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A member registered Aug 24, 2016 · View creator page →

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Hello world!
Time to start preparing our next start! this means "Rank Applications" are about to start! (Apply in our Discord: )
But first I will explain some of the planned changes:

As we are heading back to Beta Wisteria (to be easier to find roleplay and a more centralized start) the Beta Wisteria is getting some adjusts due to players request:
Zilph is back! (Before it wasn't needed to have two labs in the beta map, but now we are convinced that an extra more science oriented size for researches is cool!)

Now toward the pre-rank application, We will do it differently this time, mostly because of rank quitting issues.
Instead of picking Ranks (In PWO, usually group head chairs) we will be picking roles/positions (that usually shouldve been picked by those ranked ppl)

So, instead of apping for Professor, Rocket executive, Zilph executive, Governor etc. We will be picking roles like Hospital chief, a player responsible for the marts, or the player responsible for the cemetery, etc etc. And these starting roles shall be given fitting perk loans, the controls to organize projects (and make events) on said location.
(PS: minor ranks such as Police Commander, Assistents , Music Master, etc. can also be applied for)

You can apply for a role of a witch that is the person responsible for the cemetery and have some chemist start loans. (this would allow you to organize the work in that territory and create projects (these are lines of events) and create events alongside with the workers on said territory etc)

So, this time, apply for interesting roles!

PS: the group heading ranks shall be distributed ingame later as we go.
PS2: Admin Applications are also open (maybe 1-2 to be picked but after the second week, so make your name known!)

Good luck!

(1 edit)

Starter Pokemon

Getting a pokémon from a Professor isn't the only possible path to start a journey!

Now that you have money, and or probably received a common starterball from your job, you can decide if you want to try to get your real starter from a Professor player, or to capture your own. If you choose to capture your own, well, good luck! make sure to knock out the pokemon to have higher capture rates! It might cost you some extra pokeballs!

In Wisteria having a special starter is uncommon and rare, and it only means something if you end up getting the Destiny Duo perk. So don't feel down incase you roll something common, keep in mind we are all commoners in a pokemon world here! While our adventure unfolds we might end up becoming our own legends!

From the capsule shop: WARNING!! This method is THE riskiest method of obtaining a starter pokemon. By default, pokemon purchased through the Capsule Shop WILL NOT be considered starters, with the exception of pokemon obtained via eggs or type starterballs. However, you can make a pokemon purchased through the capsule shop your starter by taking the ultimate risk. If you purchase a pokemon you want as a starter, you can RELEASE said pokemon into the wild and RECAPTURE said pokemon as your starter. For obvious reason, this is risky because you could release your purchased pokemon and end up not being able to recapture it losing out on both a starter pokemon as well as the coin you spent to get the pokemon in the first place. Players might encourage you to use this method, but DO NOT fall for it as some bad eggs just see this as a means of ridding you of a rare pokemon so that they can have a chance at capturing it later. ONLY USE THIS METHOD IF YOU'RE CONFIDENT IN RECAPTURING THE POKEMON. You have been warned.

Perk Loans

Ranked players, heads of main global groups can reward/train you and get you a speed up on obtaining a specific line of perks, usually related to support and world building characters! (very important at early game!)

So roleplaying with people can get you instantly these perks:

-Trainer, Soldier (Usefull for a early game Officer start)

-Scientist, Investigator (Usefull for early game Officer start)

-Breeder, Farmer (This helps to take care and distribute new pokemon early)

-Breeder, Nurse (This lets you help other people recover from battle, and also be a referee for street battles and host events!)

-Scientist, Engineer (Usefull for handling and joining complex development projects early and create science rp!)

-Scientist, Breeder, Chemist (Usefull for handling and joining complex development projects early and create science rp!)

-Breeder, Cheerleader (A support role, usefull to play as coaches, teachers etc!)

-Breeder, Farmer, Ranger (Usefull to control wild pokemon and host cool player events!)

If a player have more then 3 perks they won't be able to receive further perk loans. If your char ends up with 4 perks, at 100 rpp, means that you will only be able to learn your fith perk as everyone else at 4k RPP, notice that no "Power" giving perk is loanable.

Battle Guide

In this game we have a real time-turn battle. The pokémon moves have different ranges and styles, while each turn each pokemon in the battle can walk up a certain amount of tiles giving huge importance to tactics!

The battle system also support roleplays as the game shall wait you to finish writing your roleplays and get into some real emotional scenes, also allowing for the usage of extra tools to define the battle results, such as dice rolls and self status inflicts, also able to prompt perks and other datas!


Take your time learning the details of the moves your pokemon learned with wild pokemons! practice with friends and you will eventually get better at this!

Consider some moves styles:

Area attacks: Are special moves that affect a wide area, diagonals etc. Usually their range isn't too big but the positioning and control those moves have, also when dealing with multiple enemies is very powerfull!

Linear attacks: These are moves that will go through a straight line, based on a preset range, these moves usually can't be stopped by terrain and might hit multiple targets on the way!

Projectiles attacks: They usually have the best range, and some are able to pressure foes against obstacles like walls. However they can also be stopped by those obstacles!

Leaping attacks: These will also give you some extra movement, wonderfull for positioning and gives you some extra control over the battle! Leaps can be stopped by obstacles or not, depend on the move!

Supports and Status: Some Damage over Time can be extremely powerful in PWO, raising the tactics needs to play this, so be carefull with support moves and status changes!

In PWO huge battles can happen, including using all your six pokemon at the same time, ofc each pokemon will have their own turn and might end up getting slowier, but this doesnt stop on getting into some real amazing moments as the roleplay goes through!

Training Pokemon

Training pokemon in Pokemon Wisteria is rather unique compared to other games. As your main progression will happen as you get more Total Roleplay Points (By talking and getting into RP situations) as your journey builds up. Your exp gains will be extremelly quick and effortless to reach your RPP cap. However every trainer have another value called "Trainer Power" (See in your Trainer menu, Stats button)

Trainer Power increases based directly based on your trainers achievements, like if you become a super famous league competitor it should increase, or if you gather alot of pokemon knowledge, raises on Street Fame, have multiple Badges, or simply get rewarded through events or is playing important global characters such as a main villain etc.

But everyone starts out with 400 Trainer Power. (Be aware, the trainer power also define the limit of when a higher level pokemon will keep obbeying you!)

While you can easily get your pokemon up to your RPP value, the only way to train it up to your Trainer Power limit is to actually fighting against other trainers! (This goes up slowly as its meant to promote people to keep fighting as the game goes on)

As for literal training methods, we have the following:

Trainer battles (Player-versus-Player); This is by far the best method for gaining experience and is doubly awesome because you can get similar experience gains from simply watching others battle. It is important to note that the current state of the game requires that you "Refresh" your pokemon in order for them to receive exp from battling or watching a battle. What this means is that you need to call your pokemon out of their pokeballs prior to a battle in order for them to gain the exp. Also, the trigger for gaining exp from trainer battles is being near a pokemon when it has been fainted by an opponent and recalled to its trainer.

While training always beware of your pokemon health and safety, so its recomended to get into trainer battles on places with assisted healthcare! (A Nurse player nearby can act as referee and while performing first aids they can guarantee the battle safety near you) you can also get free healthcare at Official Battles inside the gyms (there are NPC nurses there)

Wild battles (Player-versus-npc pokemon); This is the next best method for gaining experience untill you cap to your rpp. You can always take your pokemon out in the wild and have them do battle with wild pokemon to gain a bit of exp per fainted pokemon. Additionally, you can have multiple pokemon out while fainting a wild pokemon and they will all be able to gain the exp similar to exp share in other games. The experience is only collected by the team of the player who fainted the pokemon. Players cannot gain exp from watching wild battles.

Additional information about trainer and wild battles is that pokemon can be injured upon fainting. Injuries are accumulated through the stacking of something called "Death Risk Percentage". You can see this number by checking your pokemon's stats once you have enough knowledge of the species, but the higher the number, the more at risk they are of...death. A lot of new players have lost their team members not knowing this number even exists. Try not to let your pokemon faint while training and heal them often at hospitals or pokecenters when they do. Nurses are able to prevent injuries by standing watch over trainer battles but they can't be everywhere at all times! So, be careful!

Gym Equipment; Workout equipment is located in various parts of the map and can be used to train yourself and your pokemon. As a player, you are unable to gain experience and levels but can increase your overall health, so it's recommended that new players spend some time in the gym and become as healthy as possible. Pokemon can also be directed to use the workout equipment and can slowly gain experience if you're not too keen on the other methods. Simarly, because I didn't want to make a seperate section for this...some pokemon can help players STUDY and gain knowledge... These same pokemon are able to gain some experience similar to using the Gym Equipment while doing so.

Rare Candy; And last, but certainly not least...the OG method of training pokemon is stuffing them full of sugar by feeding them Rare Candies. We all know what these are need to explain further. There are a few ways to find them within the game, but they are Rare. Keep in mind your pokemon will stop obbeying you if their level surpass your rpp+ Trainer Power!

What to read next?

Alot of articles in this wiki is player made and some are extremelly outdated, but you can still join our discord and ask questions and we all are very helpful!:

(2 edits)

First Looks

Red:Action Bar/Skills, you can close and open it by clicking the white areas, you can also replace the skills position by dragging and dropping with your mouse. the hotkeys for the actions in this bar are Z,X,C,V in the order of whats set there.Pink: Chat. You can resize the chat by dragging the gray line, some of the things that will appear in the chat is interactive and you can click to close, or use to learn new perks etc there. Also you can enlarge other character portraits by hovering with the mouse etc.Green: Pokemon Belt. Those are your active team, you can remove a pokemon from your belt by dragging a closed pokeball from the belt to your iventory! You can quickly sendout and return pokemons from your belt by using Shift + Number (sendout) or Control + Number (return)

M to open Menu (Green)In the Menu, clicking the top bar will switch to the other controls and menus that you will use as you play! You can also resize these windows by dragging the lower corner!I to open Inventory (Red) When you improve your bag you are able to switch to other pockets by clicking the bag icon! You can also resize these window by adjusting through the lower corners!

In the green area should appear information % you have about said pokemon. If the pokemon shows as a black shadow, means your character can't recognize that pokemon yet, but seen it!Yellow is where you can teach other people around you the informations you know about said pokemon! It may take some time!
Use the pink aera to navigate through the pokemons you know, scrolling with your middle mouse button will scroll through the pokemons you seen in a Pokedex # order!Pokémon you know about are shown in the pokémon knowledge tab, This define what your character know about pokemon, knowing more allows you to see more information about the pokemon stats, and also have other advantages as you play! You can learn more about pokemon by learning from other scientists as you investigate them!Clicking the pokemon portrait Icon will allow you to type and search for a Pokemon Knowledge to access quickl

In the Trainer Menu you will see your current fame (stars) and League Ranking (Beginner). Also here is where you will access most of your controls and able to see your stats in depth!Winning Official battles while you have been roleplaying will raise your stars, and if you fight in a Official Gym with full stars and win a battle your ranking will increase! this will increase your profits and fame while doing official battles! Stats: Show your trainer's stats, if you are controling a pokemon it will show said pokemon.RP Rating: Show your current rp rating aswell as the global average and other datas
Who: Show informations about the players online and extra world/setting info. Show: Used to prompt things from your character, like showing a perk you have etc.Custom: When you are applyable to, this will allow you to upload custom icons.
Build: When you are applyable to, this will allow you to build mapsSeason: Have summary and informations about the current wipeJournal: Here you can access your journal (where you can post reports about milestones moment of your characters)


You can see the list of controls anytime by clicking this button on your screen!

I just created, what now?! (Basics Progression and first steps)

Most importantly you have to understand this game isnt a generic MMORPG, we have mechanics to promote mostly The Roleplay. with heavy online player to player interactions (Dont be scared, you will enjoy the experience!)

As you talk with other players, walk around, discover and see different things and go through adventures, your character will be receiving Roleplay Points. they are the main thing that will measure your progression across the story, will define how strong your char will be and things he can achieve, learn etc. You can see your RPP in the RP Ratings button in your trainer menu:

There is a catch up mechanic that helps people under the average to gain faster, allowing new players to be able to keep up with the story as they play, however Power gaps is still a thing, might be easy to reach a casual average but the best players will be near the top #1, and all those datas are public/free to check. The Roleplay Points are tied to how many exp your pokemon can easily get, 100 = 1 level up. So someone with 206 rpp can level up their pokemon easily to lv 3 and 6% to the next level.

RPP will also help to organize other things like events requeriments, and when your human will be able to learn more Perk

To start your adventure you need to get a job and a first pokemon! so there are two main ways to do it: Start the journey yourself, or roleplay with a real Professor/assistent/master player that is able to teach you and give you a special starter (Those depend on each player, as they raise and take care of their own starter pools in their farm, a player's starter can be anything!)

If you want to start yourself, the most basic thing you need first, is a job, to atleast buy pokeballs so lets keep going!

Studying and getting the first Perk!

The first perk is needed to get your first job, and to get it you need atleast 50 roleplay points (You will need to play a few minutes to get this, it doesn't take long trust!)

Once you have 50 RPP, go to the nearest school, press SPACE to interact with the books and simply wait for the bar to go up, in your chat the informations about the perks you can learn will start to appear, stop studying and take your time to read about them and decide wich of the starting perk you want:

Breeder (this is a line that mostly take care of pokemon, also great to hatch eggs and raise friendly relatiosnhip)

Trainer (This is a line that obviously trains pokemon, allowing you to decide wich moves your pokemon will forget upon learning new ones etc, also great to hatch eggs and raise friendly relationship)

Scientist (This line is focused on studying and observing pokemon and their behaviors, they can discover and catalogize new species of pokemon and then teach to others or sell their discoveries to schools, professors etc. Advanced science can go toward more complex areas, but they at start might need incubators for hatching pokemon eggs!)

Criminals (This is the cruelty line, the first tier is able to hurt pokemons and extract items from them, eventually killing and endangering species when doing too much, overall this is cruel and can get you in troubles if you are caught! More advanced criminal perks allow more complex crimes, such as stealing other players pokemon etc! this one might need incubators to hatch eggs!)

Once you decided press "LEARN" button in the window in your chat, and now you can go foward to trying to find a job!

PS: Studying a little bit more might allow your char to learn pokemon information that other professor players wrote in this school, and also will get you to unlock skills from the perk you just obtained!

Each character can end up having 6 perks. And they will be learned through your entire journey, the first perk is easy to get but the next ones might take a while! (first at 50 rpp, second at 1k, third at 2k and so on)

Jobs Money and Starter Pokemon

You can find work and jobs nearly everywhere. Sprawled throughout the map are various "Territories" that house jobs. Examples of such facilities are as follows; Pokemon Mart, Pokemon Center, Gym, Lab, etc. You can sign up for a job by speaking to the associated NPC within one of these facilities. Once, you've obtained said job, you can get to work by interacting with the appropriate equipment within the facility. When you begin work, a bar will appear next to your character to showcase the progress of the job you're doing. When the bar fills, that will count as one completed task. Some jobs only require you to fill the bar once while others require more. (The more bars you fill, the more money you can earn.) Once the job is completed, you can turn in your results to the same NPC you got the job from in exchange for your DAILY pay. (Pay is daily based on IN GAME DAYS).

Additionally, if you're just starting your journey, a job can randomly give you a starter pokemon/egg as a reward for the work you do. Different facilities will hand out different starters at random.

Your base salary begins as .5 which means the minimum you can make within a day will be 250 pokedollars, but after your first day of work the base pay increases to 1. (minimum equals 500 pokedollars). Your salary stays the same until you earn a raise by roleplaying and interacting with a Group Head players. Look for your superiors and work well if you want to make more coin!

In order to switch jobs, you need to dismiss the job you have by navigating to the knowledge tab (Click Work to see extra job related commands) and doing so. Once you've dismissed your job, you're free to pick up a new one from a new facility. WARNING!! If you switch jobs, your base pay RESETS back to be sure a job change is in your best interest.

Hint: Some pokemon can further assist the player in doing their job which speeds up the work bar progress by a lot depending on your knowledge of the pokemon species assisting you. (The more knowledge, the more they can help.)

Your work controls can be accessed at your Knowledge tab, this is where you will also access projects and dismiss jobs


Joining Projects means you will be organizing player events toward a specific goal the leading figures of the territory you work on have started, by doing so your salary will also increase. (You can join and manipulate projects by clicking Work in your knowledge tab)

Read more about Projects and how they work in this guide

But this is mostly where player actions, events and roleplays will shape the world introducing new mechanics or literaly changing the map etc!

Criminal Market

The criminal market, also known as the Black Market, is an underground economy that sells illegal goods. This is an exclusive means of making money for criminal type players and incentivizes criminal activity during a wipe. Criminals learn a skill called extract that allows them to harm pokemon and obtain objects from them, injuring and even killing them, potentially permanently affecting the wild habitats. These items are often rare and can't be found in other ways, but can then be sold between players looking for said items or on the aforementioned Black Market for pokedollars. Initially, the Criminal Market is only accessible through Head Criminal players interacting with a computer. This is risky business but can be well worth it for the criminals out there! Good luck!

(1 edit)

This guides will explain how the world is organized, mostly in areas that goes beyond the basic mechanics of battles, captures etc, and actually is strongly tied to the roleplay and story progression of each wipe, so they are very important elements to understand in the game once you are aware of the basics, and stragenly they were very badly documentated and there are very few guides about them! So time to get this written before the next wipe starts!

Join me and feel free to ask questions , and I will update anything I miss here!

- Groups

Before we move to the other topics its important that you understand what "groups" are. (No they arent just gangs)

In short, they are economical political or any social group that controls or are very influential in the world/region.

In a semi-capitalist world like wisteria, not everything is ruled just by money and trades, as pokemon and battles are very important source of power and manipulations, its impotant to understand that, unlike the real world, economy alone isnt a main factor here.

Groups are In-Lore HUGE, and to understand it its important that you are aware that in a city there are way more people living in the world building/story then just the active players we see, look at the players we encounters as just the "relevant story characters" in that moment, but, there are IC theorical people working at the streets, buying groceries, and doing what ppl do, they are just "Irrelevant" to the story.

So for example, population of Viridian isnt 8 people, there are probably thousands of people living in the city etc etc.

Same logic applies to groups, they control the region, not just a single specific business (nor a business at all, as I explained).

New groups can be created, canonic groups can be destroyed, but for this to happen influence in the game wolrd gotta be built or destroyed.

Now that you are aware of what they are, its easier to understand how they actually work:

The groups have multiple "members" with varying power and influence, but some people are "part" of a group without being aware of it.

For example, a trainer that received a pokemon and is training their pokemon under the league's guidelines and battle rules, are "part" of the league and branches its powers.

But some specific characters have huge decision power within the interests and actions of said groups, most times but not always they are ranked characters.

(We call those characters with direct power in the group as group members, but thats a bad name) What define if said player have commands and decision powers in a group are specific knowledges. Meanwhile a leading figure can decide/control who get those specific powers, in the end, business.

Those groups are also very usefull to control and organize the power route on the region, helping admins to guideline and head events accordingly.

You can see the % cuts of the region each group controls.

Those values can be adjusted by the admins to fit and mirror the ongoing story and it can also affect the group ability to actually change the game's world!

The canonic starting groups of the Beta region are: (Kanto and Johto initial settings are different)


 A Political group, the oldest and most powerfull group that keeps the things in the region running.

  Relevant Members: Governor, Council, Police 


An Economical Branch, this group used to pair with the Govern on powers on the older days. However the new changes brought by league been damaging this one the most!

  Relevant Members: Executives, Rocket Member


The newest between the groups, the growth of the league is the key point of Wisteria's story! the new ideas of how pokemon and humans could co-live are changing the world!

  Relevant Members: League Heads, League Access

- Influence


Influence value floats by ADMIN DECISION based on the STORY RELEVANCY of events, actions, etc.

Huge cut of influence can be removed from every groups or added to a group depending on how the story goes, this is the MAIN point of the influence as a currency, to be a "IC" power value, beyond money alone.

Yeah, okay, now that is said, influence is a value that measure how influential a group is in the region, what -really matters- for us (admins) is the % cut a group holds in a region. see that red area there? when a group have that much influence in the region they are ICly powerfull enough to be the rulers of the region.

Influences raises naturally as players do normal interaction with their works and with the game (this is very slow and not the main method to shift influences. The main method is through admin's intervention to fit ongoing events!).

Since what really matters in the end is the % share each group holds, the second most important and relevant method to get influence to your group is by doing business share with other groups.

Okay INFLUENCE ISNT A IC CURRENCY, even while you are able to "trade" and use them on exchange, you must make sense for these influence business between groups.

For example: League is out of influence and the heads ask for help from the govern with advertisements of their ideals to help promote more people. in exchange the league heads can give something specific for the govern that they want etc. 

The govern make events etc advertising the league and then, mechanically transfer the influence share to the league as the "advertisements" results etc.

League % group controling the region raises, etc.

These are very usefull RP tools for admins to keep track on how the world control is going, for example:

League is trying to finantial gather expeditions in a forest to discover ancient ruins that might contain a legendary pokemon, admin can see that league is "irrelevant" with influence in the region, so they can give the league guys an initial goal to gather atleast 20% influence in the region to be able to build such expeditions!

Meaning they would have to either plan on ways to gather said IC power, or trade/exchange with stronger ongoing groups etc. OR: they could be villainous and destroy a main building or kill an important member of another group, asking admins to as result adjust a reduction on that bigger group's influence, and that would increase the league % itself without increasing their own etc. etc.

These are very usefull and powerfull tools! (when used!)

Influence is the main fuel for groups and the control over the region, and in some logical way they all come from the group's controls over territories. (Ofc, they are more fluid then that, but no group can upkeep influence without atleast one territory, you will understand)

One last thing to mention about influence:

Its possible to convert things into influence upon admin judgement, like investing ic money into a political campaign, or the destruction of a invented prototype item from a enemy lab. AKA: items and pokemon and even people killed can be converted or turned into influence modifications (But have to be admin judged, as it have to fit the story)

- Territories

Basically they are relevant social/economic structures in the game world, that can be used as influence gatherers or even meeting place for groups to execute their power or interests.

They are by default tied to NPCs, and most of the times tied to jobs. Territories are always controled by a group, if a territory is big enough to not be controled by a group, they probably are a group. If they are small enough to not be controled by a group, means they aren't a territory. (Hope this made sense)

Initial canonical territories in the Beta regions are:

-Wisteria Lab (League)

-Wisteria Farm (League)

-Wisteria Market (Govern)

-Wisteria Poke Center (Govern)

-Wisteria Gym (League)

-Kanto Port (Govern)

-Street Crime (Rocket)

-Indigo Plateau (League)

-Factory (Rocket)

-Mine (Rocket)

-Hospital (Govern)

-Power Plant (Govern)

-Cemetery (Govern)

-Governors Mansion (Govern)

-Police Station (Govern)

-Dojo (Govern)

As you can see, while we commonly think of territory just as buildings, they are not. In Beta map for example, the farms and the plateau are in the same building as the lab, yet they are three different territories.

Same thing goes for Street Crime, that doesnt have a physical location for example.

New territories can be made at runtime to fit the ongoing story, and the control over a territory can shift from group to group with exchanges and business or admin intervention after events etc.

- Projects

Okay time for the last and most important part of this guide!

Projects are tools to allow normal players to be EVENT MASTERS, helping them organize, schedule, report and distribute rewards of events in order to unlock multiple dynamic and amazing parts of the games and ofc, simple or complex rewards.

They are organized inside territories, and workers of that territory can join as members of said projects. Projects are started by members of groups, as they require investments and a specific leading figure to start.

Projects rewards and impact arent limited to just their MEMBERS, you should look at the project members more like the ones helping to organize events toward that specific goal, in that specific area/territory of the game.

Projects have their own FEED, wich is a ingame page for posting topics (can include videos and screenshots) that can also have comments etc.

Those feed/posts in projects aren't IC. they are like placeholders where the members report the events they organized, screenshots and summary of the events to keep the other members and admins updated about the story and event progressions, involved players etc.

Admins can also comment on posts and help the members to understand what more kind of events or things they should do in order to unlock the rewards, also give likes etc on each specific posts.

Projects are started through the Economy Menu, by a Group Member after clicking your group you can scroll (Middle mouse while hovering the button) through the commands and use "Start Project" to start one, the base cost for starting a project is 5,000Y

The Projects feed have a Item Box icon near the top, clicking there its possible to "Invest" items and pokemons and influence in one specific project.

Everything together in these feed are used as a great way to organize the effort put into these events by the members to the admin team, that can then easily judge and set those projects as complete.

Once complete, every member of the project will receive the reward specified reward, incase of custom the admin would handle the rewards.

The Project Members, as players event masters can then use what they got from the completion of the project to reward involved players in the event they created!

(Ignore the text just look at the layout, the Pokedex Project works kinda differently, we will talk about it later)
Okay now that we understood what projects are, and most importantly that THEY ARE TOOLS for PLAYERS to be able to make EVENTS, we can move ahead on our guide!

Lets talk about what we call "Auto Projects"

Those are preset definition of projects on specific territory, made to give playerbase some directional of things they can go for with organizing events, and also incase the admins are too busy to check/approve manually the projects they can also be completed just by fulfilling a preset  amount of investments/items (usually very high to prevent people to complete them without actually making events thrivially etc)

Even if you complete an auto project without admin manual completion, just by obtaining the investment items, its MANDATORY that the project must have had events etc created, the whole point of projects is for players to make events and distribute the rewards etc, so, an admin will still go around reviewing those projects when they have free time and if they find a project with very bad amount of events/reports every member can be punished!

This means: THE FOCUS IS THE EVENT RP. and, yeah, auto projects don't require necessarily all the items invested in it to be completed, those items are like I said before just directional for people to have goals etc. In the end, when the events are made, reported and the project is good to go for analysis/approval, call an admin to check it and they will complete it or just comment with tips or ideas etc.

Here goes a list of default initial preset Auto Projects and their expected territories!


-Invent Greatball

-Invent Ultraball

-Invent Luxuryball

-Invent Masterball

-Invent Pokedex (the technology chip)


-Invent TMs

-Craft ForgetEa


-Invent Potion

-Discover Tracking


-Invent SuperPotion

-Invent HyperPotion

-Invent MaxPotion

-Invent Antidote

-Invent IceHeal

-Invent BurnHeal

-Invent Awakening

-Invent ParalyzeHeal


-Invent Repel

-Invent SuperRepel

-Invent MaxRepel


-Invent Ration (cooks)

-Invent TypeRation

-Invent Poffins

-Discover Gathering

-Behavior Specialist


-Discover Samurai

-Discover Martial Arts

-Discover Tracking

Custom Projects can be created with any objective, of course you should consider creating them on a territory that makes sense and fit!

Also keep in mind those projects also requires the group members to start them! And the groups will want members with different perk builds because the creator's build matters when creating a project too!

Here goes the reason I also explained the Groups, Influences and Territories in this guide. 

Remember a group can have multiple different people controling different areas and territories of the region? thats where they play out the most, higher tier members of a group can make other members, letting them create projects and take care of specific territories, giving also them power over the events going on the region!

While at the same time working through the objective of said groups!

PS: You dont need to be a Project Member to help and get rewarded on a specific project's goal, the Project Members are like the Event Masters organizing the show! you can be extremelly helpfull for development of different areas and different projects by attending and roleplaying at player made events!

- Becoming a Project's Member:

You are ready now to join some project and start creating and organizing events! its pretty simple and you can join and manage projects through your "Work" knowledge, in the knowledge tab. (Click it and hten press Use)

To be a project member you must be a worker of said territory, you aren't limited to a single project at a time, but its assumed that as an event master on that subject you atleast work there, then each specific project have their own requeriments list to be able to join as a member, as we must have specialized characters heading the roleplay in specific directions etc.

Keep in mind that you dont need to be a project member to help a project, so theres no point on changing jobs just for helping another ongoing project. You help them by joining their events etc. and engaging with the story! focus on designing and planning events for your owns! But incase you really want to become a member on another territory, consider the price costs of the job changes and try to negotiate it with the group members of interested in the project you are going to! alot of group members are able to raise salary and are also pretty rich so they might have some good offer!

- Pokedex (The database) Project

This one is different, and will have a proper guide explaining later! (come back later for the edited text)

Hey this short guide will explain the base lore setting of the game, mainly the difference between the main regions, keep these informations here in mind when creating your character so you can fit with the ongoing story properly!

In Wisteria we roleplay in a fictional reality, 30 years before the Red's adventure when the Pokemon League was giving its first steps and Oak was just an aspiring young assistent. As soon as the league grew in power and relevancy in Kanto they started exporting their ideals and investing and building gyms in the neightboor region, starting off in the city of Olivine, however they should face a cultural clash in this expansion attempt!

The social-economic situation of Kanto made itself a fertile ground for the League's growth, but this shouldn't be the same in Johto!

(Kanto in the previous century had a democratic govern with a very economy based set up, with Rocket Corporation heading the production and distribution of items, Zilph heading researches and invention of technology and the Govern with social-safety issues, however these three giants constantly bite eachother with conflicts that resulted in social crisis and delay on developments, those crisis made people receive well the ideals of the league that would change the world forever)

Johto's recent past is different, the whole region is organized with millenial traditions, the people culturaly values arts and is ruled by the Ecruteak Dojo, with a way more centralized power, the Dojo organizes the social-safety aspects of the society, schools and traditions taughts, and also the distribution and production of goods. However Johto doesn't receive alot of investments into discovering new technologies and this is where the league saw their opening, investing in Olivine they bought first a lighthouse and converted it into a laboratory, that also works as a tower for PokePhones to work in the region.

Before the arrival of the league, you might be wondering how the society of Johto dealed with pokemon? This is exactly where I wanna get: Pokemons were seen as divine beings even when tied to social roles (when used as work forces) however to the generic Johtoian it isn't expected to own their own pokemon unless they have relevant social roles in their town or are simply defined worthy by the traditions.

Also one noticeable cultural shock in Johto is the fact that the traditions incentive and hosts Pokemon Sacrifices (Extract and removal of items) through the region, and the body pieces (resulting items) are usually given to the Ecruteak Dojo after peregrinations through the region (This is paid back with money). This tradition is also the way Johto manages to handle resources and factory production to multiple uses including militar (Samurai tools) (The method of the Sacrifice is up to the roleplayer to do, you guys can make rituals events etc, as there are multiple different tradition across the region, but its known that they take the bodyparts to the dojo (and sell them to the dojo master))

League/Kantonian in general are averse to Pokemon murderers and this should be a conflictual point (Extract and removal of items)

(This isnt a black/white moral kind of thing, Johtonian were taught through milleniums that those sacrifices helps to keep the order and keep the gods calm, while we outsiders can easily see this is some sort of $$ to the Dojo)

Now lets go back to the recent days in Johto (30 years before red's adventure): The league managed through the years to grow in influence and relevancy thanks to the adventun of PokePhone and the LightHouse Lab and in the last years finished building the gyms in Olivine, Goldenrod, Mahoganny and Blackthorn cities. (spreading the ideas of pokemon training as a sport) Once the gyms were stablished and pokemon training (as sport) was introduced in the society as an idea, thats where the league moved on their next step (this actually happens in close paralel in Kanto) wich is: distributing pokemon partners to the society and also distribute them on huge packages to local stores and places with workers/gifts, making having a pokemon something way more common.

These movements wasn't ignored by the Dojo. When the league was building the gyms and spreading the pokemon sports, they converted one of the ecruteak building into a gym themselves to prevent the league to raise influence in their own town. (Ecruteak Gym is controled by Dojo not the league) since they also used to raise and distribute pokemon the Dojo master is also hosting their own give-away classes to cityzens and taking the chance to teach their traditions and avoid further poisoning from the foreigners.

This is the moment in the story where having a pokemon becomes more common, and where our gameplay starts.

Now you have the setting knowledge enough to start thinking on how to design your character be him/her a native Johtonian or a Kantonian, feel free to ask questions in our discord!

nice colors! I love it!

Im getting an error to finish the paypal transition in this asset :/

Hello guys, I am releasing Azusa's v.1.0.0 beta this week, meanwhile the game is free to test untill it is good and bugfree enought to start being sold. The game runs in a universe inspired by classic animes like Saint Seiya (knight of zodiac) in a medieval world where Gods tries to define the fate of earth, some brave humans are picked to protect (or maybe not) earth wearing magical armors coming from olympo that grants them super powers; these are called Guardians and they been fighting for and against Gods since mythological eras;
In order to become a Guardian a human must go through some rigorous training and tests, find and compete in elemental arenas spread around the world; 
But as a roleplaying focused game, keep in mind the gameplay isn't limited to its basic lore, as you can basically be and do anything; everything your character says and manage to achieve will indeed change the flow of the world's story!


As you create your character, he may start as a 10, 13 or 20 years old, and as the time goes by he will grow older and someday will die of oldage (or through violence, hard to tell) and once your character dies of old age you can play through his next generation with a certain advantages, this way as the time goes on you will see how your previous characters affected widely the world as cities may raise or fall under his actions! each real life day is 2 years in game;

Classes and Trainings:

In Azusa, there are 3 main classes that will define your gameplay style, and each class were designed in a way they will need eachother; civilians are the ones who can craft and build most of the things in game, such as being barber, tailor, from builders, blacksmith, medics etc; and they are insanelly important as they provide everything people need; the masters are capable of increasing someone's gains by training with them, and masters can develop fighting styles that can boost people's combo, critical and counter rates; and fighters gets extra status gains and ends up getting stronger easily, being really helpfull when theres a need of someone strong to save the world!

Tired of the same repetitive gameplay and experience in RPGs? well, me too, Azusa have over 16 diffrent training methods to be discovered and learned as you play, beside the starting basics of "fighting animals" or training through punching bags, collecting resources etc; the training methods are organized in 4 cathegories, Meditate, Physical Training, Cosmo Charging and Suffering; each category have its own set of diffrent training method and you can raise your mastery in each of these cathegory that will be helpfull while training every methods within it; Don't worry! as I said this is a roleplay focused game, roleplaying is also a great (if not the best) method to progride in the game, as you interact with other players and develop your character's story, you are rewarded with roleplaying points (RPPs) and those can be used to get almost everythign in game!


Azusa's battle systems helps the players to have the best fair and exciting roleplaying experience toward combats, also relies in a players strategy as to how to use their own super powers; the game is constantly updating and adding new armors (guardians) and each with its unique skills and playstyle; a mix of  turn-strategy + real time battle can give Azusa a real fast battle experience similar to Dragonball battles and at the same time some battles filled with feelings and stories as the battles of the classic series within the game was inspired; Saint Seiya:

Final Notes and Gameplay

The game have alot of other systems and features to explain, we could be writing/reading this all day, but I will let some to be explored in game, but I promice you will have one of your best roleplaying experience in this game made for you; if possible give us your feedback as we are always trying to improve the game;

Join us through the page:

Hey, I can't become a patreon cuz of credit cards and stuffs, but I usually buy all your packs here, and I really wanted to buy this one; can you also put this pack to sale here?