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A member registered Aug 18, 2021 · View creator page →

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Nice take on the theme and good work on this jam submission!
Unfortunately I couldn't get passed level 2 as one of the saw blades was too tall to jump over but low enough that I couldn't walk under it 

Cool idea and take on the theme. Hopefully you keep improving on it because you've got a neat idea here!
A rhythm game is a big task for a game jam so good work on what you got done in the time!

Nice take on the theme! Simple graphics that work really well and neat gameplay.
This was pretty cool, I would love to see this expanded on.
My best score was 11687

Pretty fun game and I really enjoyed the take on the theme through game mechanics.
Nice work with this submission folks!!

Great work on an awesome submission, you can tell a lot of effort went into this~
As an avid rhythm gamer I found it a bit too slow for my tastes.
What you have here is a really defined base you can definitely take further. Make some levels more like the dealer and you'll have my attention for sure~

Good work on submitting to the jam!
Neat little game!

Nice job with this submission. Would be interesting to see a mobile version with some extra content~

This was great, found it hard to not try and beat my record for ages (4 was the best I got, I had very lucky spawns)

Simple concept that works well. Awesome submission!

Great work! Enjoyed the art and style of this game. Keen to see some improvements to the combat and extra content! Will come back to this one

They are done by the talented ansimuz -
I did edit the colors to get the blood moon style, the original is the purple background!
Thanks for playing!

Fun and quick little game good work!
I especially enjoyed the easter eggs around the map!

Very pleasing visuals and some nice audio too.
The take on the theme was pretty unique and an interesting tie in to the gameplay.
Would be keen to see a return to this game with some more content, different enemies and weapon types perhaps.
Great work!

Interesting game with some nice gameplay elements and visuals.
Even upon multiple playthroughs, after the second room was cleared no other enemies would spawn nor would another door spawn.
Not sure if this was a bug or just time constraints but excellent work on what you did get done. I did enjoy what I played and would love to have some more content with this one.

Nice work on your lighting and colours!
Simple game but fun for a couple of tries, good job! 

Short, sharp and shiny, good work!!

Really fun and cute game, Great art style and sounds on this one.
Gameplay was simple and enjoyable.
Really awesome work folks, especially for a first jam submission!

Great work for jam!
Quite enjoyed the little story. Sprites are cute and fun.
Will return to this one to try and beat my times!

Awesome work on the game, nice and challenging without being too crazy!
Good take on the theme here. The controls were nice and responsive on the keyboard. Really liked the visuals and the music was very hype also :D

Very neat little platformer, good work producing this for the jam!
Visuals were quite pleasing!

Thank you!!

I'm glad you think so, thanks for playing and for the comment!

I appreciate you playing and leaving a comment!
It's meant to be a very atmospheric game so I am glad to hear that it's giving the intended vibes

Thanks so much for the feedback and bringing some things to my attention!
My apologies about the issues with the dithering, I hope I didn't cause too much discomfort for you. I'll pop a warning in the description for anyone else who may be affected by it.

Really nice little game here, soothing and chill vibes which I really liked.

Definitely would like to have added a score system, things might have been a little too bare bones.
The art by Squishy Chicky was easily the star here. Thanks for your feedback!

Thanks for the comment!


Thanks for commenting, Will try to make things clearer in the future

Thanks for the feedback, a score system definitely would have added some more substance to the game!

You are totally right in that most local multiplayer games have odd controls for keyboard. I usually steer away from them due to that fact but this one drew me in with the art!
Upon some testing on my end, I think I would add the option to customise your controls to fit the set up you feel is best or even including a few different variations (For example I have larger hands and so having my hands bunched up was awkward so I would have set my Player 1 jump to space and shoot to E or F). It's tough because with local multiplayer it almost assumes that at least one player will be using a controller (Which I don't have so this could have been a lot better with that admittedly). 

Simple game with an interesting concept on the die rolling.
Had a fair bit of fun with this and it reminded me of old flash games from newgrounds and miniclip!
Would have benefitted from some sprites and sound effects but overall a decent submission.
Good work!

Great looking game, was very nice to play to the visuals.
I would recommend adding some more rolling tiles to some of the levels as I feel like that back tracking was a bit tedious at times. Also I noticed it seemed like some of those rolling tiles may have been a bit taller than the die could handle and I had to really try every different angle and side to get on it.
Otherwise it was a rather soothing game with an interesting concept!

Nice vibes in this game. Very soothing, I felt that the gameplay was a little bit frustrating at times however which lead to only a few rounds in total.
A post jam version with some more levels and tweaked flicking would be great to see!

Good job with fitting the theme well. I am a fan of blackjack so I liked the gameplay element of not exceeding 21.
The game felt pretty polished for 48 hours.
Nice work!

This was really cool. Great concept here with some definite potential.
Like others have mentioned I found that the controls were a bit odd and clunky especially since I have a 75% keyboard. I couldn't imagine playing for too long due to the awkward positioning, But that may just be me being a bit picky.
Other than that, the pixel art was really impressive and the gameplay itself was really fun.
Good work!

Cool concept here, I like the use of the theme in this submission.
Nice art and some cool music too! Would like to see some more levels in a post jam version of this ;)

Amazing art on this submission! Really liked the style and theme of this game and would absolutely play a post jam version!
Main issue was that while there was a feeling of being rushed, the gameplay didn't reflect that much as the timer was too generous. In the end I just closed the game and didn't bother about the high score as I wasn't being challenged enough to keep me engaged. Maybe adding a harsher penalty for not cutting things in time or something like that.
But nevertheless it was a really cool submission with some decent potential.

Hey folks, nice work on this game!
I admittedly had some issues with other racers or myself clipping through the map or piling up in the middle of the road with no way of passing them. But restarting the level was the work around.
Nice use of adding perspective with pixel art.
The theme does get a little bit lost in this submission though.
Otherwise good job everyone!

It was an interesting game which was good to look at thanks to the nice pixel art. 
It fits the theme very nicely which is good.
I will admit though, I noticed straight away that none of the balls were really changing velocity or direction based on the characters position and so I just stood still from round 5 - 10 and still won. Maybe adding balls with different effects could be a nice improvement. 
Otherwise nice job!!

This was great. Had a lot of fun with this.
Certainly seems to be inspired by Vampire Survivors which is cool (it's a great game)
Upon reading through your page it would have been nice to see a little bit more made by yourself rather than assets from online but that is just me being picky.
Good work!