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A member registered Jan 27, 2021 · View creator page →

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A very charming little game. The graphics you have for the cat are very expressive and add a lot of character to the game. I like that your resource of money determines what you can do, primarily what luxuries you can buy the cat, and whether or not you can tend to yourself. This honestly reminds me of old flash games where you could train pets to increase their stats.

I'm still baffled at how absolutely metal this preschooler is. This short game has a lot of laughs in it, and the passages are well written. The choices you provide the player and zany and interesting. However, I still feel as if the anger level isn't being used to its full potential. I get GAMEOVERS when my anger level is 90, 80 and even 70, which tells me the game has set ending that are not necessarily determined by the anger level. If you were to work out this design element, I think the game would be improved astronomically. 

I enjoy the blinking 'Start' button.  This is a nice style touch. The games objective is difficult to understand. I can assume the objective is to defeat your shadow, but the way you're supposed to do this isn't very clear. 

I think your passages are well written, and that dooting skeleton chills my heart with fear. However, I don't feel like there's a lot of gameplay to be had here. You do have two or three paths we can choose from, but these are quickly explored and do not leave us with much content to interact with. I notice that certain passages possess an HP and inventory, yet these don't seem to be used anywhere throughout your game? I think the game is missing a mechanic that the player can occupy themselves with, other than the story you have presented.

(2 edits)

Going into each passage 'Wisdom', 'Power', and 'Truth' and then backing out to choose a different passage will soft lock the game. Whatever variable you have the stones connected to triggers upon entering the passage, and not the actual action of taking the stone.

I'm interested to see the significance of the 'people met' and 'memories recovered' variables. It could be an interesting mechanic, allowing you to choose certain dialogue options based on who you know or what memories you've recovered. Definitely expand on this.

The riddles were very well made. They made me think, but didn't feel outrageously unfair. I feel like you're going for a very narrative centric game, so I'd definitely work on getting some images into your game as soon as possible.

Good descriptions so far. I also like that the sailor only becomes hostile with you if you say you're French. As it should be really. I hope to see you implement some sort of gameplay mechanic to spice things up as we traverse your well written passages!

Very disappointed there was no doot sfx. I hope to see use of the health points and inventory down the line.

I cannot describe how zero to a hundred that went. The content you have so far is hilarious, and each of the paths you provide seems to have multiple branches - it isn't a 'right' choice 'wrong' choice scenario, which is good. My only question is about the anger meter. Try as I might, I could not get it to a hundred. Will we be able to in future builds?

I set my own priorities by eating both takeout boxes before bothering to look at the envelope. As it should be.