I've been working on a space game for a while now. I would like some feedback. The game is in a prototype stage, not all features have been implemented. Some features may not work completely either. But you should be able to fly around, blow up asteroids and even target AI.
The main thing I'm looking for is just an answer to a few questions:
- Would you buy this game in it's completed stage?
- Would you enjoy playing this game in general?
- Are the controls comfortable?
- Do you have any suggestions?
A roadmap for the game is in the works. As in, I just need to upload it for people to view. I have many features planned already for this game, it's just a matter of finding free time to make it.
Here are some screenshots before-hand:
Game Link: https://johnnys-games.itch.io/astragenesis
Game Design Document (GDD): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eMBNOcdB5wvvCYHFdZan29WNuGCDK2txdTSwzrieSKE/...
NOTE: Windows is the only supported OS currently.