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Ivy Nivek

A member registered Nov 20, 2022 · View creator page →

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Those inquiries are answered in the README's changelog.

Thank you! I've been keeping quiet about it, but I'll have some good news to share soon.

I've seen this before; this is more than likely a permission error, allow files to be made in your Program Files (any help with that is outside my scope) or install the game to a different directory.

This is now all fixed, thank you!

There's no way for me to alter how the default menu works, so I'm afraid I can't help.

Did you perhaps not extract the game properly? All the files should be there. Hope that helps!

Oh dear! Thank you for mentioning, it's now fixed.

No problem! I will clear that up for any future downloaders.

Hello there. Sorry, but due to the age of the Legacy versions, I am unable to help. Hope you understand!

find out in the next season of CatJam Ball Mode Z.

hi Alex! thanks for the kind words! :D

Thank you Navless for the kind words!

Holy crap, this is a sight to see!
There'll be an update to the demo in the near future which will address some things (such as replacing placeholder music, difficulty balancing, etc).
Regardless, thank you so much for playing my game! I'm glad you enjoyed it! :D

Thanks Joel! Working towards this tiny slice was a pleasure. Can't wait to reveal the whole cake in the future!

Thanks for helping with the music!