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John Wolf the Lone Wolf

A member registered Aug 16, 2021 · View creator page →

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Found it!  DEV Naitoh of Devils Acedemy DXD.  Link below.  Sorry if I got the two of you confused with each other

like i said, if I find it, I’ll link it to you. Its really uncanny. All the charcters in the first chapter. The the MC  dying and being sworn in by the girl with the crimson hair and so on.

ill look for it this weekend and link it to you

weird, I played an AVN that shared all the attributes.  I think it was named something else. I sadly cant remember the title.  The mini games it had kinda killed the game for me. Had to watch for hidden symbols and whatnot which kinda took focus away from the actual title.  I think I managed to clear the first chapter in that but it wouldnt let me progress to chapter 2 because I was missing points and had to go back in time blah blah. I lost interest.  If I find it again, I'll link it.

The mini games you devised are nicer and dont pry the focus  from the title itself, but almost script for script, its almost a match.  there are sublte differences between the two.

as for the show? (I'm guessing its a show) never saw it to be honest

Vox Gremory community · Created a new topic Revamped Title?

There is another AVN that has the same script and attributes.  I wasnt able to get very far with that title because of all the mini games and such.  Is this a revamp of that title?  I must say, so far I'm enjoying it.

welp, seems I'm out of any new content. the download on each of those plateforms is so massive that my free account cant handle any of it. Ever thought of releasing it on steam?

oh, I’m terribly sorry for the confusion. I’m happy to hear it will be here for sure! I know some Devs will usually post their final updates elsewhere. I dont have a subscribstar account, nor a patreon account.  Sadly, it happened with another title I really loved called MIST.  The last and final update was posted and linked to patreon I believe and with a price tag attached.  So I never got to finish it.  

Thank you kindly for the heads up! I’ll be watching for its release!

damn, was hoping to enjoy the last update. Oh well. Thanks for making a good title

guess it wont be posted here anymore? damn

IDK about harem lol, aside from the one time rut session with the demon that cursed you and groping Molly, Lady White Tail was the only one my MC had NSFW fun with. must have missed some key points.  I definitely love your render quality and the storyline is utterly amazing. I'll be doing a new play through with this update and see if I get that harem your promising LOL

Hate to be a pest, but when do you think the next release will be? I really enjoyed the thrilling aspect of your title! Next release I'll be startng a fresh play through anyway

I was wondering if there will more added to your title, you've been quiet for a while. Hope all is well on your end!  Should I do a fresh play through? I think its been well over a year since I enjoyed Mythic Manor

whats the release for the public build? Im eager to continue!

tried for a few hours and she still wouldnt come out. Ill try again with the next update

last version, Emma was still locked in her room, couldnt get further then Claire  appearing.  Kana is in a coma, not sure for how long. Loved the Maven and sisters corruption. Viola is hot couldnt help myself 😈

Am I missing something for Emma?


most likely

take your time, dont rush it! Your title is good, and life comes first, play when theres time! If it takes a month then so be it just as long as you dont burn yourself out

im in agreement, devs like you who rely on income only to get banned without being able to claim your income, its wrong, immoral and very illegal. Even if noone claims the money, itll be stuck unuse in limbo forever

atreon keeping the money is illegal as hell, sorry for the language. They either must allow you to clean out what you need or take the risk of a law suit. 8k is a lot of money and if it gets into a law suit, and you win, they lose more. I never liked Patreon, the site is difficult to navigate, unless you have an account then everything is locked and requires card information to create an account whether it be a debit or credit card.

I'm honestly glad you got out of there, I have heard many devs getting screwed over by patreon and banned them, and more

interesting example lol well, if you do move elsewhere, hope youll let us know so we can continue enjoying it 

of course, been playing your title for years now and loving it! Id hate to see it all change and remove the calming kids recentering your world, there was a game from patreon that sexualized them but cant remember the title but it was allowed on patreon for some reason

Cracking down on creators with legitimate titles is digusting

I have heard that patreon is cracking down on alot of content creators. As well as either forcing them out or forcing them to change their creation. Forcing you to take the kids out even if their not sexualized, their almost the centering of the whole title and brings a bit of calm to it.  I wanna be able to cuddle Alice and mini Kana.

Now I play alot of titles on steam and Ive seen some debauched stuff. Games can be free or pay to play. I dont have a patreon account and since it requires a card number to join, i never made one.  If i cant get it free on itch, i trust steam and will pay to play

Hmmm how odd, loaded it again and everythings there. Stop messing with my brain man lol. Thanks for the help!

I'm pretty sure I loaded the PC variant, but I will try again and keep you posted

Hey had a slight issue with the download somehow, some reason I just got the app data and resources folders. theres no game.exe or anything else

any chances I will see this on steam? I'd love to try it but I wont purchase on anything but steam

Whats the time table for the next release?

ah that makes sense now, kept pondering those things. Thanks for the intel! And yeah it was fun. I think I played the variant like 7 times to find all the glitches and pick the ending for each choice until i came up what i was satisfied with

I have finished multiple play throughs. I got my saves divided up with a perfect route and alpha male route (for the submissive ones)the clickables are extremely well hidden and can only find 16-18. not sure what the playthough counter is for.  I got all the girls in the green with the exception of Jane on the alpha male route. naomi was 100 affection and 100 submission but for some resaon Jane is 14 affection and 100 submission.

I really enjoyed playing it and have a theory whats happening based on the glitches. the fun will be if I'm right in the later updates! as for recommendations, I got none so far since its already pretty well thought of and rendered!

Cya next update Panda

I'll be honest, not alot of male/male content out there at lease the ones of my tastes and theres no problem with that if others are against it or not bothered by it.  As far as what can be improved, its honestly still a bit early to give any feedback, I kinda wanna see where it leads.  though the way the girls are submissive towards the MC gives me master/pet/slave vibes and harem vibes definitely coming from your title.

I have enjoyed version 1.1 but the end where I found i missed some things will push me into 1.5 to see if I can do better and where it leads.

your title shows great potential and makes me excited to wait for the next update!

so I gotta say, damn I love this title! The renders have a great bit of detail and love shown! The girls are gorgeous! Granted I'll admit I just finished version 1.1 and came here to write my review and saw 1.5 which I'll be hitting next.

Question, will there be male/male content? Simons cute and would make quite the cute femboy with a collar or is it just girl/girl and male/girl?

hehe, having made it out, it was sad the MC couldnt romance the gorgeous ladies of that world.  I cant help but ponder if the “sister” or “mother” will be next to get corrupted. Sofia definitely acts like it.  I gotta keep going to see who ends up in the “harem”

cant wait! Ive been enjoying your title since i stumbled across it a couple years ago I think.  Since that one update, i left the lovely centaur and goblin as futas.  As well as constantly visit Charlie for some love with each update! Hope to see some pregnancy content eventually and maybe some sexual revenge on the snarky winged annoyance of a guide

OMG I love this title! the twists, the feelings, the gorgeous demons and angels. I wasnt expecting to get so engrossed in it, now I'm hooked! Currently in the medevil times having to kill the human king, not sure how far Im in, but damn its good.  Definitely have to say Lilith is my favorite demon thus far! Gonna play more, bye

YEAH!!!! More lovely ladies! Cant wait for the new update!I'm hoping to see some collaring hehe. Got amymore ideas for ladies? or femboys possibly?