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I have heard that patreon is cracking down on alot of content creators. As well as either forcing them out or forcing them to change their creation. Forcing you to take the kids out even if their not sexualized, their almost the centering of the whole title and brings a bit of calm to it.  I wanna be able to cuddle Alice and mini Kana.

Now I play alot of titles on steam and Ive seen some debauched stuff. Games can be free or pay to play. I dont have a patreon account and since it requires a card number to join, i never made one.  If i cant get it free on itch, i trust steam and will pay to play


Yeah, a lot of really amazing creators got their pages nuked this week, and most of them for ridiculous reasons (Twisted World, for example, got taken down because Patreon didn't like the fact that a pirate site was hosting it alongside questionable material)!

Thanks for the kind words, and for the support! They really do mean a lot :)


of course, been playing your title for years now and loving it! Id hate to see it all change and remove the calming kids recentering your world, there was a game from patreon that sexualized them but cant remember the title but it was allowed on patreon for some reason

Cracking down on creators with legitimate titles is digusting


Patreon is the Wild West, I swear. Except instead of cool cowboys having high noon draws you have a bunch of repressed lunatics with sniper rifles camping in the bell towers :P

interesting example lol well, if you do move elsewhere, hope youll let us know so we can continue enjoying it