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A member registered May 16, 2022

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Thank you! I'm glad that you had enough fun that you wish there were more!

Well that sucked me in to a surprising degree. One of the first games I've played on here where I stopped thinking about it in the context of the jam and just enjoyed actually playing.

(1 edit)

Lots of fun! Good work on the level design to force some careful thinking while expanding on what you've already built. The little sounds and simple animations gave rise to a really nice game feel.

I think making the gravity a little less float could help with the movement feel a lot. I had fun though! 

I think making the gravity a little less float could help with the movement feel a lot. I had fun though! 

Nice! I had a lot of fun with it. I think it would be beneficial to incentivize some of the more wacky shapes (e.g. a score multiplier or something), because I wanted to try them out but I still felt like the "correct" option was to pick the more benign shapes. 

Nice job! Definitely ambitious to go 3d, but I definitely liked the art, particularly for the enemies. It could be useful to have a hint pop up (possibly a picture of what the correct weapon would be) if you try to use the wrong one.

This felt more like a clicker game than a resource management game, which is fine if that's what you were going for.   But it was certainly cozy and satisfying to see the tree grow!

Thank you for the feedback! We took some time to add some tutorial and hint info to our page. Big lesson learned for me, too, to test the sound balance on a few more devices before posting.

Thank you! I was always excited to see when Dan, our pixel artist, pushed a new sprite.

Thank you! We thought turning the dragon around would be trivial so we didn't bother implementing until pretty late in the jam, only to realize we had backed ourselves into a corner with how we had designed it. Big lesson learned there!

Thank you! Congrats for getting all 5! Full size dragon is definitely a big boy- he should probably lay off the roast bats if he wants those wings to get him anywhere.

Thank you! I like game music the best when it ties into and underscores the mechanics. We definitely have some bugs to iron out- for now if you get stuck you can usually escape by breathing fire until you scale down all the way.

Big 5 from me for enjoyment! The mechanics for the battles could use a little fleshing out, but the secondary game loop, the narrative, and certainly the style more than made up for it. 

(2 edits)

All Scales (5 total) Speedrun time to beat: 1:52.1

Definitely put a smile on my face. Hilarious artwork

Cool art, cool concept. Unfortunately I couldn't grab the first blueprint in Arcade mode. It was fun to mess around in Free Build though!