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A member registered Jan 14, 2017 · View creator page →

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For some odd reason, the movement was rather finicky, like when i tried to move, the player would only move by about 2cm then stop for a sec then move again another 2 sec, and when i tried dashing, it would dash towards where the cursor is, aside from that, really well done! Also adding an audio component would help as it did get rather loud after a while. Good job mate!

Neat premise and idea, really like the perspective of the camera, can't wait to see how you continue with the development!

The main menu is really well made, and the concept is super nice as well, maybe scaling the amount of damage the enemies do a little bit slower as the minutes go by just to have a better gauge of what happens for the player, but aside from that, really well done!

Really nice game in my opinion, my only grievance really would be that the controls are rather uncomfortable, and after a while my fingers were starting to hurt a bit, but aside from that really well done! Can't wait to see more!

(1 edit)
The Last Cave
A short demo for a 2D platformer I plan on making, this is also the very first game I've ever made.
Suitable for all ages.

Game Title/URL: The Last Cave

Pitch/Information: You find yourself awake in a small cave, with only a bed made of twigs and leaves, a kettle for water, and a campfire for warmth. You must survive, even if there are no predators around.

I'd like feedback on: Anything would be helpful!

Thanks! The ending was essentially finding your inner demon, and the controls are a bit finnicky when not using arrow keys, I do plan on adjusting that, or even making it so that players can bind their own keys to it. There's still more that I need to refine when it comes to the movement mechanics but that'll be for the future. Thanks for the input though!

This would be awesome! Will there be an option to create private servers? That way it would be way easier to play with our friends...