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A member registered Jun 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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Noice :3

Is a Mac port possible? The game looks really cool :)

Nice :D

Cool :3

ahaha XD too good!

(1 edit)

Hello :3

Doesn't seem to run on an (intel) Mac Monterey. The file is 'damaged' and refuses to open

neat :3

Music is great :D

Cool :3

Cool :3 you should add radial symmetry modes

Awesome! :D I love this game. The art is so charming and the mechanics are really balanced. My only complaint is that I wish there was a way to lock magnets into being a specific type because sometimes when I was trying to move something across I would accidentally change one and it would break everything lol. I found an awesome layout. I have moles at the bottom of my money factory structure. They produce energy which is pulled to the apple picker by a magnet. then a magnet pulls those apples to a magnet pulling Florps. The Florps make gems that get pulled through the blood diamond converting zone. If they don't get turned into blood diamonds they get turned into a gem cluster. Then I cash in those blood diamonds for a good boi.


WOW so cute but NOOOOOOOOO not the poor defencelece kittenssssss ;(

Awesome! :D


Awesome :D

Awesome :D

Cool :)

Cool :)

XD Amazinggg

wow the art is so wonderful :D

Nice B)

Cool :)

Epic XD

lmao amazing concept XD

lmao I made a cowpocalypse timeline 

Wow so creepy lol reminds me of rainworld a bit with the atmosphere 

Amazing! :D

XD Awesome. The way the bend flex is so fun. so springy

I love the wind mechanic :) Maybe a few leafs flying through the wind would add some ambience to the world  

Super cool art :)

XDD I love it! I got all the way to the end but then I went the wrong way and launched myself out of bounds lmao please put a collider there hehe

Cool :) I simple mechanic but a lot of fun. I do think the difficulty of some of the later levels was maybe a little too low though

Epic! :) The art was fun and the gameplay was super cool! I did find somethings that I think are bugs?  In this level it is kinda glitchy, but over all super fun 

Epic =D The gooman is super fun and easy to control, and the art and sounds were delightful. I especially loved the tiny blob rolling animation XD 

Neat :) It would be cool if you could move around

I love the art style!  :D

Cool :) the last level had me stumped for a while but I figured it out hehe

Neat :) I noticed that the walking animation doesn't play with the arrow keys. Also the vine bridges are a little challenging to stay on sometimes. But overall a cool game!

Cool :)