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A member registered Jul 05, 2018 · View creator page →

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Sorry, I am no longer working on it.

Hi, I had the same issue. But launching it with `./Asset\ Forge.x86_64 -force-vulkan` command solved it.

Wow, seems like the game share the same idea. But I got inspired by old flash game sequester. Also, thanks for sharing the game.

Thanks. :)

It was a bug that they are not appearing in exported game but its fixed now.

Also, thanks for suggestions.

(2 edits)

I am afraid that many people didn't get the game logic so maybe you will, here is walkthrough if you got stuck. PS : Press number keys to change level.

Good shoot at first try.  Game is fun to play and some what addicted. But seems like game is more mobile oriented  than desktop.  

Yeah, one more fact about camera is that you could see where you will be after certain moves as you move camera.

Yup, it was intended to give small tribute to lua. 

Unfortunately, I have no plan to update game but if you want (as it looks you might be interested) to check source code visit

nice game.

This game is so nice and fun to play. All the animations, movements of fishes are so good. fish eating birds also add more fun to game. All the things make it addicting and peaceful. Truly speaking I am jealous of such innovative game. Although it is more challenging game if there a timer.

Can I port this game to android ?

(1 edit)

I am using SDK/NDK method for exporting APK. I made it super easy, just look at this