile game after the jam ends. 
Hope to play your game soon!

(1 edit)

Thank you for trying out our game and for the nice words!
I do agree that the scoring system isn't explained properly. We should likely try explaining it a bit better than just a screenshot at the game page. Potentially a cheat sheet in the game would be very useful.  
It's a type of game where there player is given a very big range of moves to choose from. They have to consider where to draw a line, in what orientation, how many bubbles do they want to affect? If there is a force bubble, they have to choose whether to utilize it somehow, or try to cross it out. Sometimes the best options might be to sacrifice some of your bubbles for a better score.
With our current approach, we want to guide the incentive through the goal of each level. In the current version, most of the times the goal is to reach a certain high score, using the least possible moves. Using different scoring approaches for different levels, it should be possible to incentivize the player to exploring different strategies. For example, the goal in a level could be to maximize the number of bubbles you have at the end of your moves.

Another way I can think to create the incentive of caring for the smaller bubbles, would be to add some more special bubbles in the game. Perhaps a bubble that if you cross, it makes all your lowest value bubbles the highest and vice versa.
Finally, I would have wanted to have larger bubbles occupy more space in the play area, but we didn't get enough time in the jam to implement that too. I hope we can make that now, and perhaps with some cooler looking vfx for when the mirroring happens- also I would like to have some kind of metaballs effect for merging the bubbles and a popping animation. 

Either way, am writing too much! I hope I can get to try your game too soon. 

I was a bit disappointed when the game started and it wasn't a fighting-style game, but then again you rarely see that kind in a game jam.  It was a funny combination of ghosts and boxing and I liked the punchline in the name fright-club.  I couldn't really figure out the controls very well, or at least it didn't feel like there was a strategic way to use my controls in order to win and survive more. 
Either way, good job!

Good job on completing your first game! Keep up the good work. 

Amazing art in the introduction. The bats were annoyingly fast. Good job.

The difficulty of the pursuer and the difficulty of finding your way through the labyrinth wasn't well balanced. Walking around which was a main feature of the game didn't feel very smooth. The puzzles were cool. 

Reminded me a bit of Pixel Dungeon and Mystery Dungeon with the turn-based dungeon crawling this had. The slime level was pretty interesting, but the phantom's movements felt pretty random and I it felt pretty messy trying to stay away from it. Also nice usage of the Through the teeth wildcard!

That plot-twist in the end was so good. I don't think anyone could have FIGured it out.
Regardless, the player was a bit tossed into a chaotic place and it was a bit hard to figure out what areas are walkable and what weren't.
I got spotted quite a few times and near the end I just had a hoard following me, but I could easily outrun them. Either way good job on completing your entry!

Sadly we overscoped and the game ended up with a bunch of features that we didn't manage to get in time and obviously no time for polishing. As such in the current version, there is the bug you encountered - The resident info table opens up - but if you click at a house while it's up, it's gonna get stuck there - and if you open up the actions menu in a building with no residents, you'd have no way of closing down the table- which will get you locked in that state- Good news is that I have already fixed this bug for the post-jam version. 

You didn't miss anything. The build and murder buttons have no effect in the current version of the game. Didn't manage to implement them in time.  We are planning for a post-jam update where all these issues are fixed, so stay tuned!

Thank you for playing and taking the time to leave a comment too! 

I liked watching the ghosty moving around in the main menu and shooting at things. Also it's addicting to play around and get upgrades like that- I guess the same reason why Vampire survivors worked.  The collect radius was a bit annoying especially considering that the enemy hitboxes were bigger than that.

I had fun rolling the dice. Too bad I had my dice get stuck twice. 

Really liked the audio design and the voices sfx in this one. Felt a bit short but all the mechanics felt polished and I really liked the way a timed event was implemented for scrapping items- I found that mechanic very unique.

Yeah we sort of overscoped for the final version and I should have hidden several buttons to prevent confusion with the not yet implemented features. 
We definitely wanna get the game to be closer to our initial vision for it. I have already managed to find the bug in investigate. Fixed the issue with the resident information panel staying up indefinitely.  Made the employee select go with click instead of drag and drop. So I hope that by the time the rating period is over, we'd have an updated more complete version!

Main menu is super pretty and I loved to see a working Leaderboard. 

Yeah we only have 2 patients at the moment; We are looking to expand the game further; thank you for your feedback.
I also noticed the bug you are talking about. It shall be fixed in a poste-jam update. 

Thank you for playing!

No sadly we didn't have an audio/ music person in the team. All sounds we used was from free sources (and free for non commercial use). Sadly we can't be that proud of the music, other than the fact that we picked it for this XD. 

Thanks for playing!

This felt like forcefully trying to make a speed-run in a game you've never played before! Which to be fair felt rather stressful.  Though I guess, that it simply needed more enemies and stuff that you can one-shot along the way. 

Not sure about the Parry mechanic. Though it did provide an element of choice, it was so hard to use it successfully with the time constraints that I preferred not to. 

Overall it was a pretty cool though. At least after playing a couple of times and figuring out the layout of the map .

This was a fun little game. Sort of addictive as well and it definitely felt complete in terms of a gameplay loop. 

I loved the visuals of the UI and everything seemed to be matching really well aesthetically.
Very good work! 

The narrative was interesting. Though am not sure if I got to go through it all or not, for while a voicemail was playing and I was dashing to the field I sort of just fell right into the boogeyman. 

Very atmospheric and definitely does a great job and getting you immersed (even though the game loop itself was rather boring. Am not a big fun of walking simulators, and seriously this guy could use a Cart or something to load his Pumpkins instead of picking them up one by one. But~ I suppose it's a mandatory element for horror stories for their protagonists to be stupid) 

Great work and amazing voice acting!

Nice and Smooth. I played through it twice. No idea if a score of 33 is good or bad. 
Congratulations on submitting a complete and polished entry!

The textures reminded me of Dark Cloud.
Overall it was a nice concept, I was rather annoyed at those weird slugs that kept chasing me around and weren't allowing me to charge my battery.
The idea felt rather original to me, at least the way of extending cables and lighting up the place. 
The camera control was a bit hard to handle, would have preferred something mouse controlled on that regard.

Pretty good job. I was surprised to see that this game hasn't received many ratings yet. It's a nice entry and one that's polished enough to deserve more ratings.

It was a bit annoying having to depend on the rotation of the thing in order to attack your enemies. Especially considering that they would sometimes just stick in corners and you don't really have an option to approach them without getting hit. I think it would have been more fun with some active way to attack enemies. 

The cover art was interesting. 

The quality of these graphics and the polish in the introduction is really impressive.  The camera reminded me of Digimon World, it definitely adds to the atmosphere, though it sort of annoys me having to walk with such cameras. 

I got a bit tired midway through, mostly because this genre isn't really my type, but still managed to get to the end. 

Really good job, just the looks of this game were enough to make me jealous. 

Rather buggy and the pigs are sooooo fast. The graphics are rather cute. I think most of the games I've played in this jam are similar in terms of goals and mechanics.

At first I was a bit lost regarding what I can do with my things, but then I found the merchants and the blackmarket. I soon bought a nice hoe and cleared the plots in my property, building a huge crops farm. It was pretty cool to play through.
It was a bit hard to target the tiles you wanted overall and most of the times I would end up walking onto the tile I wanted to perform an action instead of next to it, causing the action to fail. 

Either way, very good work, nice and original implementation of the One or Two? Wildcard. 

I was very confused with some vegetables as of what is supposedly rotten or not and in many cases I just hit the eldritch vegetables even after I had them under the flashlight for the entire duration of the Flashlight.
Felt like too much gambling for my tastes, but its pretty good work for your first jam. 

It took me a bunch of time just to figure out how this works. First level was the hardest for me. Afterwards it felt like a nice breeze. Like the controls were smooth, and I felt like a very skilled player for managing to complete those levels first try XD.

It was really enjoyable and fun. Good work!

It was nice and polished. Though it got a bit dull after just going back and forth between fields.

I liked the aesthetic, felt pretty gothic. I think the mechanic I enjoyed the most would be the Fusion. As in it's always interesting when you can fuse weird things together and see them coming out as other weird things.
Attacking enemies was a bit tough, considering I'd frequently just bump into them, then attack and miss them, but the flaming skull tower made things easy. I felt the crow was a bit useless, though I did enjoy the speed boost from the other tower.  
At some point, the enemies cleared out an animal pen, and afterwards I could no longer use it. Probably some bug. 
Overall, I really enjoyed the experience. The character portraits were very nice and the game had a nice pace between exploring new things and progressing. The nights did feel sort of big and it was so dark that I could barely see anything.

Very good work!

I played both endless mode and story mode. It took me a while to figure out how to access the shop.
The upgrades didn't feel very useful, though I was either singling out attack speed or attack damage in my runs.
Placing weird bosses at the end of the map was rather annoying. I think it might be an issue with the web export, but for some reason my movement would get locked and I would be dragged to move in one direction.  I shall try to play a downloaded version after I take my time to rate more games.

Pretty good work here though! I enjoyed spamming my z button to attack enemies, and was addicted to the looting! In games like these it's interesting to add combos to when attacking multiple times, 

Figuring out the controls at first was a bit of a task, but after some failed clicks and just smashing buttons to figure out what works and how, I was able to play by the end of stage 1. 

The stages sort of felt repetitive and I didn't really understand what was the difference between them. I think that in all them I had to follow the same strategy in order to win.  (Played all 6 stages).

The mechanics were interesting, until that interest run dry from the repetitiveness of the levels. Also turns out the crows were my biggest ally by the end of it. 

Either way, it was pretty good work!

Thanks for playing and for the feedback!
Reducing the merchant's clicking cooldown is definitely on my to-do list.
I hope I can find time to play your game after work today. 

An interesting display of special abilities. It was a fun experience, mostly felt like an easy mental puzzle where you had to figure out which would be the most efficient way of you using choosing sides. 

The level felt a bit empty. With just people roaming around. It was interesting to see the whole visuals and auditory elements change when switching sides. 

Either way good work!

Thanks for playing and we are glad you had fun!
After seeing some friends play the game, I also noticed that they were a bit confused regarding when the plants are mature. I suppose I need to make that clear from the tutorial screen. Hope I can find some time soon to try out your game as well!

Thanks for playing the game and leaving a comment. We are glad you had fun, I can't wait to try out your game as well!

That's a pretty good score!
Thank you for the feedback. I enjoy posting a poste-jam version of games, so I might see what we can implement based on that.

Are you referring to the player hitbox, the bullets or the pumpkin explosion?

It was nice, refreshing and quick to play this jam entry. It could also be pretty educational to explain how Cartography actually was in the past and explains why most ancient maps look squashed compared to modern maps made with satellite data.