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A member registered Jan 27, 2018 · View creator page →

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:O I survived the pandemic to see this. Cool.

Change Prealfa a To Alfa.


Menu 3D



Level Mars.

Out Game.

Working on the GUI for the video game.
Proceso de desarrollo del GUI - Astrocuco by Yue (

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The progress of Astrocuco's development involves making progress little by little. I am taking care of everything a little bit, so relatively this is going very slow.  The new progress for the release of the prealpha 0.4.1 package involves progress in the development of the menu. And this implies that when you exit the game, either from the title bar of the game window or from the 2D menu button Exit. We will see a dialog box that asks the player if he really wants to quit the game. 

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Astrocuco Project under development.

Astronaut who arrives in emergency to the planet Mars, where he will have to survive with the few resources he has.  The juice is inspired by my daughter who has been fighting against blood cancer since the beginning of the pandemic. 

Development notes

The project is currently under development and is focused on PC platforms, initially Windows operating system.  The state of development is in Prealpha 0.4, where we have initially an initial scene where a drawing alluding to the planet Mars is shown with a sign that alludes to the title of the game.

The next scene is the main menu of the game, a three-dimensional scenario where you can see a loading and unloading area of a space environment. This scene shows the animated character in a resting pose. 

In addition, a 2D menu is displayed that initially allows you to start the game or exit the game using the mouse pointer. 

The last scene is the most significant, as it visually shows what the game is about. A third person game with an orbital camera that goes behind the player on the red planet. 

The system of life indicators are the health bar, the stamina bar and the oxygen bar. At this stage of development the character can already move with the keys W, S (forward and backward) and its movement will always be in relation to where the camera that moves with the mouse looks. With the space key you can jump and with the H key, you remove the case or in such case you put it on, although this has a great effect on whether you live or die, because all indicators will drop to zero if you do not have the case and therefore lose your life.  With the K key, you can remove the player's life in sequence. And on the stage there is a first aid kit to regain health and another to fill your spacesuit's oxygen capacity. 

There is also a sound system when walking on the Martian terrain. Whose sound is different if you walk or run. 

When the character runs the stamina value drops, and if it is at zero, it means that the female astronaut will have to rest to recover the stamina to be able to run again

In conclusion, the project is at an early stage of development. I'm doing a little bit of everything, programming, animating characters, creating materials etc.  And from time to time I'm doing live on Tiwch to show how the development is going. So any help is welcome as well as a good constructive criticism. 

Astrocuco by Yue (
Lemniscatta - Twitch

I'm creating a game prototype based on my own engine that I'm developing. Whose prototype aims to show the capabilities of the engine. Here is a video of how to kick a box, only sets the momentum in relation to the orientation of the player, undoubtedly to create a future animation and set angular speed to the box.

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Hello, I present my project in development. A minimalist video game engine to create 3d video games on Windows operating systems.  In a simple executable that reads Lua scripts files.

So all you need is the notebook, and some creativity.

Supported formats at the moment, b3d, fbx, ms3d, obj and 3ds.

Textures supported bmp, jpg, png and tga.
Download Demo here: