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Jamie Brownhill

A member registered Jun 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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Glad you're enjoying my work!  I'm happy to answer any questions you have, so you can drop them here, or send me an email, or I have a discord server you can join (should be a link on all of my pages)!

Since you purchased the tileset I've changed to tiered pricing, which can break access to the full version for some customers. If you send me an email I can send you a key to unlock the full version again. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Yes, I do have some plans for an update. I've got a list of fish I'd like to include, but if you have anything specific you'd like to see, let me know and I'll add them to the list!

Hi, I've since changed the pricing structure for this asset, which does break access to it. I'm not sure how that works when the purchase is from a co-op bundle, but if you send me an email or DM on one of my socials and let me know the email you used when you purchased the asset, I can look into it for you.

(4 edits)

The highlighted tiles are the main inner corner tiles. Anything with that small collection of pixels in the corner of the tile is a corner piece.

Unlike previous versions of the asset pack, there should now be a tile for every possible situation.

So I can tell you the reason. Itch added a coupon code automatically, which I would need to provide for you to access the sale. I've removed the coupon code which should hopefully now give you access to the discount.

Apparently it's not working as intended. I wouldn't be able to tell you the reason for this. I've disabled the discount for now. 

Send me an email and I'll get things sorted for you.

Thank you!

Just sent a reply!

Ah okay! I'll make a note to do some research for the next update. If you have any more details about your requirements, feel free to leave them here or drop me an email!

Not in this asset pack, it's just the sprites. There are meat icons in the Food and Drink Icon Pack though:

Hi, sorry for the delayed reply. I've set up a conditional sale that will give you access to a 25% discount if you own every World of Solaria asset pack except for the Farm Animal Sprite Pack.

Thank you for the kind words! Please let me know if you find any mistakes or have any suggestions!

Thanks Afsan! I do have some stuff like that planned, that I'm hoping to release  in the new year.

No problem, I'll send you an email with the key once I'm at work!

Sorry for the inconvenience! It's a quirk of changing the things to a free/paid model, but it's easily fixed. Send me an email and I can send you a key to unlock the full asset.

Yes, of course! 

There's currently a work in progress version available to my Patreon subscribers, and I'm hoping to finish the project and make it available on itch once I'm back at work in a couple of weeks.

Thank you so much! I'm really happy to hear they've been useful for you!

Yeah, a credit would be fantastic, thank you! Let me know when you release it so I can check it out!

I don't have the files to hand but there should be at least one variation of the window designed to fit that formation for the house and sit on the tile grid.

(1 edit)

Hi, I haven't designed them for gamemaker, or personally tested them in that engine. My suggestion would be to download the free demo version to test the assets out.

Thanks for spotting this! I'll remove it in the next update. 

As for the scteenshot, I'm unfortunately away from work for a few weeks so I can't put anything together for you.

Thank you for the support and the kind words! Really looking forward to seeing your project progress!

An early version of the Beach tileset is available for Patreon members at the moment. I've not done any work towards the desert tileset for a while, I might revisit it soon.

Hi! They are in: Rural Village Interiors Update 02c>Tilesets>PNG

Hi, thanks so much for your support! 

Yes! I'm slowly trying to figure out a way to do it in a simple way. I'm also slowly working with someone to make a sprite generator, but it's a free time thing for them, so no promises on if or when that will be released.

There are lots of short , simple tutorial videos if you do a Google search for "animated tiles Godot".

How do you mean extra water? 

Yeah, I'll add that as soon as I can figure out a good way to do it.

That's the plan once I get through my list of real stuff!

Thank you so much! Please let me know if you have any suggestions for future updates!

I do! Supporters get early access to new assets and some other exclusive stuff.

The weapon sprites are 80x80 and are designed to be overlaid onto the character sprites named " Attack (One Hand Weapons)", which are the same size. It's the same for all tool sprites and their corresponding character sprites, which should be named similarly.

I don't usually post WIP stuff, but when I do it's on Patreon. I regularly do public newsletters going over what I plan to work on for the month!

It's one of the older, basic sprites, so it only has walking, idle and attack animations and honestly isn't worth paying $10 for if that's all you want 😅

If that's all you need though, I'm happy to send you that sprite sheet in return for a credit on your game jam page, if you send me an email!

Yeah, the character is included and has a bunch of animations. If you only need that character though, send me an email and we can sort something out!

The screenshots are for illustrative purposes, no character sprites are included in this asset pack. They're all in my separate Sprite Pack.

Thank you, I'm glad you like it! I hope your project is going well!

Awesome! This looks like it's set up perfectly!

Hi, I'm not a big user of Tiled, but I'll make a note of this and look into it for you.

Thanks, well spotted! I'll make a note and fix this as soon as I can.