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A member registered Nov 30, 2017 · View creator page →

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And here is my tree ! 

Thank you ! It's true that it misses a real complete level, time got me !

imagine the reaction of my family when I recorded the scene 😉


glad it has it little effect ! I imagined what effect it can have if someone launch it at work 😂.... 

thank you !

I wanted to play more with light but I lack experience in lighting for games especially for Webgl builds where my lights are not behaving the same way as in the editor.

thank you !

That was great !

Good story !

Good job !

I liked the atmosphere ! Great idea.

That was fun.

The text is going too fast for me to read ^^

(1 edit)

Update 1 is live. New automatic wall placement, Keys configuration, refund of half the price and a Quick menu are the novelties.

I loved it a lot. Giving the feeling of a polished and finalized game. And it was easy to understand. I just used the glue once and every levels with squeletons were acheived without any trap needed. Good job!

Love it !

Too bad i didn't have VR hardware. Easy to play and understand. I love the art style!

Tried with my wife. we played for 1 hour.

A first update will be available next week with automatic wall placement, the refund and the place wall button. 

We're working to add traps and improve the graphics.

Stay tuned for more information !

I love what you are saying. Consider it done because I've started an automatic wall placement and slowdrone started to make our treasure chest.

Refunding of half is something possible. My implementation of gold needs to be improved to allow that (for now, it's your selection that's carrying the gold you'll use)

For the wave start button. I've not thinked of it. As you'll be bocked if you have 0 gold it can allow you to take your time to build the dungeon without making the game too easy(once balanced I mean).

I add this to our road map.

Thank you for your interest!

Hi! I had a lot of fun doing the voices! Thank you for your comment. I'll balance a little the game and add some traps ^^

Hi! Thank you for your comment! A isn't working because I'm an AZERTY dev.... And I didn't take the time to make it switchable. Definitely in the next update.

Fun Game ! +1 for the need of an aim assist.

It's a good idea !

Thank you for your review!

The koala is @polygonalmind idea and yes it's awesome!

hi maxio601,

In fact, as this game is powered by your music you have to open a .mp3 file from your pc with the file browser and then click the mug with drink me written on it (it turns green when a mp3 is selected).

I'll add right now a little explaination on the description page of the game.

Hi  !  

Do you have a team now?

If you don't. I'm in need of a 3d artist for the Jam. Let's discuss about our ideas and see if we can do this jam together. 

Ps: I'll mostly do the programming part.