hello mexitechie! Yes, not exactly the same but disrupted dice and story driven play styles can be achieved with the core rules.
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Hello nxjohnson, thanks for the interest.
Unfortunately yes marketplaces are not linked. If you are on MacOS, it applies for iOS across your devices. Same for Android it would work for all Google devices. But separate for Windows/Linux. This is a single time purchase so this is how I could sustain this project.
Hope you enjoy it!!
Hello reelneim! Thank you so much! I would like to know more about what you would like to know, I try to make all apps seamlessly identical :) But for sure I could include more screenshots from different devices. Releases come a bit later for Apple, varying from 1 to 3 days later from launch time. Cheers!
Truly wonderful. It is inspiring that you pay such attention while learning for the first time! But yes, it is not majorly relevant which of the oracles you use, and they are not connected to the main oracles in any direct way. The reason I swapped them is to place more concrete and potentially more often used oracles in the front, where abstract oracles and ones more related to indirect matters in the app.
My focus is currently on the app at the moment, but one day eventually I'll come back to the documents and apply the various corrections mentioned so far as yours :)
Enjoy and I hope these games bring you joy and excitement!
Hello, it has a few updates and corrections, but the essence remains the same. The post here shows the precise changes: https://jeansenvaars.itch.io/plot-unfolding-machine/devlog/757338/pum-v82-german...