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A member registered Oct 12, 2019 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

I've been working on a space game for a while now. I would like some feedback. The game is in a prototype stage, not all features have been implemented. Some features may not work completely either. But you should be able to fly around, blow up asteroids and even target AI.

The main thing I'm looking for is just an answer to a few questions:

  1. Would you buy this game in it's completed stage?
  2. Would you enjoy playing this game in general?
  3. Are the controls comfortable?
  4. Do you have any suggestions?

A roadmap for the game is in the works. As in, I just need to upload it for people to view. I have many features planned already for this game, it's just a matter of finding free time to make it.

Here are some screenshots before-hand:


Game Link:

Game Design Document (GDD):

NOTE: Windows is the only supported OS currently.

Thank you! I found the sounds/music at

welcome 😁


Thank you! 

First adult type game I've played. Honestly not bad. I like the story. If I ever have some spare money I will try and get the seasons so I can finish the story, but for a 3D render done with Ren Py, not bad at all.

I really enjoyed this game, the shooting mechanic is hard to control with my touchpad on my laptop, because I can't move, aim, and shoot at the same time, but the graphics are beautiful, and it fits well with the theme. I'd love to see this expanded upon.

I thoroughly enjoyed playing this game. It was hard to control with a touch pad, but I made it to a score of 625. Although I found a bug of sorts. I was shot by one of the monsters and my character disappeared, I assumed I died but my HP indicator said I have 8 HP left. And nothing happened, was stuck in the third person camera with no controls working. Although I did find this game fun, and with a little more polish I would love to see it on Steam.

I enjoyed it, its currently 2AM so I can't listen to game audio or I'd wake the fam, but one thing I'd like to see added is some easier controls for laptop users like myself. Moving the character with a touch pad mouse is difficult. Maybe add optional keyboard controls like the old doom games using the arrow keys as a way to rotate the character and left control and left shift to fire and dash. Aside from that I enjoyed the game. I didn't make it far due to my control setup but once I get my computer I could definitely see myself playing this. It reminds of a old flash game my friends and I played back in junior high. Except that game had zombies and was survival based.

I agree, surprised I found it! 

Thank you! 

Thank you! 

No problem, the mechanic sounds awesome.

I enjoyed the game, though I kept getting stuck on the walls. Aside from that the music, sounds, graphics, and gameplay were very well done in my opinion.

Thank you! I started late and ran into some issues while developing. I like the ocean, so I figured why not a submarine game. I agree at times the submarine can be unresponsive.  I hope you enjoy!

Some Graphics Quality settings would be useful for those who have low-end machines.

We already have someone working on building models and the like. Are you good with modeling human-based characters and/or animating them?

This is very interesting.

So I have been trying to make modular 3D models for a castle and the interior of the buildings in my current project, but I lack the appropriate skills to create the castle-pieces and 3D models for the project. So, I decided I'd ask if anyone would be willing to join me and my team in creating 3D models for our project. As the tag above stated it would be unpaid, but I will gladly credit you and link to your portfolio if you wish. You can view the projects Trello here: For a list of what is needed and current progress of the project. Also, the game's page is here:


Sure thing, I will message you shortly, only one part is available so you'll be voicing the Ghost Girl if that's fine with you.

Contact me on Discord - JRS#5630

No Experience Required. 

(1 edit)

I am looking for a female voice actor capable of acting a few lines for a current project. Although I am unable to pay, I will gladly link your portfolio in the game's credits and on the game's page. If you would like to view some descriptions of the voice lines visit the project's Trello page here:

You can view the game's page here:

NOTE: Game is in early development.

I thoroughly enjoyed this game, I only got one of the two endings so far (the standard escape by rocket one), but to me this is a great game. Amazing work!

no problem

Nice, I like the interesting take on the theme. Good work!
