Starter Pokemon
Now that you have money, and or probably received a common starterball from your job, you can decide if you want to try to get your real starter from a Professor player, or to capture your own. If you choose to capture your own, well, good luck! make sure to knock out the pokemon to have higher capture rates! It might cost you some extra pokeballs!
In Wisteria having a special starter is uncommon and rare, and it only means something if you end up getting the Destiny Duo perk. So don't feel down incase you roll something common, keep in mind we are all commoners in a pokemon world here! While our adventure unfolds we might end up becoming our own legends!
From the capsule shop: WARNING!! This method is THE riskiest method of obtaining a starter pokemon. By default, pokemon purchased through the Capsule Shop WILL NOT be considered starters, with the exception of pokemon obtained via eggs or type starterballs. However, you can make a pokemon purchased through the capsule shop your starter by taking the ultimate risk. If you purchase a pokemon you want as a starter, you can RELEASE said pokemon into the wild and RECAPTURE said pokemon as your starter. For obvious reason, this is risky because you could release your purchased pokemon and end up not being able to recapture it losing out on both a starter pokemon as well as the coin you spent to get the pokemon in the first place. Players might encourage you to use this method, but DO NOT fall for it as some bad eggs just see this as a means of ridding you of a rare pokemon so that they can have a chance at capturing it later. ONLY USE THIS METHOD IF YOU'RE CONFIDENT IN RECAPTURING THE POKEMON. You have been warned.
Perk Loans
Ranked players, heads of main global groups can reward/train you and get you a speed up on obtaining a specific line of perks, usually related to support and world building characters! (very important at early game!)
So roleplaying with people can get you instantly these perks:
-Trainer, Soldier (Usefull for a early game Officer start)
-Scientist, Investigator (Usefull for early game Officer start)
-Breeder, Farmer (This helps to take care and distribute new pokemon early)
-Breeder, Nurse (This lets you help other people recover from battle, and also be a referee for street battles and host events!)
-Scientist, Engineer (Usefull for handling and joining complex development projects early and create science rp!)
-Scientist, Breeder, Chemist (Usefull for handling and joining complex development projects early and create science rp!)
-Breeder, Cheerleader (A support role, usefull to play as coaches, teachers etc!)
-Breeder, Farmer, Ranger (Usefull to control wild pokemon and host cool player events!)
If a player have more then 3 perks they won't be able to receive further perk loans. If your char ends up with 4 perks, at 100 rpp, means that you will only be able to learn your fith perk as everyone else at 4k RPP, notice that no "Power" giving perk is loanable.
Battle Guide
In this game we have a real time-turn battle. The pokémon moves have different ranges and styles, while each turn each pokemon in the battle can walk up a certain amount of tiles giving huge importance to tactics!
The battle system also support roleplays as the game shall wait you to finish writing your roleplays and get into some real emotional scenes, also allowing for the usage of extra tools to define the battle results, such as dice rolls and self status inflicts, also able to prompt perks and other datas!
Take your time learning the details of the moves your pokemon learned with wild pokemons! practice with friends and you will eventually get better at this!
Consider some moves styles:
Area attacks: Are special moves that affect a wide area, diagonals etc. Usually their range isn't too big but the positioning and control those moves have, also when dealing with multiple enemies is very powerfull!
Linear attacks: These are moves that will go through a straight line, based on a preset range, these moves usually can't be stopped by terrain and might hit multiple targets on the way!
Projectiles attacks: They usually have the best range, and some are able to pressure foes against obstacles like walls. However they can also be stopped by those obstacles!
Leaping attacks: These will also give you some extra movement, wonderfull for positioning and gives you some extra control over the battle! Leaps can be stopped by obstacles or not, depend on the move!
Supports and Status: Some Damage over Time can be extremely powerful in PWO, raising the tactics needs to play this, so be carefull with support moves and status changes!
In PWO huge battles can happen, including using all your six pokemon at the same time, ofc each pokemon will have their own turn and might end up getting slowier, but this doesnt stop on getting into some real amazing moments as the roleplay goes through!
Training Pokemon
Training pokemon in Pokemon Wisteria is rather unique compared to other games. As your main progression will happen as you get more Total Roleplay Points (By talking and getting into RP situations) as your journey builds up. Your exp gains will be extremelly quick and effortless to reach your RPP cap. However every trainer have another value called "Trainer Power" (See in your Trainer menu, Stats button)
Trainer Power increases based directly based on your trainers achievements, like if you become a super famous league competitor it should increase, or if you gather alot of pokemon knowledge, raises on Street Fame, have multiple Badges, or simply get rewarded through events or is playing important global characters such as a main villain etc.
But everyone starts out with 400 Trainer Power. (Be aware, the trainer power also define the limit of when a higher level pokemon will keep obbeying you!)
While you can easily get your pokemon up to your RPP value, the only way to train it up to your Trainer Power limit is to actually fighting against other trainers! (This goes up slowly as its meant to promote people to keep fighting as the game goes on)
As for literal training methods, we have the following:
Trainer battles (Player-versus-Player); This is by far the best method for gaining experience and is doubly awesome because you can get similar experience gains from simply watching others battle. It is important to note that the current state of the game requires that you "Refresh" your pokemon in order for them to receive exp from battling or watching a battle. What this means is that you need to call your pokemon out of their pokeballs prior to a battle in order for them to gain the exp. Also, the trigger for gaining exp from trainer battles is being near a pokemon when it has been fainted by an opponent and recalled to its trainer.
While training always beware of your pokemon health and safety, so its recomended to get into trainer battles on places with assisted healthcare! (A Nurse player nearby can act as referee and while performing first aids they can guarantee the battle safety near you) you can also get free healthcare at Official Battles inside the gyms (there are NPC nurses there)
Wild battles (Player-versus-npc pokemon); This is the next best method for gaining experience untill you cap to your rpp. You can always take your pokemon out in the wild and have them do battle with wild pokemon to gain a bit of exp per fainted pokemon. Additionally, you can have multiple pokemon out while fainting a wild pokemon and they will all be able to gain the exp similar to exp share in other games. The experience is only collected by the team of the player who fainted the pokemon. Players cannot gain exp from watching wild battles.
Additional information about trainer and wild battles is that pokemon can be injured upon fainting. Injuries are accumulated through the stacking of something called "Death Risk Percentage". You can see this number by checking your pokemon's stats once you have enough knowledge of the species, but the higher the number, the more at risk they are of...death. A lot of new players have lost their team members not knowing this number even exists. Try not to let your pokemon faint while training and heal them often at hospitals or pokecenters when they do. Nurses are able to prevent injuries by standing watch over trainer battles but they can't be everywhere at all times! So, be careful!
Gym Equipment; Workout equipment is located in various parts of the map and can be used to train yourself and your pokemon. As a player, you are unable to gain experience and levels but can increase your overall health, so it's recommended that new players spend some time in the gym and become as healthy as possible. Pokemon can also be directed to use the workout equipment and can slowly gain experience if you're not too keen on the other methods. Simarly, because I didn't want to make a seperate section for this...some pokemon can help players STUDY and gain knowledge... These same pokemon are able to gain some experience similar to using the Gym Equipment while doing so.
Rare Candy; And last, but certainly not least...the OG method of training pokemon is stuffing them full of sugar by feeding them Rare Candies. We all know what these are need to explain further. There are a few ways to find them within the game, but they are Rare. Keep in mind your pokemon will stop obbeying you if their level surpass your rpp+ Trainer Power!
What to read next?
Alot of articles in this wiki is player made and some are extremelly outdated, but you can still join our discord and ask questions and we all are very helpful!: